Support for using OpenFeign in Spring Cloud apps
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

11 lines
381 B

require 'asciidoctor'
require 'erb'
options = {:mkdirs => true, :safe => :unsafe, :attributes => 'linkcss'}
guard 'shell' do
watch(/^[A-Za-z].*\.adoc$/) {|m|
Asciidoctor.render_file('src/main/adoc/README.adoc', options.merge(:to_file => './'))
Asciidoctor.render_file('src/main/adoc/spring-cloud-netflix.adoc', options.merge(:to_dir => 'target/docs'))