Changes in version 3.1.3 (2012-10-12)
* fixed cache handling for JNLP connections
* LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap checks for uniqueness of case-insensitive keys now
* ResourceBundleMessageSource supports "defaultEncoding", "fallbackToSystemLocale", "cacheSeconds"
* @Import'ed configuration classes get properly registered in case of same class name
* @Autowired-driven ObjectFactory/Provider resolution works in non-singleton beans as well
* @Resource processing properly works with scoped beans and prototypes again
* fixed potential race condition in concurrent calling of autowired methods on a prototype bean
* cancel on a Future returned by a TaskScheduler works reliably
* Spring-backed DataSources consistently implement JDBC 4.0's Wrapper interface
* optimized ResourceDatabasePopulator to work around JDK 1.7 substring performance regression
* same-named unit from persistence.xml overrides in case of conflict with default unit
* JPA persistence.xml files may use jar-file entries relative to the unit root (as per the JPA spec)
* Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBuilder sets thread context ClassLoader (for JBoss 7 compatibility)
* Jaxb2Marshaller performs proper "supports" check for scanned packages
* media types in HTTP Accept headers can be parsed with single quotes (-> Android 2.x)
* HttpComponentsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor explicitly releases connection on HttpComponents 4.2
* UriComponentsBuilder is capable of handling opaque URIs as well
* CookieGenerator supports "cookieHttpOnly" flag for Servlet 3.0
* dynamic return value types for @MVC methods
* fixed issue with resolution of WebDataBinder argument
* prevent response updates if @ResponseStatus has a reason
* optimized use of AntPathStringMatcher (SPR-9749)
* optimized use of HandlerMethod and sub-classes (SPR-9747, SPR-9748)
* fixed Portlet request mapping priorities in cross-controller case
* deprecated SimpleJdbcTestUtils in favor of JdbcTestUtils
* introduced "countRowsInTableWhere()" and "dropTables()" in JdbcTestUtils
* improved regex for parsing query params (SPR-9832)
* now decoding target parameters prior to saving a FlashMap (SPR-9657)
* fixed issue with resolving Errors controller argument (SPR-9378)
* fixed issue in message conversion where producible and acceptable headers are equally specific
* fixed NullPointerException in AbstractMessageConverterMethodProcessor (SPR-9868)
* fixed side effect from caching in AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver (SPR-9202)
* MediaType's include method now recognizes wildcards in media types with a suffix (SPR-9841)
* added support for recognizing wildcards in media types with a suffix (SPR-9841)
* improved no-match handling for @RequestMapping methods (SPR-9603)
Changes in version 3.1.2 (2012-07-09)
* removed INDEX.LIST entries from Spring jar META-INF dirs
* fixed OSGi metadata for optional "javax.inject" package import
* fixed AbstractResource's InputStream-based "contentLength()" implementation
* fixed MutablePropertySources "get" implementation to correctly return null if not found
* fixed @PropertySource placeholder resolution to apply to all specified values
* JDBC parameter binding uses JDBC 3.0 ParameterMetaData (if available) for type determination
* added "jtaTransactionManager" property to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean/Builder
* EhCacheFactoryBean applies listeners and enabled/disabled flags to existing cache regions as well
* added "repeatCount" bean property to Quartz SimpleTriggerFactoryBean
* support executor qualification with @Async#value
* ServletContextResource's getFile implementation falls back to getRealPath for non-existent files
* fixed StandardServletMultipartResolver compatibility with Resin (only deleting actual file parts)
* fixed RequestConditionHolder to return null when no match is found
* fixed concurrency issue in AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver
* fixed issue with parsing invalid Content-Type or Accept headers
* added "defaultCharset" property to StringHttpMessageConverter
* added Jackson 2 HttpMessageConverter and View types
* translate IOException on EOF from Jackson to HttpMessageNotReadableException
* fix content negotiation issue when sorting selected media types by quality value
* raise RestClientException instead of IllegalArgumentException for unknown status codes
* discover controllers based on type-level @RequestMapping in new @MVC support classes
* fixed issue with suffix pattern in AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter
* merge rather than add URI vars in ExtendedServletRequestDataBinder
* raise RestClientException for unknown HTTP status codes
* fixed issue with encoded params in UriComponentsBuilder
* XStreamMarshaller converts StreamException to Spring exception in case of unmarshalling an empty stream
* corrected DispatcherPortlet behavior to not forward event exceptions to the render phase by default
Support executor qualification with @Async#value
Prior to this change, Spring's @Async annotation support was tied to a
single AsyncTaskExecutor bean, meaning that all methods marked with
@Async were forced to use the same executor. This is an undesirable
limitation, given that certain methods may have different priorities,
etc. This leads to the need to (optionally) qualify which executor
should handle each method.
This is similar to the way that Spring's @Transactional annotation was
originally tied to a single PlatformTransactionManager, but in Spring
3.0 was enhanced to allow for a qualifier via the #value attribute, e.g.
public void m() { ... }
where ptm1 is either the name of a PlatformTransactionManager bean or
a qualifier value associated with a PlatformTransactionManager bean,
e.g. via the <qualifier> element in XML or the @Qualifier annotation.
This commit introduces the same approach to @Async and its relationship
to underlying executor beans. As always, the following syntax remains
public void m() { ... }
indicating that calls to #m will be delegated to the default executor,
i.e. the executor provided to
<task:annotation-driven executor=.../>
or the executor specified when authoring a @Configuration class that
implements AsyncConfigurer and its #getAsyncExecutor method.
However, it now also possible to qualify which executor should be used
on a method-by-method basis, e.g.
public void m() { ... }
indicating that calls to #m will be delegated to the executor bean
named or otherwise qualified as e1. Unlike the default executor
which is specified up front at configuration time as described above,
the e1 executor bean is looked up within the container on the first
execution of #m and then cached in association with that method for the
lifetime of the container.
Class-level use of Async#value behaves as expected, indicating that all
methods within the annotated class should be executed with the named
executor. In the case of both method- and class-level annotations, any
method-level #value overrides any class level #value.
This commit introduces the following major changes:
- Add @Async#value attribute for executor qualification
- Introduce AsyncExecutionAspectSupport as a common base class for
both MethodInterceptor- and AspectJ-based async aspects. This base
class provides common structure for specifying the default executor
(#setExecutor) as well as logic for determining (and caching) which
executor should execute a given method (#determineAsyncExecutor) and
an abstract method to allow subclasses to provide specific strategies
for executor qualification (#getExecutorQualifier).
- Introduce AnnotationAsyncExecutionInterceptor as a specialization of
the existing AsyncExecutionInterceptor to allow for introspection of
the @Async annotation and its #value attribute for a given method.
Note that this new subclass was necessary for packaging reasons -
the original AsyncExecutionInterceptor lives in
org.springframework.aop and therefore does not have visibility to
the @Async annotation in org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.
