Spring Framework
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import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.ProjectDependency
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url 'http://repo.springsource.org/plugins-release' }
dependencies {
classpath 'org.springframework.build.gradle:docbook-reference-plugin:0.2.2'
configure(allprojects) {
ext.aspectjVersion = '1.6.12'
ext.easymockVersion = '2.5.2'
ext.hsqldbVersion = ''
ext.junitVersion = '4.11'
ext.slf4jVersion = '1.6.1'
ext.gradleScriptDir = "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle"
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/ide.gradle"
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
group = 'org.springframework'
[compileJava, compileTestJava]*.options*.compilerArgs = ['-Xlint:none']
sourceSets.test.resources.srcDirs = ['src/test/resources', 'src/test/java']
test.systemProperty("java.awt.headless", "true")
repositories {
maven { url "http://repo.springsource.org/libs-release" }
maven { url "http://repo.springsource.org/ebr-maven-external" }
dependencies {
testCompile "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:1.3"
testCompile "org.easymock:easymock:${easymockVersion}"
Upgrade to JUnit 4.11 snapshot in support of JDK7 Class#getDeclaredMembers returns arbitrary results under JDK7. This results in non-deterministic execution of JUnit test methods, often revealing unintended dependencies between methods that rely on a specific order to succeed. JUnit 4.11 contains support for predictable test ordering [1], but at the time of this commit, JUnit 4.11 has not yet been released. Therefore we are testing against a snapshot version [2], which has been uploaded to repo.springsource.org [3] for easy access. Note that this artifact may be removed when JUnit 4.11 goes GA. - Care has been taken to ensure that spring-test's compile-time dependency on JUnit remains at 4.10. This means that the spring-test pom.xml will continue to have an optional <dependency> on JUnit 4.10, instead of the 4.11 snapshot. - For reasons not fully understood, the upgrade to the 4.11 snapshot of junit-dep caused NoSuchMethodErrors around certain Hamcrest types, particularly CoreMatchers and Matchers. import statements have been updated accordingly throughout affected test cases. - Runtime errors also occurred around uses of JUnit @Rule and ExpectedException. These have been reverted to use simpler mechanisms like @Test(expected) in the meantime. - Some test methods with order-based dependencies on one another have been renamed in order to fall in line with JUnit 4.11's new method ordering (as opposed to actually fixing the inter-test dependencies). In other areas, the fix was as simple as adding a tearDown method and cleaning up state. - For no apparent reason, the timeout in AspectJAutoProxyCreatorTests' testAspectsAndAdvisorNotAppliedToPrototypeIsFastEnough method begins to be exceeded. Prior to this commit the timeout value was 3000 ms; on the CI server under Linux/JDK6 and JDK7, the test begins taking anywhere from 3500-5500 ms with this commit. It is presumed that this is an incidental artifact of the upgrade to JUnit 4.11. In any case, there are no changes to src/main in this commit, so this should not actually represent a performance risk for Spring Framework users. The timeout has been increased to 6000 ms to accommodate this situation. [1]: https://github.com/KentBeck/junit/pull/293 [2]: https://github.com/downloads/KentBeck/junit/junit-dep-4.11-SNAPSHOT-20120805-1225.jar [3]: https://repo.springsource.org/simple/ext-release-local/junit/junit-dep/4.11.20120805.1225 Issue: SPR-9783
12 years ago
configure(subprojects - project(":spring-test")) {
dependencies {
testCompile ("junit:junit:${junitVersion}") {
// We already have hamcrest-all as a global testCompile dependency.
Upgrade to JUnit 4.11 snapshot in support of JDK7 Class#getDeclaredMembers returns arbitrary results under JDK7. This results in non-deterministic execution of JUnit test methods, often revealing unintended dependencies between methods that rely on a specific order to succeed. JUnit 4.11 contains support for predictable test ordering [1], but at the time of this commit, JUnit 4.11 has not yet been released. Therefore we are testing against a snapshot version [2], which has been uploaded to repo.springsource.org [3] for easy access. Note that this artifact may be removed when JUnit 4.11 goes GA. - Care has been taken to ensure that spring-test's compile-time dependency on JUnit remains at 4.10. This means that the spring-test pom.xml will continue to have an optional <dependency> on JUnit 4.10, instead of the 4.11 snapshot. - For reasons not fully understood, the upgrade to the 4.11 snapshot of junit-dep caused NoSuchMethodErrors around certain Hamcrest types, particularly CoreMatchers and Matchers. import statements have been updated accordingly throughout affected test cases. - Runtime errors also occurred around uses of JUnit @Rule and ExpectedException. These have been reverted to use simpler mechanisms like @Test(expected) in the meantime. - Some test methods with order-based dependencies on one another have been renamed in order to fall in line with JUnit 4.11's new method ordering (as opposed to actually fixing the inter-test dependencies). In other areas, the fix was as simple as adding a tearDown method and cleaning up state. - For no apparent reason, the timeout in AspectJAutoProxyCreatorTests' testAspectsAndAdvisorNotAppliedToPrototypeIsFastEnough method begins to be exceeded. Prior to this commit the timeout value was 3000 ms; on the CI server under Linux/JDK6 and JDK7, the test begins taking anywhere from 3500-5500 ms with this commit. It is presumed that this is an incidental artifact of the upgrade to JUnit 4.11. In any case, there are no changes to src/main in this commit, so this should not actually represent a performance risk for Spring Framework users. The timeout has been increased to 6000 ms to accommodate this situation. [1]: https://github.com/KentBeck/junit/pull/293 [2]: https://github.com/downloads/KentBeck/junit/junit-dep-4.11-SNAPSHOT-20120805-1225.jar [3]: https://repo.springsource.org/simple/ext-release-local/junit/junit-dep/4.11.20120805.1225 Issue: SPR-9783
12 years ago
exclude group: 'org.hamcrest', module: 'hamcrest-core'
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
configure(subprojects) { subproject ->
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/publish-maven.gradle"
jar {
manifest.attributes['Created-By'] =
"${System.getProperty('java.version')} (${System.getProperty('java.specification.vendor')})"
