The default behaviour is now to strip the prefixes (global and
route-specific) by default. E.g.
prefix: /api
customers: /customers/**
Will forward /api/customers/101 to /101 on the customers service
See gh-43
Handle InstanceRegisteredEvent and RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent in ZuulHandlerMapping rather than ProxyRouteLocator.
Move /routes endpoint out of ZuulHandlerMapping into RoutesEndpoint (because of a problem when I added @RefreshScope to ZuulHandlerMapping)
We now support prefix stripping per service, e.g.
path: /customers/**
stripPrefix: true
Will route /customers/101 -> /101 (on the customers service)
See gh-77
User can now specify zuul.routes.*.{path,url,serviceId} (with
"url" and "serviceId" mutually exclusive (and "location" is a
synonym) separately, or can use a one-one short form, like the
old style.
See gh-77
Bean instantiation ordering was causing external (user-supplied)
filter beans to replace the defaults, not append to them. Separating
out the autowired map of beans into a spearate class was enough to
fix it.
Fixes gh-78
Also adds support for context paths in physical URL mappings, e.g.
will result in a proxy forward of /stores/foo to
Fixes gh-73
This allows mappings to be at the root and not have to be prefixed. It also allows mappings to fall through to other handler mappings. Patterns are now Ant-style via AntPathMatcher.
fixes gh-72
If the prefix is set we also set configPath=<prefix> in the
instance metadata, so config clients can pick it up and add it
to the home page URL.
Fixes gh-64, fixes gh-65
Added LoadBalancerClient.reconstructURI to take an URI with the service as hostname and inject a real host and port.
Added tests for RibbonInterceptor and RibbonLoadBalancerClient.
fixes gh-37
The problem manifests itself as errors in the Eureka server
log (gh-47), but originates in the client because it is sending
requests to /eureka/apps/{NAME}/{ID} with the wrong ID. The
InstanceInfo has an ID that is derived (for preference) from
the EurekaInstanceConfig.dataCenterInfo, so that's the best
way to fix it.
See gh-63, Fixes gh-47