This new subclass replaces usage of AsyncExecutionInterceptor
throughout the framework, though the latter remains usable and
undeprecated for compatibility with any existing third-party
- Add documentation to spring-task-3.2.xsd and reference manual
explaining @Async executor qualification
- Add tests covering all new functionality
Note that the public API of all affected components remains backward-
Issue: SPR-9443
Backport-Issue: SPR-6847
Backport-Commit: ed0576c1811bbb3a17e2e9aed2810dc3c9097a09
13 years ago
Changes in version 3.1.1 (2012-02-16)
* official support for Hibernate 4.0.0/4.0.1 as well as Hibernate 4.1
* JBossNativeJdbcExtractor is compatible with JBoss AS 7 as well
* restored JBossLoadTimeWeaver compatibility with JBoss AS 5.1
* Provider injection works with generically typed collections of beans as well
* @ActiveProfiles mechanism in test context framework works with @ImportResource as well
* context:property-placeholder's "file-encoding" attribute value is being applied correctly
* clarified Resource's "getFilename" method to return null if resource type does not have a filename
* Resource "contentLength()" implementations work with OSGi bundle resources and JBoss VFS resources
* PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver preserves caching for JNLP (Java Web Start) jar connections
* optimized converter lookup in GenericConversionService to avoid contention in JDK proxy check
* DataBinder correctly handles ParseException from Formatter for String->String case
* CacheNamespaceHandler actually parses cache:annotation-driven's "key-generator" attribute
* introduced CustomSQLExceptionTranslatorRegistry/Registrar for JDBC error code translation
* officially deprecated TopLinkJpaDialect in favor of EclipseLink and Spring's EclipseLinkJpaDialect
* fixed LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean's "packagesToScan" to avoid additional provider scan
* LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean's "persistenceUnitName" applies to "packagesToScan" as well
* DefaultPersistenceUnitManager uses containing jar as persistence unit root URL for default unit
* added protected "isPersistenceUnitOverrideAllowed()" method to DefaultPersistenceUnitManager
* Hibernate synchronization properly unbinds Session even in case of afterCompletion exception
* Hibernate exception translation covers NonUniqueObjectException to DuplicateKeyException case
* Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean implements PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface as well
* Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean does not insist on a "dataSource" reference being set
* added "entityInterceptor" property to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean
* added "getConfiguration" accessor to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean
* added "durability" and "description" properties to JobDetailFactoryBean
* fixed QuartzJobBean and MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean for compatibility with Quartz 2.0/2.1
* JMS CachingConnectionFactory never caches consumers for temporary queues and topics
* JMS SimpleMessageListenerContainer silently falls back to lazy registration of consumers
* added "receive-timeout" attribute to jms:listener-container element in JMS namespace
* ServletServerHttpRequest/Response fall back on the Content-Type and encoding of the request
* preserve quotes in MediaType parameters
* added "normalize()" method to UriComponents
* remove empty path segments from input to UriComponentsBuilder
* added "fromRequestUri(request)" and "fromCurrentRequestUri()" methods to ServletUriComponentsBuilder
* Servlet/PortletContextResource's "isReadable()" implementation returns false for directories
* allow adding flash attributes in methods with a ModelAndView return value
* make flash attributes available in the model of Parameterizable/UrlFilenameViewController
* revised the FlashMapManager contract and implementation to address a flaw in its design
* removed check for HTTP POST when resolving multipart request controller method arguments
* fixed request mapping bug involving direct vs pattern path matches with HTTP methods
* updated @RequestMapping and reference docs wrt differences between @MVC 3.1 and @MVC 2.5-3.0
* improved @SessionAttributes handling to provide better support for clustered sessions
* added property to RedirectView to disable expanding URI variables in redirect URL
Changes in version 3.1 GA (2011-12-12)
* SmartLifecycle beans in Lifecycle dependency graphs are only being started when isAutoStartup=true
* ConversionService is able to work with "Collections.emptyList()" as target type (again)
* restored DataBinder's ability to bind to an auto-growing List with unknown element type
* added SmartValidator interface with general support for validation hints
* added custom @Validated annotation with support for JSR-303 validation groups
* JSR-303 SpringValidatorAdapter and MVC data binding provide support for validation groups
* restored SpringValidatorAdapter's ability to handle bean constraints with property paths
* added MethodValidationInterceptor/PostProcessor for Hibernate Validator 4.2 based method validation
* fixed QuartzJobBean to work with Quartz 2.0/2.1 as well
* @Transactional qualifiers match against transaction manager definitions in parent contexts as well
* optimized AnnotationTransactionAspect and AnnotationCacheAspect pointcuts to avoid runtime checks
* renamed @CacheEvict's "afterInvocation" attribute to "beforeInvocation" (for better readability)
* added "mappingResources" property to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean (pointing to orm.xml)
* Hibernate 4.0 variant of HibernateTransactionManager properly works with Open Session in View now
* JmsInvokerClientInterceptor/FactoryBean always uses createConnection/createSession when on JMS 1.1
* added out-of-the-box MappingJacksonMessageConverter impl for Spring's JMS MessageConverter facility
* DispatcherServlet's "dispatchOptionsRequest" only sets the default 'Allow' header if actually needed
* ResourceHttpRequestHandler sends content without content-type header if no media type found
* ResourceHttpRequestHandler and ContentNegotiatingViewResolver use consistent mime type resolution
* simplified support package layout in "web.method" and "web.servlet.mvc.method"
* added "useTrailingSlashMatch" property to RequestMappingHandlerMapping
* Portlet MVC annotation mapping allows for distributing action names across controllers
* added String constants to MediaType
Changes in version 3.1 RC2 (2011-11-28)
* fixed OSGi manifest for spring-web bundle to not require Apache HttpComponents anymore
* fixed GenericTypeResolver to consistently return null if not resolvable
* added proper "contentLength()" implementation to ByteArrayResource
* refined Resource "exists()" check for HTTP URLs to always return false for 404 status
* LocaleEditor and StringToLocaleConverter do not restrict variant part through validation
* LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap overrides putAll method as well (for IBM JDK 1.6 compatibility)
* optimized DefaultListableBeanFactory's PropertyDescriptor caching for concurrent access
* renamed ValueWrapperImpl to SimpleValueWrapper (for use in Cache implementations)
* exposed EHCache 1.7's "statisticsEnabled"/"sampledStatisticsEnabled" on EhCacheFactoryBean
* SpringValidatorAdapter accepts non-indexed set paths (for Hibernate Validator compatibility)
* TransactionSynchronizationManager eagerly cleans up void ResourceHolders on any access
* SimpleJdbcTestUtils executeSqlScript properly closes its LineNumberReader after use
* JDO PersistenceManager synchronization performs close attempt after completion (if necessary)
* JPA EntityManagerFactoryUtils silently ignores IllegalArgumentExceptions from setHint calls
* fixed HibernateTransactionManager for Hibernate 4.0 to refer to correct openSession() method
* added "namingStrategy" property to Hibernate 4 LocalSessionFactoryBean variant
* HibernateJpaDialect does NOT expose underlying Session for underlying SessionFactory anymore
* fixed MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean's Quartz 2.0 support
* added Quartz 2.1 compatibility while preserving Quartz 2.0 support
* introduced JobDetail/CronTrigger/SimpleTriggerFactoryBean variants for Quartz 2.0/2.1 support
* added "forwarder" property to ConnectorServerFactoryBean, accepting an MBeanServerForwarder
* RmiClientInterceptor detects nested SocketException as connect failure as well
* fixed StandardServlet/PortletEnvironment to check for JNDI (for Google App Engine compatibility)
* Servlet/PortletContextResource's getFile prefers "file:" URL resolution over calling getRealPath
* Portlet session mutex uses global session attribute to be shared among all portlets in the session
* using original request URI in FlashMap matching logic to account for URL rewriting
* now supporting target request with multiple parameter values in FlashMap matching logic
* fixed issue in SimpleMappingExceptionResolver causing exception when setting "statusCodes" property
* added ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect attribute to <mvc:annotation-driven/>
* added methods to UriComponentsBuilder for replacing the path or the query
* support UriComponentsBuilder as @Controller method argument
* added ServletUriComponentsBuilder to build a UriComponents instance starting with a ServletRequest
* fixed issue with cache ignoring prototype-scoped controllers in RequestMappingHandlerAdapter