manifest.attributes['Implementation-Title'] = subproject.name
manifest.attributes['Implementation-Version'] = subproject.version
from("${rootProject.projectDir}/src/dist") {
include "license.txt"
include "notice.txt"
into "META-INF"
expand(copyright: new Date().format('yyyy'), version: project.version)
javadoc {
options.memberLevel = org.gradle.external.javadoc.JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED
options.author = true
options.header = project.name
//options.overview = "${projectDir}/src/main/java/overview.html"
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs
include '**/*.java', '**/*.aj'
task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar
archives javadocJar
project('spring-core') {
description = 'Spring Core'
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
// As of Spring 3.2 spring-core repackages both asm 4.0 and cglib 3.0 and inlines both
// into the spring-core jar. cglib 3.0 itself depends on asm 4.0, and is therefore
// further transformed by the JarJar task to depend on org.springframework.asm; this
// avoids including two different copies of asm unnecessarily. If however future cglib
// versions drift from the version of asm used by Spring internally, this duplication
// will become necessary.
def asmVersion = '4.0'
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
def cglibVersion = '3.0'
configurations {
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
task asmRepackJar(type: Jar) { repackJar ->
repackJar.baseName = "spring-asm-repack"
repackJar.version = asmVersion
doLast() {
project.ant {
taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask",
classpath: configurations.jarjar.asPath
jarjar(destfile: repackJar.archivePath) {
configurations.asm.each { originalJar ->
zipfileset(src: originalJar)
rule(pattern: 'org.objectweb.asm.**', result: 'org.springframework.asm.@1')
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
task cglibRepackJar(type: Jar) { repackJar ->
repackJar.baseName = "spring-cglib-repack"
repackJar.version = cglibVersion
doLast() {
project.ant {
taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask",
classpath: configurations.jarjar.asPath
jarjar(destfile: repackJar.archivePath) {
configurations.cglib.each { originalJar ->
zipfileset(src: originalJar)
// repackage net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib
rule(pattern: 'net.sf.cglib.**', result: 'org.springframework.cglib.@1')
// as mentioned above, transform cglib's internal asm dependencies from
// org.objectweb.asm => org.springframework.asm. Doing this counts on the
// the fact that Spring and cglib depend on the same version of asm!
rule(pattern: 'org.objectweb.asm.**', result: 'org.springframework.asm.@1')
dependencies {
asm "org.ow2.asm:asm:${asmVersion}@jar", "org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:${asmVersion}@jar"
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
cglib "cglib:cglib:${cglibVersion}@jar"
jarjar 'com.googlecode.jarjar:jarjar:1.3'
compile files(asmRepackJar)
compile "commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.1"
compile("org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:${aspectjVersion}", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:3.0") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.apache.ant', module: 'ant'
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("log4j:log4j:1.2.15") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'javax.mail', module: 'mail'
exclude group: 'javax.jms', module: 'jms'
exclude group: 'com.sun.jdmk', module: 'jmxtools'
exclude group: 'com.sun.jmx', module: 'jmxri'
testCompile "xmlunit:xmlunit:1.2"
testCompile "org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:3.2.7"
jar {
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
// inline all repackaged asm and cglib classes directly into the spring-core jar
dependsOn asmRepackJar
from(zipTree(asmRepackJar.archivePath)) {
include 'org/springframework/asm/**'
dependsOn cglibRepackJar
from(zipTree(cglibRepackJar.archivePath)) {
include 'org/springframework/cglib/**'
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
project('spring-beans') {
description = 'Spring Beans'
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-core")
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
compile files(project(":spring-core").cglibRepackJar)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("javax.el:el-api:1.0", provided)
compile("javax.inject:javax.inject:1", provided)
project('spring-aop') {
description = 'Spring AOP'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
compile files(project(":spring-core").cglibRepackJar)
compile project(":spring-beans")
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("com.jamonapi:jamon:2.4", optional)
compile("commons-pool:commons-pool:1.5.3", optional)
compile("org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:${aspectjVersion}", optional)
project('spring-expression') {
description = 'Spring Expression Language (SpEL)'
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-core")
project('spring-instrument') {
description = 'Spring Instrument'
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-core")
jar {
manifest.attributes['Premain-Class'] =
project('spring-instrument-tomcat') {
description = 'Spring Instrument Tomcat'
dependencies {
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.tomcat:catalina:6.0.16", provided)
project('spring-context') {
description = 'Spring Context'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile(project(":spring-instrument"), optional)
compile project(":spring-aop")
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-expression")
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now depends on internally (see previous commit). This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib much in the same way we have historically done with ASM. This change is beneficial to users in several ways: - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application classpath; especially important for the growing number of @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality, along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2. - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate 3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for Spring-related purposes. - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic bytecode instructions. On CGLIB and ASM: CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size. It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable solution now and for the forseeable future. On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError: During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior, even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never encounter the same. Other changes include: - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB' - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath Issue: SPR-9669