* fixed issue with setting Content-Length header depending on the charset of the response
* fixed @RequestMapping header matching to correctly process negated header conditions
* added getObjectMapper() accessor to MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter
* AbstractCachingViewResolver caches unresolved view names by default ("cacheUnresolved"=true)
* form input tag now allows type values other than "text" such as HTML5-specific types
* form hidden tag now supports "disabled" attribute
* fixed "formMultiSelect"/"formCheckboxes" FreeMarker macros to compare against actual field value
* MockHttpServletRequest/Response now keep contentType field and Content-Type header in sync
* updated Spring MVC configuration section to include MVC Java config and the MVC namespace
Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-10-11)
* upgraded to JUnit 4.9
* updated Quartz support package for Quartz 2.0 compatibility
* support for load-time weaving on WebSphere 7 and 8
* updated JBossLoadTimeWeaver to automatically detect and support JBoss AS 7 as well
* added support for Hibernate 4.0 (HibernateJpaDialect as well as natively in orm.hibernate4)
* added 'destroy method inference' (SPR-8751)
* prepared Spring's DataSource and RowSet adapters for forward compatibility with JDBC 4.1
* introduced ForkJoinPoolFactoryBean for Java 7 (alternative: add new jsr166.jar to Java 6)
* introduced extended WritableResource interface
* ConversionService prevents Converter from trying to convert to a subtype of its actual target type
* CollectionCollection/MapToMapConverter preserve original Collection/Map if no converted elements
* DefaultListableBeanFactory is only deserializable through a SerializedBeanFactoryReference
* DefaultListableBeanFactory's getBean(name, type) attempts type conversion if necessary
* DefaultListableBeanFactory allows for init methods to register further bean definitions (again)
* XmlBeanDefinitionReader accepts description subelement within map entry as well (as per the XSD)
* ConfigurationClassPostProcessor supports use of same processor instance with several factories
* SpringBeanAutowiringSupport is able to process @Value annotations on any given target instance
* introduced @EnableAspectJAutoProxy
* overridden @PersistenceContext annotations on subclass methods are being processed correctly
* DataBinder uses a default limit of 256 for array/collection auto-growing
* added "autoGrowNestedPaths" property to ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer
* added "getMultipartContentType(String)" method to MultipartRequest interface
* added headers support to MultipartFile abstraction (actually supported on Servlet 3.0)
* revised Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver for correct param/file distinction
* MultipartFilter uses a Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver by default
* added RequestPartServletServerHttpRequest and corresponding @RequestPart support in Spring MVC
* added "connectTimeout" and "readTimeout" properties to Simple/CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory
* added flash attribute support through FlashMap and FlashMapManager abstractions
* added RedirectAttributes abstraction as supported method argument type of @RequestMapping methods
* added "ignoreDefaultModelOnRedirect" flag to RequestMappingHandlerAdapter
* fixed @ExceptionHandler exception type matching (ExceptionDepthComparator)
* ResourceHttpRequestHandler detects invalid directory traversal in given path
* HtmlUtils properly escapes single quotes as well
* Spring JSP tags do not use their own expression support on Servlet 3.0 containers by default
* added support for web.xml context-param "springJspExpressionSupport" (explicit "true"/"false")
* ContextLoader and FrameworkServlet support "contextId" parameter for custom serialization id
* added "acceptProxyClasses" flag to RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter
* refined WebLogic RMI descriptor to only mark 'getTargetInterfaceName' method as idempotent
* revised JMS CachedConnectionFactory to avoid unnecessary rollback calls on Session return
* fixed JMS CachedConnectionFactory to fully synchronize its Session list
* JpaTransactionManager etc can find EntityManagerFactory by "persistenceUnitName" property now
* HibernateJpaDialect exposes underlying Session for underlying SessionFactory
* deprecated JpaTemplate/JpaInterceptor/JpaDaoSupport and JdoTemplate/JdoInterceptor/JdoDaoSupport
* updated H2 error codes in sql-error-codes.xml
* fixed NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to use correct maximum type for queryForInt/Long
* jdbc:script's "separator" and "execution" attributes work nested with embedded-database as well
* added "encoding" attribute to jdbc:script element
* JavaMailSenderImpl detects and respects "mail.transport.protocol" property in existing Session
* added ConcurrentMapCacheManager, dynamically building ConcurrentMapCache instances at runtime
* added "disabled" property to EhCacheFactoryBean
* introduced generic invokeMethod() in ReflectionTestUtils
* introduced DelegatingSmartContextLoader as new default ContextLoader for TestContext framework
* deprecated @ExpectedException
* AnnotationConfigContextLoader now detects default configuration classes within test classes
* TestContext now uses MergedContextConfiguration for the ContextCache key
* extended Servlet API mocks for Servlet 3.0 forward compatibility as far as possible
* made MockHttpServletResponse compatible with Servlet 3.0 getHeader(s) method returning Strings
* added getHeaderValue(s) method to MockHttpServletResponse for raw value access
Changes in version 3.1 M2 (2011-06-08)
* revised TypeDescriptor signature and implementation for clearer handling of nested generics
* full support for arbitrary nesting of collections in fields
* proper type detection in nested collections within arrays
* collection/array conversion returns original collection if possible (instead of first element)
* AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader now inherits Environment of supplied BeanDefinitionRegistry
* eliminated @Feature support in favor of @Enable* and framework-provided @Configuration classes
* introduced @EnableTransactionManagement, @EnableScheduling, etc
* add Java config alternative to MVC namespace via @EnableWebMvc annotation
* introduce HandlerMethod abstraction selecting and invoking @RequestMapping methods
* add HandlerMethod-based implementations of HandlerMapping, HandlerAdapter, HandlerExceptionResolver
* merge @PathVariables in the model before rendering except for JSON/XML serialization/marshalling.
* use @PathVariables in addition to request parameters in data binding
* support URI variable placeholders in "redirect:" prefixed view names
* add flag to extract value from single-key model in MappingJacksonJsonView
* support @Valid on @RequestBody method arguments
* allow bean references in mvc:interceptor namespace elements
* consolidate initialization and use of MappedInterceptors in AbstractHandlerMapping
* added Servlet 3.0 based WebApplicationInitializer mechanism for programmatic bootstrapping
* added Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver
* added "packagesToScan" feature to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean (avoiding persistence.xml)
* fixed JPA 2.0 timeout hints to correctly specify milliseconds
* added support for shutdown scripts to DataSourceInitializer (see "databaseCleaner" property)
* added "separator" and "execution" attributes to jdbc:script element
* revised cache abstraction to focus on minimal atomic access operations
* updated Quartz package to support Quartz 1.8 as well (note: not fully supporting Quartz 2.0 yet)
* RemoteExporter uses an opaque proxy for 'serviceInterface' (no AOP interfaces exposed)
* introduced AnnotationConfigContextLoader to provide TestContext support for @Configuration classes
* introduced @ActiveProfiles for declarative configuration of bean definition profiles in tests
* TestContext generates context cache key based on all applicable configuration metadata
* deprecated AbstractJUnit38SpringContextTests and AbstractTransactionalJUnit38SpringContextTests
Changes in version 3.1 M1 (2011-02-11)
* upgraded to JUnit 4.8.1 and TestNG 5.12.1
* fixed aspects bundle to declare dependencies for @Async aspect as well
* introduced Environment abstraction with flexible placeholder resolution
* introduced support for environment profiles in XML bean definition files
* introduced @Profile annotation for configuration classes and individual component classes
* introduced PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer as alternative to PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
* introduced "c:" namespace for constructor argument shortcuts (analogous to the "p:" namespace)
* introduced @FeatureConfiguration classes with @Feature methods that return FeatureSpecifications
* added TxAnnotationDriven, MvcAnnotationDriven, etc. as out-of-the-box FeatureSpecifications
* introduced caching abstraction and cache annotation support
* moved EhCache FactoryBeans from context-support to context module
* EhCacheManagerFactoryBean properly closes "ehcache.xml" input stream, if any
* exceptions thrown by @Scheduled methods will be propagated to a registered ErrorHandler
* ProxyCreationContext uses "ThreadLocal.remove()" over "ThreadLocal.set(null)" as well
* BeanDefinitionVisitor now actually visits factory method names