12 years ago
compile files(project(":spring-core").cglibRepackJar)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-concurrent:3.0", optional)
compile("javax.ejb:ejb-api:3.0", optional)
compile("javax.inject:javax.inject:1", optional)
compile("org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jms_1.1_spec:1.1", optional)
compile("javax.persistence:persistence-api:1.0", optional)
compile("javax.validation:validation-api:1.0.0.GA", optional)
compile("org.beanshell:bsh:2.0b4", optional)
compile("org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:1.8.8", optional)
compile("org.jruby:jruby:", optional)
compile("joda-time:joda-time:2.1", optional)
compile("org.slf4j:slf4j-api:${slf4jVersion}", optional)
compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:4.3.0.Final") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'slf4j-api'
compile("org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:${aspectjVersion}", optional)
testCompile "commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.2.2"
test {
jvmArgs = ['-disableassertions:org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType'] // SPR-7989
project('spring-tx') {
description = 'Spring Transaction'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JCA, @EnableTransactionManagement
compile(project(":spring-aop"), optional)
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-core")
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("com.ibm.websphere:uow:", provided)
compile("javax.resource:connector-api:1.5", optional)
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jta_1.1_spec:1.1", optional)
testCompile "org.easymock:easymockclassextension:${easymockVersion}"
project('spring-oxm') {
description = 'Spring Object/XML Marshalling'
apply from: 'oxm.gradle'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-core")
compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for Jaxb2Marshaller
compile "commons-lang:commons-lang:2.5"
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.3.1", optional)
compile("com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.1.7", optional)
compile("org.jibx:jibx-run:1.2.3", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:2.4.0", optional)
compile("org.codehaus.castor:castor-xml:1.3.2", optional)
testCompile "org.codehaus.jettison:jettison:1.0.1"
testCompile "xmlunit:xmlunit:1.2"
testCompile "xmlpull:xmlpull:"
project('spring-jms') {
description = 'Spring JMS'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-aop")
compile project(":spring-context")
compile project(":spring-tx")
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile(project(":spring-oxm"), optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.4.2", optional)
project('spring-jdbc') {
description = 'Spring JDBC'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
compile project(":spring-tx")
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("c3p0:c3p0:", optional)
compile("hsqldb:hsqldb:${hsqldbVersion}", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("com.h2database:h2:1.0.71", optional)
compile("org.apache.derby:derby:", optional)
compile("org.apache.derby:derbyclient:", optional)
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jta_1.1_spec:1.1", optional)
project('spring-context-support') {
description = 'Spring Context Support'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-context")
compile(project(":spring-jdbc"), optional) // for Quartz support
compile(project(":spring-tx"), optional) // for Quartz support
compile("javax.mail:mail:1.4", optional)
compile("javax.cache:cache-api:0.5", optional)
compile("net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.0.0", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("opensymphony:quartz:1.6.2", optional)
compile("org.codehaus.fabric3.api:commonj:1.1.0", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("velocity:velocity:1.5", optional)
compile("org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.15", optional)
compile("com.lowagie:itext:2.1.7", optional)
compile("jasperreports:jasperreports:2.0.5") { dep ->
optional dep
transitive = false
testCompile("org.apache.poi:poi:3.0.2-FINAL") {
exclude group: 'log4j', module: 'log4j'
testCompile("commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.8.0") // for Velocity/JasperReports
testCompile("commons-digester:commons-digester:1.8.1") // for Velocity/JasperReports
testCompile "hsqldb:hsqldb:${hsqldbVersion}"
// pick up **/*.types files in src/main
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += 'src/main/java'
project('spring-web') {
description = 'Spring Web'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans") // for MultiPartFilter
compile project(":spring-aop") // for JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean
compile project(":spring-context")
compile(project(":spring-oxm"), optional) // for MarshallingHttpMessageConverter
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("com.caucho:hessian:3.2.1", optional)
compile("rome:rome:1.0", optional)
compile("javax.el:el-api:1.0", optional)
compile("javax.faces:jsf-api:1.2_08", optional)
compile("javax.portlet:portlet-api:2.0", provided)
compile("org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:7.0.32", provided) // servlet-api 3.0
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:2.1", provided)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("javax.xml.soap:saaj-api:1.3", provided)
compile("commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.2", optional)
runtime("commons-io:commons-io:1.3", optional)
compile("commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.1", optional)
compile("org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.2", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.4.2", optional)
compile("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.0.1", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("taglibs:standard:1.1.2", optional)
compile("org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:8.1.5.v20120716") { dep ->
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.eclipse.jetty.orbit', module: 'javax.servlet'
compile("org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:8.1.5.v20120716") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.eclipse.jetty.orbit', module: 'javax.servlet'
testCompile project(":spring-context-support") // for JafMediaTypeFactory
testCompile "xmlunit:xmlunit:1.2"