* fixed potential InjectionMetadata NPE when using SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor
* fixed AbstractBindingResult to avoid NPE in "hashCode()" if target is null
* Servlet/PortletRequestDataBinder perform unwrapping for MultipartRequest as well
* ResourceHttpRequestHandler does not set Content-Length header for 304 response
* LocaleChangeInterceptor validates locale values in order to prevent XSS vulnerability
Changes in version 3.0.5 (2010-10-20)
* support for Hibernate 3.6 final
* added core serializer abstraction with default implementations using Java Serialization
* consistent use of JDK 1.5's "ThreadLocal.remove()" over "ThreadLocal.set(null)"
* fixed JodaTimeContextHolder to use a non-inheritable ThreadLocal and expose a reset method
* revised "ClassUtils.isAssignable" semantics to cover primitives vs wrappers in both directions
* optimized AnnotationUtils findAnnotation performance for repeated search on same interfaces
* ConversionService protects itself against infinite recursion in ObjectToCollectionConverter
* fixed TypeDescriptor to correctly resolve nested collections and their element types
* BeanWrapper does not attempt to populate Map values on access (just auto-grows Map itself)
* fixed Autowired/CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to prevent race condition in skipping check
* fixed @Value injection to correctly cache temporary null results for non-singleton beans
* ApplicationContext registers context-specific ClassArrayEditor for its bean ClassLoader
* refined ApplicationContext singleton processing to not fail for manually registered null instances
* fixed ApplicationContext event processing for repeated invocations to non-singleton listener beans
* optimized @Bean error messages for static factory methods as well as for argument type mismatches
* modified expression parsing to pass full TypeDescriptor context through to ConversionService calls
* adapted expression parser's Constructor/MethodResolver to accept TypeDescriptors instead of raw types
* SpEL supports projection on any kind of Collection (not just on Lists and arrays)
* SpEL MapAccessor consistently rejects "target.key" style access to Maps if no such key is found
* SpEL method invocations prefer method with fewest parameters (e.g. no-arg over vararg)
* AspectJExpressionPointcut uses bean ClassLoader for initializing the AspectJ pointcut parser
* added AnnotationAsyncExecutionAspect as AspectJ-based variant of @Async processing
* added mode="proxy"/"aspectj" and proxy-target-class options to task:annotation-driven
* JDBC bundle uses local ClassLoader as bean ClassLoader for "sql-error-codes.xml" parsing
* EmbeddedDatabaseFactory shuts down database when failing to populate it in "initDatabase()"
* embedded database support now also works with Derby >= 10.6
* "jdbc:embedded-database" uses id as database name to allow multiple ones in parallel
* ResourceDatabasePopulator throws descriptive ScriptStatementFailedException with resource details
* added configurable Connection/Statement/ResultSet target types to Jdbc4NativeJdbcExtractor
* added OracleJdbc4NativeJdbcExtractor with pre-configured Oracle JDBC API types
* DefaultLobHandler's "wrapAsLob" mode works with PostgreSQL's "getAsciiStream()" requirement
* ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet (as used by JdbcTemplate's "queryForRowSet") supports column labels now
* LocalSessionFactoryBean's "entityCacheStrategies" works with region names on Hibernate 3.6 as well
* fixed DefaultMessageListenerContainer's no-message-received commit to work without Session caching
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer's skips no-message-received commit on Tibco (avoiding a deadlock)
* JaxWsPortClientInterceptor does not fall back to annotation-specified name as portName anymore
* UriTemplate is serializable now
* fixed AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter's caching to avoid concurrency issues in RequestMappingInfo
* fixed @MVC processing of parameter-level annotations to work with interface-based proxies again
* revised @RequestParam processing to support CSV-to-array/collection binding with ConversionService
* fixed EvalTag's EvaluationContext caching to properly handle JSP tag caching across requests
* AbstractJasperReportsView only sets locale model attributes if not present already
* DispatcherPortlet throws custom NoHandlerFoundException instead of misleading UnavailableException
* DispatcherPortlet copies all action parameters to render parameters in case of an action exception
* DispatcherPortlet's default resource serving explicitly prevents access to WEB-INF and META-INF
* Portlet @ExceptionHandler methods allow for writing the response directly (like in the Servlet case)
* MockHttpServletRequest/HttpSession/etc returns independent Enumeration from "getAttributeNames()"
Changes in version 3.0.4 (2010-08-19)
* support for Hibernate Core 3.6, Hibernate Validator 4.1, EclipseLink 2.1, EHCache 2.2
* OSGi manifest version range accepts EHCache 2.x as well
* added "contentLength()" method to Resource abstraction
* URL-based Resource variants introspect "last-modified" and "content-length" response headers
* refined "exists()" check for UrlResource (HEAD request) and ClassPathResource (URL resolution)
* ConversionService is able to deal with empty collections and nested collections (fixed regression)
* ConversionService properly handles nested Resource arrays in Map values (fixed regression)
* ConversionService does not accidentally use copy constructor for same type
* fixed double ConversionFailedException nesting for ObjectToObjectConverter invocations
* BeanWrapper preserves annotation information for individual array/list/map elements
* Spring's constructor resolution consistently finds non-public multi-arg constructors
* revised constructor argument caching, avoiding a race condition for converted argument values
* SpEL passes full collection type context (generics, annotations) to ConversionService
* SpEL 'select last' operator now works consistently with maps
* BeanWrapper/DataBinder's "autoGrowNestedPaths" works for Maps as well
* fixed concurrency issue in TypedStringValue, showing for nested typed Maps in prototype beans
* fixed WeakReferenceMonitor to never stop its monitoring thread if an entry has been registered
* fixed CronTrigger to correctly parse month parts expressed as numbers (1-12 instead of 0-11)
* TaskExecutorFactoryBean (as used by task:executor) exposes full ThreadPoolTaskExecutor type
* JmsResourceHolder does not ignore IllegalStateException from locally synchronized transaction
* fixed JMS CachingConnectionFactory to correctly cache a producer without fixed destination as well
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer triggers Session commit even if no message has been received
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer supports client id setting even for non-shared Connections
* Spring's MessageEndpointFactory classes are now JCA 1.6 compliant as well
* AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter supports "bindingType" bean property, overriding @BindingType
* AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter supports "webServiceFeatures" bean property on JAX-WS 2.2
* JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean takes "wsdlDocumentUrl", "namespaceUri" etc defaults from @WebService
* Jaxb2Marshaller's "marshallerProperties" Map accepts any value type
* SpringTemplateLoader for FreeMarker supports last-modified timestamp through Resource abstraction
* HibernateJpaDialect correctly closes borrowed connections even for nested JDBC executions
* DefaultJdoDialect supports JDO 3.0 query timeout facility (as supported by DataNucleus 2.1)
* transaction names based on method id from most specific method (target class instead of interface)
* added "validationMessageSource" to LocalValidatorFactoryBean, for Spring-based validation messages
* Spring field error arguments include actually declared annotation attributes in alphabetical order
* JSR-303 Pattern message resolvable through Spring MessageSource (despite special characters)
* DispatcherServlet applies default view name translation to error views as well
* mvc:annotation-driven reliably detects JSR-303 and JAXB2 in an OSGi environment as well
* revised @MVC handler method resolution with respect to handler methods on generic interfaces
* @MVC handler methods reliably resolve MultipartRequest arguments with HiddenHttpMethodFilter
* WebDataBinder and @MVC request params detect and introspect MultipartFile arrays as well
* fixed @PathVariable regression in combination with ConversionService usage on DataBinder
* @CookieValue returns decoded cookie value in a Servlet environment (analogous to @RequestParam)
* MVC HandlerExceptionResolvers prevent caching for exception views if preventResponseCaching=true
* @ExceptionHandler works for inherited method and CGLIB proxies on Portlet controllers as well
* Portlet @MVC's implicit render model will be updated at the end of the event phase
* Portlet AbstractController consistently uses session mutex if "synchronizeOnSession" is active
* PortletWrappingController supports Portlet 2.0 resource and event requests as well
* fixed JSP EvalTag to render null result as empty String instead of "null" String
* JSP EvalTag resolves "@myBeanName" references in expressions against the WebApplicationContext
* added support for static resource serving: ResourceHttpRequestHandler, mvc:resources