// pick up ContextLoader.properties in src/main
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += 'src/main/java'
project('spring-orm') {
description = 'Spring Object/Relational Mapping'
dependencies {
compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-core:3.3.2.GA", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-annotations:3.4.0.GA", optional)
compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager:3.4.0.GA", optional)
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.openjpa:openjpa:1.1.0", optional)
compile("org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.core:1.0.1", optional)
compile("org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.jpa:1.0.1", optional)
compile("toplink.essentials:toplink-essentials:2.0-41b", optional)
compile("javax.jdo:jdo-api:3.0", optional)
compile("org.apache.ibatis:ibatis-sqlmap:", optional)
testCompile "javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5"
testCompile "org.slf4j:slf4j-jcl:${slf4jVersion}"
testCompile "commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.2.2"
testCompile "org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.asm:1.0.1"
testCompile "org.eclipse.persistence:org.eclipse.persistence.antlr:1.0.1"
testCompile project(":spring-web").sourceSets.test.output
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile(project(":spring-aop"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-context"), optional)
compile project(":spring-tx")
compile project(":spring-jdbc")
compile(project(":spring-web")) { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'javax.persistence', module: 'persistence-api'
project('spring-orm-hibernate4') {
description = 'Spring Object/Relational Mapping - Hibernate 4 support'
ext.mergeIntoProject = project(':spring-orm')
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/merge-artifacts.gradle"
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-orm").sourceSets.main.output
compile project(":spring-tx")
compile project(":spring-jdbc")
compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.1.0.Final", optional)
compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager:4.1.0.Final", optional)
compile(project(":spring-web")) { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'javax.persistence', module: 'persistence-api'
compile("javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5", optional)
project('spring-webmvc') {
description = 'Spring Web MVC'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-expression")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-web")
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-context")
compile(project(":spring-context-support"), optional) // for Velocity support
compile(project(":spring-oxm"), optional) // for MarshallingView
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-api:2.1.2", optional)
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-core:2.1.2") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-jsp:2.1.2") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-servlet:2.1.2") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("velocity-tools:velocity-tools-view:1.4", optional)
compile("net.sourceforge.jexcelapi:jxl:2.6.3") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'log4j', module: 'log4j'
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("org.apache.poi:poi:3.0.2-FINAL") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'log4j', module: 'log4j'
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("javax.servlet:jstl:1.1.2", provided)
compile("org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:7.0.32", provided) // servlet-api 3.0
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
testCompile project(":spring-aop")
testCompile "org.slf4j:slf4j-jcl:${slf4jVersion}"
testCompile "rhino:js:1.7R1"
testCompile "xmlunit:xmlunit:1.2"
testCompile("dom4j:dom4j:1.6.1") {
exclude group: 'xml-apis', module: 'xml-apis'
testCompile("jaxen:jaxen:1.1.1") {
exclude group: 'xml-apis', module: 'xml-apis'
exclude group: 'xom', module: 'xom'
exclude group: 'xerces', module: 'xercesImpl'
testCompile project(":spring-web").sourceSets.test.output
// pick up DispatcherServlet.properties in src/main
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += 'src/main/java'
project('spring-webmvc-tiles3') {
description = 'Spring Framework Tiles3 Integration'
ext.mergeIntoProject = project(':spring-webmvc')
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/merge-artifacts.gradle"
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-context")
compile project(":spring-webmvc").sourceSets.main.output
compile("javax.el:el-api:1.0", provided)
compile("javax.servlet:jstl:1.1.2", provided)
compile("javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:2.1", provided)
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-request-api:1.0.1", optional)
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-api:3.0.1", optional)
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-core:3.0.1") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-servlet:3.0.1") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-jsp:3.0.1") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
compile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-el:3.0.1") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
compile("org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:7.0.32", provided) // servlet-api 3.0
compile project(":spring-web").sourceSets*.output // mock request & response
project('spring-webmvc-portlet') {
description = 'Spring Web Portlet'
dependencies {
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5", provided)
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-context")
compile project(":spring-web")
compile project(":spring-webmvc")
// pick up DispatcherPortlet.properties in src/main
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += 'src/main/java'
project('spring-test') {
description = 'Spring TestContext Framework'
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-core")
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile(project(":spring-beans"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-context"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-jdbc"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-tx"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-orm"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-web"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-webmvc"), optional)
compile(project(":spring-webmvc-portlet"), optional)
compile("junit:junit:${junitVersion}") { dep ->
optional dep
// We already have hamcrest-all as a global testCompile dependency.