* revised DispatcherServlet's last-modified handling to properly work with scoped controllers
* MockMultipartHttpServletRequest pre-defines method "POST" and content type "multipart/form-data"
Changes in version 3.0.3 (2010-06-15)
* Spring autodetects JodaTime 1.3 or higher (as required), ignoring older JodaTime versions
* clarified that Spring's Jackson support requires Jackson 1.3 or higher
* JPA 2.0 support tested and supported with Hibernate 3.5.2 and OpenJPA 2.0.0 GA as well
* revised VFS support for Spring's component scanning to work on JBoss AS 6.0.0 M3 as well
* fixed URIEditor's URI construction to consider fragment as well
* added default InputSourceEditor for SAX InputSource construction with a URL String as system id
* CachedIntrospectionResults only caches GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptors if fully safe
* revised BeanWrapper's exception wrapping to consistently handle ConversionExceptions
* DefaultListableBeanFactory checks for alias circle on registerAlias (avoiding endless loop)
* ConversionService is able to apply Converters to interface-based array elements
* ConversionService fully supports conversion from String to MediaType now (through 'valueOf')
* revised exception handling in ObjectToObjectConverter, avoiding InvocationTargetExceptions
* a context ConversionService is able to override an ApplicationContext's resource editors
* refined LifecycleProcessor exception handling, properly wrapping a start exception from a bean
* revised DefaultLifecycleProcessor's handling of circular dependencies to avoid stack overflow
* fixed constructor argument caching for prototypes with multiple constructor matches
* specific detection of CGLIB subclasses in order to properly handle CGLIB interfaces
* registerDependentBean resolves to the canonical bean name in order to handle alias references
* fixed registerResolvableDependency mechanism to correctly handle non-serializable factory objects
* added "expose-proxy" attribute to aop namespace (enforcing AopContext proxy exposure with CGLIB)
* revised AbstractInterceptorDrivenBeanDefinitionDecorator for further alignment with auto-proxying
* BeanDefinitionVisitor/PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer finds and resolves values in arrays as well
* property placeholders can deal with nested expressions which happen to use the same suffix
* SpEL's Elvis operator is able to deal with #{${myProp}?:defaultValue} case if myProp is empty
* introduced EmbeddedValueResolverAware callback interface for convenient placeholder resolution
* @Transactional qualifier value matches against @Qualifier annotations on @Bean methods as well
* setTransactionIsolation on JDBC Connection only called when actually necessary (for PostgreSQL)
* added limit for parsed SQL cache to NamedParameterJdbcTemplate (default is 256; configurable)
* CachingConnectionFactory detects destination equality for WebSphere MQ as well (using toString)
* DefaultPersistenceUnitManager's getPersistenceUnitInfo method has 2.5 compatible signature again
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer reacts to maxConcurrentConsumers reduction for long-lived tasks
* added "idleConsumerLimit" bean property to DefaultMessageListenerContainer (default is 1)
* AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor consistently adds @Async processing as first Advisor in the chain
* ScheduledTaskRegistrar (as used for @Scheduled processing) properly shuts down its default executor
* CronTrigger defensively protects itself against accidental re-fires if a task runs too early
* MailSendException includes all messages as failed messages in case of a connect failure
* added support for JAX-WS 2.1 WebServiceFeatures to JaxWsPortClientInterceptor/PortProxyFactoryBean
* added XmlAwareFormHttpMessageConverter, taking over the 3.0.2-introduced XML multipart support
* ServletContextResourcePatternResolver handles "/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar!/**/context.xml" style patterns
* fixed MVC mapping regression for servlet url-pattern "/" case on servers other than WebSphere
* MVC mappings properly apply even to welcome file entries that forward to a DispatcherServlet
* fixed @ExceptionHandler resolution in case of multiple matches at different inheritance levels
* revised Portlet SessionStatus.setComplete() to avoid re-exposure of attributes in render phase
* shortened Portlet MVC's implicit model render parameter name to "implicitModel"
* added convenient "checkRefresh" bean property to TilesConfigurer
* TilesConfigurer's "definitionsFactoryClass" property applies common Tiles DefinitionsFactory setup
* JSP FormTag calculates proper default form action even when using a rewrite filter on WebSphere
* JSP HiddenInputTag allows for using common HTML attributes (equivalent to LabelTag)
* fixed JSP ErrorsTag to avoid invalid "*.errors" id, using form object name as id prefix instead
* fixed JSP SelectTag's support for rendering enum constants
* JSP Radiobutton/CheckboxesTag utilizes PropertyEditor/ConversionService for label rendering
* MockHttpServletResponse supports multiple includes
Changes in version 3.0.2 (2010-04-02)
* fixed cross-module version ranges in OSGi manifests
* fixed contents of org.springframework.web.struts jar
* upgraded to Hibernate Validator 4.0.2 and Jackson 1.4.2
* compatibility with Hibernate 3.5 final (native and also as a JPA 2.0 provider)
* compatibility with OpenJPA 2.0 (support for JPA 2.0 persistence.xml versioning)
* compatibility with Hessian 4.0 (in terms of exception propagation)
* compatibility with JasperReports 3.x (in terms of resource management)
* restored full compatibility with Servlet 2.4 containers on all VMs
* PropertyEditor lookup fallback works on Google App Engine as well
* fixed TypeDescriptor/MethodParameter toString for all cases in debug log messages
* widened AbstractFactoryBean's "getObjectType" signature to return any Class as well
* BeanPostProcessors are allowed to return a null bean value in the middle of the chain
* autowire="byType" ignores parameter name when choosing a primary bean, as defined
* ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean creates a serializable ObjectFactory reference
* added ProviderCreatingFactoryBean, exposing a serializable JSR-330 Provider reference
* "conversionService" bean will be ignored if it is not of type ConversionService
* revised AbstractInterceptorDrivenBeanDefinitionDecorator for alignment with auto-proxying
* SimpleJdbcCall's "returningResultSet" accepts any plain RowMapper now
* added public "validateDatabaseSchema" method to Hibernate LocalSessionFactoryBean
* HibernateJpaDialect borrows JDBC Connection on demand (supporting aggressive release)
* JCA listener containers delegate to wrapped Transaction handle (for Geronimo compatibility)
* @Transactional qualifiers work in unit tests as well (TransactionalTestExecutionListener)
* @Value processing works in test instances (using the test context framework) as well now
* @DirtiesContext is now inherited for class-level usage
* NativeWebRequest detects native MultipartRequest when decorated by HiddenHttpMethodFilter
* WebRequestInterceptor exposes HttpServletResponse through NativeWebRequest (after downcast)
* WebContentInterceptor does not restrict HTTP methods by default anymore
* WebApplicationObjectSupport's initServletContext will be called only once in any scenario
* DispatcherPortlet passes handler instance into HandlerExceptionResolver for action exception
* DispatcherPortlet applies preHandleRender callbacks in case of action exception as well
* UrlPathHelper cuts off trailing servlet-path slashes for root mappings (on WebSphere)
* introduced support for HttpEntity and ResponseEntity wrappers, adding context to body values
* fixed DataBinder's conversion error handling for direct field access with ConversionService
* @InitBinder methods support all applicable Spring 3.0 parameter annotations as well
* fixed @RequestParam(required=false) regression for @InitBinder methods
* @ExceptionHandler methods consistently receive original exception
* fixed indexed property binding regression in form tag library
* fixed @Configurable issue with null bean name
Changes in version 3.0.1 (2010-02-18)
* upgraded to AspectJ 1.6.8
* full support for JPA 2.0 persistence schema and PersistenceUnitInfo SPI
* support for JPA PersistenceContext/Unit injection on Google App Engine
* support for Hibernate 3.5 (as native Hibernate API and as JPA 2.0 provider)
* support for Tiles 2.2.1 (preserving compatibility with Tiles 2.1.2 and above)
* consistent treatment of unresolvable placeholders for Resource and Resource array properties
* ConversionFailedException exDLBFposes offending value through public "getValue()" method
* fixed BeanFactory's "getBeansWithAnnotation" to ignore beans with non-determinable type
* widened FactoryBean's "getObjectType" signature to return any Class (Class<?>)
* do not ever consider Object as a candidate type for autowiring by type (autowire="byType")
* BeanDefinitionReader and ClassPath/FileSystemXmlApplicationContext use varargs where possible
* introduced BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor extension to BeanFactoryPostProcessor
* @Configuration classes support definition of BeanFactoryPostProcessor beans
* component-scan's scoped-proxy attribute applies to scope-annotated singleton beans as well
* generic ApplicationListener event type gets detected through AOP proxy as well
* ApplicationListeners will only be executed once per event (even for scripted objects)
* ApplicationListeners will get detected lazily as well (e.g. on @Bean's concrete result)
* inner bean ApplicationListeners will be invoked through their proxy (if any)
* fixed SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster's retriever caching to allow for proper removal
* context-specific "conversionService" bean may refer to annotation-configured converter beans
* refined DefaultLifecycleProcessor's start/stop logging and stop exception handling
* DefaultLifecycleProcessor allows for overriding specific hooks in subclasses
* BeanNameAutoProxyCreator detects alias matches for specified bean names
* proxies with AspectJ pointcuts are fully serializable within a BeanFactory now
* SharedEntityManagerCreator's EntityManager proxies are fully serializable now
* Query call chaining works with shared EntityManager proxy outside of transaction as well
* TransactionInterceptor is able to serialize "transactionManagerBeanName" as well
* non-matching @Transactional qualifier value will lead to IllegalStateException
* fixed WebSphereUowTransactionManager regression: correctly roll back in case of exception
* JndiObjectFactoryBean explicitly only chooses public interfaces as default proxy interfaces
* added vararg variants of query methods to JdbcTemplate (as known from SimpleJdbcTemplate)
* MBeanClientInterceptor/MBeanProxyFactoryBean understands CompositeData/TabularData arrays
* added "workManagerMBeanName" property to JBossWorkManagerTaskExecutor
* task:executor's id value is now used as thread name prefix of ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
* fixed @Scheduled processing to kick in once only even in an ApplicationContext hierarchy
* fixed MediaType's Comparable behavior to do a full comparison, aligned with equals behavior
* added "sortBySpecificity" method to MediaType, for typical use with accept header matching
* MimeMessageHelper encodes from, to, cc, bcc String addresses with given encoding as well
* changed HttpStatus.REQUEST_TOO_LONG constant to REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE
* relaxed generic Class declaration in HttpMessageConverter's canRead/canWrite/read signatures
* fixed "mvc:view-controller" to work in a fully isolated fashion on Spring Dynamic Modules
* DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator strips trailing slashes as well (can also be turned off)
* @RequestParam/RequestHeader/CookieValue's defaultValue allows for declaring empty String
* @SessionAttributes works when used on an annotated controller interface with AOP proxying
* WebRequest is a resolvable dependency in Servlet/Portlet web application contexts
* revised JSP-based views to never fail when trying to set Servlet API forward attributes
* lenient evaluation of boolean 'true' attribute expressions in JSP form tag library
* added new spring:eval tag for evaluating SpEL expressions from JSP pages
* SpringBeanAutowiringSupport works in extra ClassLoaders as well (e.g. WebLogic JAX-WS)
Changes in version 3.0.0.GA (2009-12-16)
* component scanning autodetects the new EE 6 "javax.annotation.ManagedBean" stereotype
* updated JPA 2.0 support to the final spec (tested compatibility with EclipseLink 2.0 GA)
* full support for GlassFish V3 GA (includes component scanning and load-time weaving)
* upgraded to JRuby 1.4 (while remaining compatible with JRuby 1.1 and above)
* bean property names are matched leniently ("title" and "Title"; "ISBN" and "iSBN")
* bean properties of type enum array/collection can be populated with comma-separated String
* removed getBeansWithAnnotation(Class,boolean,boolean) method from ListableBeanFactory
* PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is compatible with Spring 2.5 extensions (again)
* SmartLifecycle beans will get auto-started on demand even if marked as lazy-init
* MBeanExporter detects FactoryBean-exported resources independent from declaration order
* refactored SpelExpressionParser to accept SpelParserConfiguration object with boolean flags
* revised TypeDescriptor's valueOf and forObject factory methods with some level of caching
* revised GenericConverter's "getConvertibleTypes" signature to return Set of ConvertiblePair
* GenericConversionService prefers matches against inherited interfaces over superclasses
* renamed ConverterRegistry's addGenericConverter(GenericConverter) method to addConverter
* no default converters for Object-to-Map and Map-To-Object anymore
* default converter for String-to-Properties parsing only applies for actual Properties objects
* default ObjectToStringConverter only stringifies objects that indicate proper toString behavior
* added "converters" property to FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean as well
* full support for formatters and formatting annotations on array/collection elements
* no default number formatter (relying on plain java.lang.Number parsing and rendering)
* no default formatters for Date/Calendar (requiring explicit use of @DateTimeFormat)
* BeanValidationPostProcessor runs in before-initialization phase (before init methods) by default
* removed MultipartRequest mixin interface again (avoiding a package dependency cycle)
* revised RestTemplate method signatures to accept Object values instead of just Strings
* revised path variable extraction to properly deal with dots in variable values (again)
* reintroduced createBinder template method in Servlet/Portlet AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter
Changes in version 3.0.0.RC3 (2009-12-01)
* prepared for Grails and ROO requirements
* restored compatibility with Apache CXF
* fixed bean definition import via "classpath*:" URLs
* added chaining-capable "add" method to MutablePropertyValues
* constructor arguments can be overridden by name in child bean definitions
* BeanDefinitions return isSingleton()=true by default again, with scope name empty
* init/destroy methods get processed in the order of declaration at each hierarchy level
* fixed lookup of LifecycleProcessor bean in a Spring Dynamic Modules environment
* refined lifecycle processing through introduction of startup/shutdown phases
* fixed transaction synchronization setup with TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy involved
* added support for Hibernate 3.3 RegionFactory cache SPI to LocalSessionFactoryBean
* JSR-303 SpringValidatorAdapter uses field name as first argument (analogous to bind errors)
* replaced DefaultConversionService with ConversionServiceFactory(Bean)
* revised FormatterRegistry interface and FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean setup
* mvc:annotation-driven exposes default Validator and ConversionService as top-level beans
* mvc:annotation-driven registers applicable HttpMessageConverters by default, if available
* added interceptors support to mvc namespace, for path-based interceptor mappings
Changes in version 3.0.0.RC2 (2009-11-13)
* updated to final versions of JSR-330 "javax.inject" and JSR-303 "javax.validation" APIs
* full compliance with the JSR-330 TCK (i.e. full compliance with the final specification)
* support for Hibernate Validator 4.0 GA (as the JSR-303 reference implementation)
* added support for load-time weaving in JBoss 5.x
* added support for recent EHCache 1.6 configuration properties to EHCacheFactoryBean
* added AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader helper for programmatic registration of annotated classes
* added AnnotationConfig(Web)ApplicationContext for convenient registration/scanning of classes
* added GenericXmlApplicationContext with flexible configuration options for its XML support
* AbstractApplicationContext can also start up in case of system properties access failure
* internal MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessors apply after all other post-processors
* inner beans detected as ApplicationListeners as well (only supported for inner singletons)
* child bean definition's scope attribute can be inherited from parent bean definition now
* introduced SmartLifecycle interface with auto-startup and shutdown order support
* introduced LifecycleProcessor delegate, customizable through "lifecycleProcessor" bean
* MessageListenerContainers and Quartz SchedulerFactoryBean start up on refresh instead of init
* added initialize-database tag to jdbc namespace for populating external data sources with data
* PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver leniently ignores non-existing root directories
* DefaultConversionService understands "on"/"off", "yes"/"no", "1"/"0" as boolean values
* CustomEditorConfigurer supports PropertyEditor instances again (with deprecation warning)
* revised MethodParameter's annotation accessor methods
* ClassUtils is now parameterized with Class<?> and Class<T> where appropriate
* DataBinder now accepts var-args to set allowed, disallowed, and required fields
* DataBinder auto-grows nested paths on traversal (avoiding NullValueInNestedPathException)
* fixed enum binding regression with WebRequestDataBinder (as used by @MVC data binding now)
* fixed FieldError to expose rejected input value as String value instead of as array
* JSR-303 Validator will only register validation failures if no binding failure happened
* ContentNegotiatingViewResolver works with ignoreAcceptHeader and defaultContentType as well
* added Spring MVC namespace, with convenient mvc:annotation-driven configuration element
* default number and datetime formatters configured when using the Spring MVC namespace