exclude group: 'org.hamcrest', module: 'hamcrest-core'
compile("org.testng:testng:6.5.2") { dep ->
optional dep
exclude group: 'junit', module: 'junit'
// We already have hamcrest-all as a global testCompile dependency.
exclude group: 'org.hamcrest', module: 'hamcrest-core'
compile("javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5", optional)
compile("javax.servlet.jsp:jsp-api:2.1", optional)
compile("javax.portlet:portlet-api:2.0", optional)
compile("javax.activation:activation:1.0", provided)
testCompile "org.slf4j:slf4j-jcl:${slf4jVersion}"
Add Spring MVC Test framework This commit adds the spring-test-mvc project [1] to the Spring Framework as part of the spring-test module. The sources are added as a root-level project called "spring-test-mvc" instead of under "spring-test" because the new sources need to be compiled with Servlet 3 while the current "spring-test" sources require Servlet 2.5 and the Eclipse IDE does not support having different classpaths for the same project. The Gradle build produces a single spring-test jar that contains sources from both "spring-test" and "spring-test-mvc". This merge is made possible through merge-dist.gradle as follows: - jar tasks of the "from" project execute tasks of the "to" project - "to" project is added to the classpath of the "from" project - "to" project pom is updated with entries from the "from" project For further details see documentation in merge-dist.gradle. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial development of the Spring MVC Test framework: Arjen Poutsma <poutsma@mac.com> Craig Walls <cwalls@vmware.com> Frans Flippo <fransflippo@utopia.orange11.nl> Harry Lascelles <harry@firstbanco.com> Irfan <mail.urfi@gmail.com> Jörg Rathlev <joerg.rathlev@s24.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship2000@gmail.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship@epril.com> Matthew Reid <matthew.reid@nakedwines.com> Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <Nils-Helge.Hegvik@telenor.com> Rob Winch <rwinch@vmware.com> Scott Frederick <sfrederick@vmware.com> Sven Filatov <sven.filatov@gmail.com> Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com> youngm <youngm@gmail.com> [1]: https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-test-mvc Issue: SPR-9859, SPR-7951
12 years ago
project('spring-test-mvc') {
description = 'Spring Test MVC Framework'
ext.mergeIntoProject = project(':spring-test')
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/merge-artifacts.gradle"
apply from: "ide.gradle"
Add Spring MVC Test framework This commit adds the spring-test-mvc project [1] to the Spring Framework as part of the spring-test module. The sources are added as a root-level project called "spring-test-mvc" instead of under "spring-test" because the new sources need to be compiled with Servlet 3 while the current "spring-test" sources require Servlet 2.5 and the Eclipse IDE does not support having different classpaths for the same project. The Gradle build produces a single spring-test jar that contains sources from both "spring-test" and "spring-test-mvc". This merge is made possible through merge-dist.gradle as follows: - jar tasks of the "from" project execute tasks of the "to" project - "to" project is added to the classpath of the "from" project - "to" project pom is updated with entries from the "from" project For further details see documentation in merge-dist.gradle. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial development of the Spring MVC Test framework: Arjen Poutsma <poutsma@mac.com> Craig Walls <cwalls@vmware.com> Frans Flippo <fransflippo@utopia.orange11.nl> Harry Lascelles <harry@firstbanco.com> Irfan <mail.urfi@gmail.com> Jörg Rathlev <joerg.rathlev@s24.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship2000@gmail.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship@epril.com> Matthew Reid <matthew.reid@nakedwines.com> Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <Nils-Helge.Hegvik@telenor.com> Rob Winch <rwinch@vmware.com> Scott Frederick <sfrederick@vmware.com> Sven Filatov <sven.filatov@gmail.com> Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com> youngm <youngm@gmail.com> [1]: https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-test-mvc Issue: SPR-9859, SPR-7951
12 years ago
dependencies {
compile project(":spring-context")
compile project(":spring-webmvc")
compile project(":spring-test").sourceSets.main.output
compile("org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:7.0.32", provided)
compile("org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3", optional)
Add Spring MVC Test framework This commit adds the spring-test-mvc project [1] to the Spring Framework as part of the spring-test module. The sources are added as a root-level project called "spring-test-mvc" instead of under "spring-test" because the new sources need to be compiled with Servlet 3 while the current "spring-test" sources require Servlet 2.5 and the Eclipse IDE does not support having different classpaths for the same project. The Gradle build produces a single spring-test jar that contains sources from both "spring-test" and "spring-test-mvc". This merge is made possible through merge-dist.gradle as follows: - jar tasks of the "from" project execute tasks of the "to" project - "to" project is added to the classpath of the "from" project - "to" project pom is updated with entries from the "from" project For further details see documentation in merge-dist.gradle. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial development of the Spring MVC Test framework: Arjen Poutsma <poutsma@mac.com> Craig Walls <cwalls@vmware.com> Frans Flippo <fransflippo@utopia.orange11.nl> Harry Lascelles <harry@firstbanco.com> Irfan <mail.urfi@gmail.com> Jörg Rathlev <joerg.rathlev@s24.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship2000@gmail.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship@epril.com> Matthew Reid <matthew.reid@nakedwines.com> Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <Nils-Helge.Hegvik@telenor.com> Rob Winch <rwinch@vmware.com> Scott Frederick <sfrederick@vmware.com> Sven Filatov <sven.filatov@gmail.com> Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com> youngm <youngm@gmail.com> [1]: https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-test-mvc Issue: SPR-9859, SPR-7951
12 years ago
compile("com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:0.8.1", optional)
compile("xmlunit:xmlunit:1.2", optional)
testCompile "javax.servlet:jstl:1.2"
testCompile "org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:4.3.0.Final"