* full support for datetime formatting using the Joda Time library (automatically enabled)
* added convenient @NumberFormat and @DateTimeFormat annotations for declarative formatting
* implicit T.valueOf(S) and constructor T(S) lookup if no explicit S->T converter matches
* AbstractExcelView is compatible with Apache POI 3.0 as well as 3.5 now
* TilesConfigurer only sets up EL support if JSP 2.1 is present (for JSP 2.0 compatibility)
* re-introduced Struts 1.x support ("org.springframework.web.struts") in deprecated form
* deprecated scheduling support for JDK 1.3 Timer ("org.springframework.scheduling.timer")
* deprecated remoting support for JAX-RPC (in favor of JAX-WS)
Changes in version 3.0.0.RC1 (2009-09-25)
* upgraded to CGLIB 2.2, AspectJ 1.6.5, Groovy 1.6.3, EHCache 1.6.2, JUnit 4.7, TestNG 5.10
* introduced early support for JSR-330 "javax.inject" annotations (for autowiring)
* introduced early support for JSR-303 Bean Validation (setup and MVC integration)
* added default editors for "java.util.Currency" and "java.util.TimeZone"
* refined PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver's treatment of non-readable directories
* PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver understands VFS resources (i.e. works on JBoss 5.x)
* revised AccessControlContext access from BeanFactory
* AbstractBeanDefinitionParser can deal with null return value as well
* PropertyOverrideConfigurer's "ignoreInvalidKeys" ignores invalid property names as well
* PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer supports "${myKey:myDefaultValue}" defaulting syntax
* BeanFactory's default type conversion falls back to String constructor on target type
* BeanFactory tries to create unknown collection implementation types via default constructor
* BeanFactory supports ObjectFactory as a dependency type for @Autowired and @Value
* BeanFactory supports JSR-330 Provider interface as a dependency type for @Inject
* BeanFactory prefers local primary bean to primary bean in parent factory
* protected @Autowired method can be overridden with non-annotated method to suppress injection
* private @Autowired methods with same signature will be called individually across a hierarchy
* @PostConstruct processed top-down (base class first); @PreDestroy bottom-up (subclass first)
* ConfigurationClassPostProcessor detect @Bean methods on registered plain bean classes as well
* support for default "conversionService" bean in an ApplicationContext
* MBeanServerFactoryBean returns JDK 1.5 platform MBeanServer for agent id "" (empty String)
* changed NamedParameter/SimpleJdbcOperations parameter signatures to accept any Map value type
* refined logging in JMS SingleConnectionFactory and DefaultMessageListenerContainer
* introduced "ui.format" package as an alternative to PropertyEditors for data binding
* @RequestMapping annotation now supported for annotated interfaces (and JDK proxies) as well
* @RequestParam and co support placeholders and expressions in their defaultValue attributes
* @Value expressions supported as MVC handler method arguments as well (against request scope)
* JSR-303 support for validation of @MVC handler method arguments driven by @Valid annotations
* refined response handling for @ExceptionHandler methods
* @ResponseStatus usage in handler methods detected by RedirectView
* all @SessionAttributes get exposed to the model before handler method execution
* @Event/ResourceMapping uniquely mapped to through event/resource id, even across controllers
* MultipartRequest is available as a mixin interface on (Native)WebRequest as well
* removed outdated "cacheJspExpressions" feature from ExpressionEvaluationUtils
* introduced common ErrorHandler strategy, supported by message listener container
* Jpa/JdoTransactionManager passes resolved timeout into Jpa/JdoDialect's beginTransaction
* HibernateJpaDialect applies timeout onto native Hibernate Transaction before begin call
* Spring's Hibernate support is now compatible with Hibernate 3.5 beta 1 as well
* Spring's JPA support is now fully compatible with JPA 2.0 as in EclipseLink 2.0.0.M7
* SpringJUnit4ClassRunner is now compatible with JUnit 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7
* SpringJUnit4ClassRunner once again supports collective timeouts for repeated tests
* deprecated @NotTransactional annotation for test classes in favor of @BeforeTransaction
Changes in version 3.0.0.M4 (2009-08-10)
* upgraded to JUnit 4.6, TestNG 5.9, and EasyMock 2.5.1
* updated all Spring Framework OSGI manifests to list unversioned imports explicitly
* relaxed several OSGi bundle dependencies (optional, extended version ranges)
* revised Java 6 checks to test for the presence of specific Java 6 interfaces/classes only
* replaced Commons Collections dependency with Spring-provided LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap
* case-insensitive Maps and key Sets preserve original casing for introspection/logging
* constructor argument type matching supports arrays and simple class names now
* XML constructor-arg element allows for specifying a constructor argument by name now
* XML import elements with relative resource patterns are supported as well now
* introduced non-lenient constructor resolution mode for BeanDefinitions (for RFC-124)
* revised DefaultListableBeanFactory's access control when running within a SecurityManager
* BeanWrapper and DefaultListableBeanFactory accept a custom ConversionService now
* DefaultListableBeanFactory references are serializable now when initialized with an id
* scoped proxies are serializable now, for web scopes as well as for singleton beans
* injected request/session references are serializable proxies for the current request now
* Servlet/Portlet ApplicationContexts use a specific id based on servlet/portlet name
* ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource correctly calculates filenames for all locales now
* @PostConstruct works for multiple private init methods of the same name in a hierarchy
* @Primary/@Lazy/@DependsOn supported as meta-annotations as well
* @Bean/@Scope etc supported as meta-annotations on factory methods as well now
* @Required does not get processed on beans returned by @Bean factory methods
* @Import detects and accepts existing configuration class of the desired type
* @Transactional supports qualifier value for choosing between multiple transaction managers
* WebSphereUowTransactionManager falls back to UOWManagerFactory lookup by default
* JMS SingleConnectionFactory performs start call within connection monitor (for Oracle AQ)
* @ManagedResource is marked as inherited now, for generic management-aware base classes
* introduced dedicated @ManagedMetric annotation for metric attributes in a JMX environment
* added task namespace with scheduler/executor configuration and scheduled task definitions
* added jdbc namespace with embedded-database tag (supporting HSQL, H2, and Derby)
* Hibernate AnnotationSessionFactoryBean detects Hibernate's special @Entity annotation too
* added SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter workaround for WebLogic 10.3's address format requirements
* added support for @WebServiceProvider annotation to Spring's JaxWsServiceExporters
* updated Hessian support for Hessian 3.2 compatibility (requiring Hessian 3.2 or above now)
* updated Tiles support for Tiles 2.1 compatibility (requiring Tiles 2.1.2 or above now)
* Velocity/FreeMarker/TilesViewResolver only returns a view if the target resource exists now
* @DirtiesContext is now supported at the test class level with configurable class modes
* added beforeTestClass() and afterTestClass() to the TestExecutionListener API
* ProfileValueUtils now enforces class-level overrides for @IfProfileValue
* @ContextConfiguration's loader attribute is now inherited if not declared locally
* TransactionalTestExecutionListener no longer flushes transactions before rolling back
Changes in version 3.0.0.M3 (2009-05-06)
* Spring 3.0 includes reference documentation now
* Spring 3.0 is shipping with proper Maven POMs now
* updated to JRuby 1.2 (remaining compatible with JRuby 1.1 and above)
* updated to Hessian 3.2.1 (remaining compatible with Hessian 3.1.3 and above)
* updated to FreeMarker 2.3.15 (for exposure of FreeMarkerServlet-style HTTP scopes)
* removed Axis 1.x support package, keeping basic JAX-RPC support only (next to JAX-WS)
* introduced explicit XML array element in spring-beans-3.0.xsd
* introduced new type conversion SPI and converter API in spring-core convert package
* introduced annotated @Bean factory methods and JavaConfig-style @Configuration classes
* introduced @Primary, @Lazy and @DependsOn annotations for scanned components
* custom stereotype annotations can be meta-annotated with @Service, @Controller etc as well
* @Scope and @Transactional are now supported as meta-annotations on custom annotations
* @Autowired uses field/parameter name as fallback qualifier value
* qualifier annotations can be used at method level as well (applying to all parameters)
* @Value annotation can be used at method level as well (e.g. on bean property setters)
* @Value values may use ${...} placeholders (driven by PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer)
* @Resource names may use ${...} placeholders (driven by PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer)
* fixed EL evaluation of prepared constructor arguments for repeated prototype creation
* ConstructorArgumentValues exposed indexed arguments in the order of definition
* AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor calculates cached arguments in a synchronized block
* declarative destroy-method="..." specifications get validated at bean creation time
* component-scan's "base-package" attribute supports spaces as separators as well
* CachedIntrospectionResults always caches bean classes except in case of custom BeanInfo
* GenericTypeResolver's type variable cache uses weak values (for OSGi compatibility)
* fixed CachingMapDecorator to support garbage-collected weak references (again)
* AOP ProxyFactory excludes non-public interfaces when autodetecting proxy interfaces
* added DuplicateKeyException to DAO exception hierachy
* added EmbeddedDatabase support in spring-jdbc embedded package, with initial HSQL support
* SessionAwareMessageListener supports generic declaration of concrete JMS Message type
* RmiServiceExporter and RmiRegistryFactoryBean synchronize registry lookup/creation
* added "unregisterManagedResource" method to MBeanExporter/MBeanExportOperations
* TimerTaskExecutor creates non-daemon Timer and uses bean name as default Timer name
* added TaskScheduler interface and Trigger abstraction
* added ConcurrentTaskScheduler and ThreadPoolTaskScheduler
* added CommonJ TimerManagerTaskScheduler
* added CronTrigger implementation for cron expression support
* renamed "contextProperties" attribute to "contextParameters" (matching web.xml naming)
* "contextParameters" contains Servlet/PortletConfig parameters as well
* added default "servletContext" and "servletConfig" environment beans
* added default "portletContext" and "portletConfig" environment beans
* added default web scope "application", wrapping a ServletContext/PortletContext
* JSF FacesContext and ExternalContext are resolvable dependencies by default, if available
* FacesRequestAttributes (as used by RequestContextHolder) can access global Portlet session
* revised @RequestMapping semantics for REST support purposes
* request handler methods with @ModelAttribute annotation always return a model attribute
* introduced @ExceptionHandler annotation for used in annotated web controllers
* introduced ModelAndViewResolver SPI for custom handler method return types
* FreeMarkerView can be initialized with ServletContext only (e.g. for testing)
* MockPortletSession supports destruction of session attributes on invalidation
* completed upgrade of the TestContext Framework to JUnit 4.5
* SpringJUnit4ClassRunner subclasses can now override the default ContextLoader class
* added "value" alias for @ContextConfiguration's "locations" attribute
Changes in version 3.0.0.M2 (2009-02-25)
* revised expression parser API design
* added SimpleThreadScope implementation
* refined OSGi version constraints for "javax.annotation" and "junit.framework"
* "systemProperties" bean is not considered a default match for type Properties anymore
* SimpleAliasRegistry's "getAliases" method returns transitive aliases now
* SimpleAliasRegistry detects resolved aliases that loop back to the original name
* PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer does not modify Map in case of equal String keys
* improved NoClassDefFoundError handling during constructor resolution
* inner class names in Java source style ("java.lang.Thread.State") supported as well
* pre-converted property values are preserved more eagerly for re-created beans
* prototype beans receive independent collection/array even when based on single value
* registered plain singletons will be fully matched according to their qualifiers
* @Qualifier value matching takes chained aliases of target beans into account as well
* ASM-based AnnotationMetadata fully resolves class arguments and enums into Java types
* ProceedingJoinPoint resolves parameter names using ASM-based parameter name discovery
* MethodInvocations and ProceedingJoinPoints always expose original method (not bridge)
* bridge method resolution works with Hibernate-generated CGLIB proxies as well
* generic collection type resolution respects upper bound (e.g. ? extends Number) as well
* TypeUtils detects variations of ParameterizedType/GenericArrayType assignability as well
* ReflectionUtils findMethod detects methods on "java.lang.Object" as well
* UrlResource eagerly closes HTTP connections in case of "getInputStream()" failure
* PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver avoids NPE when initialized with null ClassLoader
* all "taskExecutor" bean properties now accept any "java.util.concurrent.Executor"
* added "Future submit(Runnable)" and "Future submit(Callable)" to AsyncTaskExecutor
* SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor supports a custom "java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory"
* SchedulingTaskExecutor interface extends AsyncTaskExecutor now
* added ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean (exposing the native ExecutorService interface)
* added ExecutorServiceAdapter class as a standard wrapper for a Spring TaskExecutor
* reduced backport-concurrent support to TaskExecutor adapters
* added @Async annotation and AsyncAnnotationAdvisor (namespace support coming in M3)
* EJB 3.1's @Asynchronous annotation gets detected and supported by default as well
* ApplicationListener beans get obtained on demand, supporting non-singletons as well
* ApplicationListeners will be called in the order according to the Ordered contract
* generified ApplicationListener interface, narrowing the event type to be received
* introduced SmartApplicationListener interface for supported event/source types
* generified Transaction/Hibernate/Jdo/JpaCallback with generic "doInXxx" return type
* HibernateOperations uses generic parameter/return types where possible
* JdoOperations uses generic parameter/return types where possible (following JDO 2.1)
* removed "flush" operation from JdoDialect (fully relying on JDO 2.0+ compliance now)
* added JDO 2.1 compliant StandardPersistenceManagerProxy/SpringPersistenceManagerProxy
* Spring-created EntityManagers support JPA 2.0 draft API ("unwrap", "getQueryBuilder")
* Spring initiates JPA 2.0 query timeout with remaining Spring transaction timeout
* added support for WebSphere's ResourceAdapter-managed messaging transactions
* made SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor callback signature compatible with WebSphere
* WebSphereUowTransactionManager preserves original exception in case of rollback
* added "flush()" method to TransactionStatus and TransactionSynchronization interfaces
* test context manager automatically flushes transactions before rolling back
* DefaultLobHandler uses explicit Blob/Clob access for reading when "wrapAsLob"=true
* fixed JmsException/JmsUtils to fully avoid NPEs in case of cause messages being null
* fixed MessageListenerAdapter's "getSubscriptionName()" to work without delegate as well
* fixed HTTP invoker to support resolution of multi-level primitive array classes again
* deprecated support for JMS 1.0.2 providers (JmsTemplate102 etc)
* introduced top-level HTTP support package "org.springframework.http"
* introduced RestTemplate facility in package "org.springframework.web.client"
* introduced OXM support package (originating from Spring Web Services)
* introduced OXM-based MarshallingMessageConverter for Spring JMS
* introduced OXM-based MarshallingView for Spring MVC
* refined @PathVariable handling in MVC handler methods
* updated Spring Portlet MVC infrastructure and mocks for Portlet API 2.0
* added resource and event methods to Portlet HandlerAdapter/HandlerInterceptor
* added resolveException method for resource requests to HandlerExceptionResolver
* introduced Resource/EventAwareController subinterfaces of Portlet Controller
* introduced @Action/@Render/@Resource/@EventMapping annotations for Portlet MVC
* added @RequestHeader support for Portlet MVC (based on Portlet request properties)
* introduced @CookieValue annotation for Servlet and Portlet MVC handler methods
* @RequestMapping type-level param constraints taken into account consistently
* optional boolean parameters in MVC handler methods resolve to "false" if not present
* "url" macro in "spring.ftl" performs standard Servlet URL encoding automatically
Changes in version 3.0.0.M1 (2008-12-05)
* revised project layout and build system (module-based sources, bundle repository)
* updated entire codebase for Java 5 code style (generics, varargs, StringBuilder)
* updated to JUnit 4.5 and JRuby 1.1
* removed WebLogic 8.1 and WebSphere 5.1 support
* removed native TopLink API support (superseded by JPA)
* removed Commons Attributes support (superseded by Java 5 annotations)
* removed Jakarta JSTL support for JSP 1.2 (superseded by JSP 2.0)
* removed outdated Struts 1.x Action delegation support
* removed ContextLoaderServlet and Log4jConfigServlet
* deprecated form controller hierarchy in favor of @MVC form object handling
* deprecated JUnit 3.8 test class hierarchy in favor of test context framework
* revised TaskExecutor interface to extend "java.util.concurrent.Executor" now
* introduced Spring EL parser in org.springframework.expression package
* introduced #{...} expression support in bean definitions
* introduced @Value annotation for embedded expression support
* introduced @PathVariable annotation for MVC handler methods
* introduced ShallowEtagHeaderFilter
* introduced AbstractAtomFeedView and AbstractRssFeedView
* introduced default value support for @RequestParam
* introduced @RequestHeader annotation for MVC handler methods
* introduced "spring:url" and "spring:param" JSP tags