Add Spring MVC Test framework This commit adds the spring-test-mvc project [1] to the Spring Framework as part of the spring-test module. The sources are added as a root-level project called "spring-test-mvc" instead of under "spring-test" because the new sources need to be compiled with Servlet 3 while the current "spring-test" sources require Servlet 2.5 and the Eclipse IDE does not support having different classpaths for the same project. The Gradle build produces a single spring-test jar that contains sources from both "spring-test" and "spring-test-mvc". This merge is made possible through merge-dist.gradle as follows: - jar tasks of the "from" project execute tasks of the "to" project - "to" project is added to the classpath of the "from" project - "to" project pom is updated with entries from the "from" project For further details see documentation in merge-dist.gradle. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial development of the Spring MVC Test framework: Arjen Poutsma <poutsma@mac.com> Craig Walls <cwalls@vmware.com> Frans Flippo <fransflippo@utopia.orange11.nl> Harry Lascelles <harry@firstbanco.com> Irfan <mail.urfi@gmail.com> Jörg Rathlev <joerg.rathlev@s24.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship2000@gmail.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship@epril.com> Matthew Reid <matthew.reid@nakedwines.com> Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <Nils-Helge.Hegvik@telenor.com> Rob Winch <rwinch@vmware.com> Scott Frederick <sfrederick@vmware.com> Sven Filatov <sven.filatov@gmail.com> Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com> youngm <youngm@gmail.com> [1]: https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-test-mvc Issue: SPR-9859, SPR-7951
12 years ago
testCompile "org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.4.2"
testCompile project(":spring-oxm")
testCompile "com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.3.1"
testCompile "cglib:cglib-nodep:2.2"
testCompile "rome:rome:1.0"
testCompile "javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.2.6"
testCompile "org.easymock:easymockclassextension:${easymockVersion}"
testCompile "org.apache.tiles:tiles-request-api:1.0.1"
testCompile "org.apache.tiles:tiles-api:3.0.1"
testCompile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-core:3.0.1") {
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
testCompile("org.apache.tiles:tiles-servlet:3.0.1") {
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
Add Spring MVC Test framework This commit adds the spring-test-mvc project [1] to the Spring Framework as part of the spring-test module. The sources are added as a root-level project called "spring-test-mvc" instead of under "spring-test" because the new sources need to be compiled with Servlet 3 while the current "spring-test" sources require Servlet 2.5 and the Eclipse IDE does not support having different classpaths for the same project. The Gradle build produces a single spring-test jar that contains sources from both "spring-test" and "spring-test-mvc". This merge is made possible through merge-dist.gradle as follows: - jar tasks of the "from" project execute tasks of the "to" project - "to" project is added to the classpath of the "from" project - "to" project pom is updated with entries from the "from" project For further details see documentation in merge-dist.gradle. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial development of the Spring MVC Test framework: Arjen Poutsma <poutsma@mac.com> Craig Walls <cwalls@vmware.com> Frans Flippo <fransflippo@utopia.orange11.nl> Harry Lascelles <harry@firstbanco.com> Irfan <mail.urfi@gmail.com> Jörg Rathlev <joerg.rathlev@s24.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship2000@gmail.com> Keesun Baik <whiteship@epril.com> Matthew Reid <matthew.reid@nakedwines.com> Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <Nils-Helge.Hegvik@telenor.com> Rob Winch <rwinch@vmware.com> Scott Frederick <sfrederick@vmware.com> Sven Filatov <sven.filatov@gmail.com> Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com> youngm <youngm@gmail.com> [1]: https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-test-mvc Issue: SPR-9859, SPR-7951
12 years ago
project('spring-struts') {
description = 'Spring Struts'
dependencies {
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
compile project(":spring-core")
compile project(":spring-beans")
compile project(":spring-context")
compile project(":spring-web")
compile project(":spring-webmvc")
compile "struts:struts:1.2.9"
compile "commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.7.0"
Generate Maven Central-compatible poms Understanding Gradle pom generation ------------------------------------------- All spring-* subprojects have had Gradle's 'maven' plugin applied to them. This means that one can run `gradle install`, and POMs will be generated according to the metadata in the build.gradle file. The 'customizePom' routine added by this commit hooks into this generation process in order to add elements to the pom required for entry into Maven Central via oss.sonatype.org[1]. This pom generation happens on-the-fly during `gradle install` and the generated poms exist only in your local .m2 cache. Therefore, you will not see the poms on the source tree after this command. Handling optional and provided dependencies ------------------------------------------- Note particularly the handling of 'optional' and 'provided' dependencies. Gradle does not have a first class notion for these concepts, nor are they significant to the actual Gradle build process, but they are important when publishing POMs for consumption via Maven Central and other Maven-compatible repositories. <optional>true</optional> indicates that a dependency need not be downloaded when resolving artifacts. e.g. spring-context has an compile-time dependency on cglib, but when a Spring user resolves spring-context from Maven Central, cglib should *not* automatically be downloaded at the same time. This is because the core functionality within spring-context can operate just fine without cglib on the classpath; it is only if the user chooses explicitly to use certain functionality, e.g. @Configuration classes, which do require cglib, that the user must declare an explicit dependency in their own build script on cglib. Marking these kinds of dependencies as 'optional' provides a kind of built in 'documentation' about which version of cglib the user should declare if in fact he wishes to. Spring has a great many compile-time dependencies, but in fact very few mandatory runtime dependencies. Therefore, *most* of Spring's dependencies are optional. <scope>provided</scope> is similar to 'optional', in that dependencies so marked should not be automatically downloaded during dependency resolution, but indicates rather that they are expected to have been provided by the user application runtime environment. For example, the Servlet API is in fact a required runtime dependency for spring-webmvc, but it is expected that it will be available via the user's servlet container classpath. Again, it serves here as a kind of 'documentation' that spring-webmvc does in fact expect the servlet api to be available, and furthermore which (minimum) version. This commit adds two closures named 'optional' and 'provided' as well as two arrays (optionalDeps, providedDeps) for tracking which dependencies are optional or provided. An optional dependency is declared as follows: compile("group:artifact:version", optional) Here, the optional closure accepts the dependency argument implicitly, and appends it to the 'optionalDeps' array. Then, during pom generation (again, the customizePom routine), these arrays are interrogated, and pom <dependency> elements are updated with <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> as appropriate. Thanks to the Spock framework for inspiration on this approach[2]. [1] http://bit.ly/wauOqP (Sonatype's central sync requirements) [2] https://github.com/spockframework/spock/blob/groovy-1.7/gradle/publishMaven.gradle#L63
13 years ago
compile("javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5", provided)
testCompile project(":spring-test")
project('spring-aspects') {
description = 'Spring Aspects'
apply from: 'aspects.gradle'
dependencies {
compile(project(":spring-beans"), optional) // for @Configurable support
compile(project(":spring-aop"), optional) // for @Async support
compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for @Enable* support
compile(project(":spring-context-support"), optional) // for JavaMail support
compile(project(":spring-tx"), optional) // for JPA, @Transactional support
compile(project(":spring-orm"), optional) // for JPA exception translation support
aspects project(":spring-orm")
ajc "org.aspectj:aspectjtools:${aspectjVersion}"
compile "org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:${aspectjVersion}"
testCompile project(":spring-core") // for CodeStyleAspect
compile project(":spring-beans") // for 'p' namespace visibility
testCompile project(":spring-test")
eclipse.project {
natures += 'org.eclipse.ajdt.ui.ajnature'
buildCommands = [new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.
configure(rootProject) {
description = 'Spring Framework'
apply plugin: 'docbook-reference'
Introduce jdiff Gradle task The new jdiff task generates a report of API differences between the current version (i.e. the value of `version` in gradle.properties) and any older version of the framework, as specified by -DOLD_VERSION at the command line, or defaulting to `previousVersion` in gradle.properties. Running the command requires a separate clone directory pinned to the desired old version, as specified by -DOLD_VERSION_ROOT at the command line. This creates challenges from a build automation perspective, largely because Gradle doesn't (yet) have APIs for working with Git. This task may be further automated and included in nightly CI runs, but in the meantime, a number of reports back to 3.1.3.RELEASE have been generated manually and uploaded to [1], where one can now find the following entries in the directory listing: - 3.1.3.RELEASE_to_3.2.0.RC1 - 3.2.0.M1_to_3.2.0.M2 - 3.2.0.M2_to_3.2.0.RC1 - 3.2.0.RC1_to_3.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT Ideally, the final entry there would be kept up-to-date on a daily basis - again we may revisit doing so in the future. Going forward, reports will be generated and uploaded manually on an as needed basis and as part of the release process. The goal of these reports are as follows: - to ease the process of ensuring backward compatibility - to aid in code reviews, particularly when reviewing large pull requests - to ease the process of creating migration guides for project maintainers, i.e. to help us remember what's changed - to allow ambitious end-users to discover what's been changing at the API level without without needing to wait for detailed "what's new in version X" and/or migration guide documentation See documentation in jdiff.gradle for usage details. Note that the jdiff-1.1.1 distribution as downloaded from [2] has been added wholesale to the source tree under gradle/jdiff instead of uploading JDiff jars to repo.springsource.org as we would normally do. This is due to some unfortunate limitations in the implementation of the jdiff ant task that require a phisical JDIFF_HOME directory. Checking in the jars and various resources represents the simplest and most pragmatic solution to this problem, though ambitious contributors are free to do what's necessary to arrive at a more elegant arrangement. [1]: http://static.springframework.org/spring-framework/docs [2]: http://sourceforge.net/projects/javadiff/files/latest/download Issue: SPR-9957
12 years ago
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/jdiff.gradle"
reference {
sourceDir = file('src/reference/docbook')
pdfFilename = 'spring-framework-reference.pdf'
// don't publish the default jar for the root project
dependencies { // for integration tests
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
testCompile project(":spring-core")
testCompile project(":spring-beans")
testCompile project(":spring-aop")
testCompile project(":spring-expression")
testCompile project(":spring-context")
testCompile project(":spring-tx")
testCompile project(":spring-jdbc")
testCompile project(":spring-test")
Test pom generation and update optional deps Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible. All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However, this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very informative. So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations: compile project(":spring-core") compile project(":spring-beans") compile project(":spring-tx") spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case. As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI, therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as follows: compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
13 years ago
testCompile project(":spring-web")
testCompile project(":spring-webmvc-portlet")
testCompile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.1.0.Final"
testCompile "javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5"
task api(type: Javadoc) {
group = 'Documentation'
description = 'Generates aggregated Javadoc API documentation.'
title = "${rootProject.description} ${version} API"
options.memberLevel = org.gradle.external.javadoc.JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED
options.author = true
options.header = rootProject.description
options.overview = 'src/api/overview.html'
options.splitIndex = true
source subprojects.collect { project ->
destinationDir = new File(buildDir, "api")
classpath = files(subprojects.collect { project ->
maxMemory = '1024m'
task docsZip(type: Zip) {
group = 'Distribution'
baseName = 'spring-framework'
classifier = 'docs'
description = "Builds -${classifier} archive containing api and reference " +
"for deployment at http://static.springframework.org/spring-framework/docs."
from('src/dist') {
include 'changelog.txt'
from (api) {
into 'api'
from (reference) {
into 'reference'
task schemaZip(type: Zip) {
group = 'Distribution'
baseName = 'spring-framework'
classifier = 'schema'
description = "Builds -${classifier} archive containing all " +
"XSDs for deployment at http://springframework.org/schema."
subprojects.each { subproject ->
def Properties schemas = new Properties();
subproject.sourceSets.main.resources.find {
}?.withInputStream { schemas.load(it) }
for (def key : schemas.keySet()) {
def shortName = key.replaceAll(/http.*schema.(.*).spring-.*/, '$1')
assert shortName != key
File xsdFile = subproject.sourceSets.main.resources.find {
assert xsdFile != null
into (shortName) {
from xsdFile.path
task distZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [docsZip, schemaZip]) {
group = 'Distribution'
baseName = 'spring-framework'
classifier = 'dist'
description = "Builds -${classifier} archive, containing all jars and docs, " +
"suitable for community download page."
ext.baseDir = "${baseName}-${project.version}";
from('src/dist') {
include 'readme.txt'
include 'license.txt'
include 'notice.txt'
into "${baseDir}"
expand(copyright: new Date().format('yyyy'), version: project.version)
from(zipTree(docsZip.archivePath)) {
into "${baseDir}/docs"
from(zipTree(schemaZip.archivePath)) {
into "${baseDir}/schema"
subprojects.each { subproject ->
into ("${baseDir}/libs") {
from subproject.jar
if (subproject.tasks.findByPath('sourcesJar')) {
from subproject.sourcesJar
if (subproject.tasks.findByPath('javadocJar')) {
from subproject.javadocJar
// Create an distribution that contains all dependencies (required and optional).
// Not published by default; only for use when building from source.
task depsZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: distZip) { zipTask ->
group = 'Distribution'
baseName = 'spring-framework'
classifier = 'dist-with-deps'
description = "Builds -${classifier} archive, containing everything " +
"in the -${distZip.classifier} archive plus all runtime dependencies."
from zipTree(distZip.archivePath)
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.hasTask(":${zipTask.name}")) {
def projectNames = rootProject.subprojects*.name
def artifacts = new HashSet()
subprojects.each { subproject ->
subproject.configurations.runtime.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each { artifact ->
def dependency = artifact.moduleVersion.id
if (!projectNames.contains(dependency.name)) {
artifacts << artifact.file
zipTask.from(artifacts) {
into "${distZip.baseDir}/deps"
artifacts {
archives docsZip
archives schemaZip
archives distZip
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
description = 'Generates gradlew[.bat] scripts'
gradleVersion = '1.3'
doLast() {
def gradleOpts = "-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xmx1024m"
def gradleBatOpts = "$gradleOpts -XX:MaxHeapSize=256m"
File wrapperFile = file('gradlew')
wrapperFile.text = wrapperFile.text.replace("DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=",
File wrapperBatFile = file('gradlew.bat')
wrapperBatFile.text = wrapperBatFile.text.replace("set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=",