Spring Framework
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178 lines
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plugins {
id 'io.spring.nohttp' version '0.0.10'
id 'io.freefair.aspectj' version '' apply false
// kotlinVersion is managed in gradle.properties
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version "${kotlinVersion}" apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.dokka' version '1.7.20'
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.convert' version '3.3.2' apply false
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.pdf' version '3.3.2' apply false
id 'org.unbroken-dome.xjc' version '2.0.0' apply false
id 'com.github.ben-manes.versions' version '0.42.0'
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2' apply false
id 'de.undercouch.download' version '5.1.0'
id 'me.champeau.jmh' version '0.6.6' apply false
ext {
moduleProjects = subprojects.findAll { it.name.startsWith("spring-") }
javaProjects = subprojects - project(":framework-bom") - project(":framework-platform")
configure(allprojects) { project ->
repositories {
maven {
url "https://repo.spring.io/milestone"
content {
// Netty 5 optional support
includeGroup 'io.projectreactor.netty'
maven { url "https://repo.spring.io/libs-spring-framework-build" }
if (version.contains('-')) {
maven { url "https://repo.spring.io/milestone" }
if (version.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
maven { url "https://repo.spring.io/snapshot" }
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
cacheChangingModulesFor 0, "seconds"
cacheDynamicVersionsFor 0, "seconds"
configure([rootProject] + javaProjects) { project ->
group = "org.springframework"
apply plugin: "java"
apply plugin: "java-test-fixtures"
apply plugin: "checkstyle"
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.build.conventions'
apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/toolchains.gradle"
apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/ide.gradle"
configurations {
dependencyManagement {
canBeConsumed = false
canBeResolved = false
visible = false
matching { it.name.endsWith("Classpath") }.all { it.extendsFrom(dependencyManagement) }
test {
include(["**/*Tests.class", "**/*Test.class"])
systemProperty("java.awt.headless", "true")
systemProperty("testGroups", project.properties.get("testGroups"))
systemProperty("io.netty.leakDetection.level", "paranoid")
systemProperty("io.netty5.leakDetectionLevel", "paranoid")
systemProperty("io.netty5.leakDetection.targetRecords", "32")
systemProperty("io.netty5.buffer.lifecycleTracingEnabled", "true")
systemProperty("io.netty5.buffer.leakDetectionEnabled", "true")
checkstyle {
toolVersion = "10.4"
tasks.named("checkstyleMain").configure {
maxHeapSize = "1g"
tasks.named("checkstyleTest").configure {
maxHeapSize = "1g"
dependencies {
dependencyManagement(enforcedPlatform(dependencies.project(path: ":framework-platform")))
// Pull in the latest JUnit 5 Launcher API to ensure proper support in IDEs.
// JSR-305 only used for non-required meta-annotations
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
ext.javadocLinks = [
"https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs90/javadocs/", // CommonJ
// TODO Uncomment link to JUnit 5 docs once we have sorted out
// the following warning in the build.
// warning: The code being documented uses packages in the unnamed module, but the packages defined in https://junit.org/junit5/docs/5.9.1/api/ are in named modules.
// "https://junit.org/junit5/docs/5.9.1/api/",
// The external Javadoc link for JSR 305 must come last to ensure that types from
// JSR 250 (such as @PostConstruct) are still supported. This is due to the fact
// that JSR 250 and JSR 305 both define types in javax.annotation, which results
// in a split package, and the javadoc tool does not support split packages
// across multiple external Javadoc sites.
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
] as String[]
Upgrade to JUnit 4.11 snapshot in support of JDK7 Class#getDeclaredMembers returns arbitrary results under JDK7. This results in non-deterministic execution of JUnit test methods, often revealing unintended dependencies between methods that rely on a specific order to succeed. JUnit 4.11 contains support for predictable test ordering [1], but at the time of this commit, JUnit 4.11 has not yet been released. Therefore we are testing against a snapshot version [2], which has been uploaded to repo.springsource.org [3] for easy access. Note that this artifact may be removed when JUnit 4.11 goes GA. - Care has been taken to ensure that spring-test's compile-time dependency on JUnit remains at 4.10. This means that the spring-test pom.xml will continue to have an optional <dependency> on JUnit 4.10, instead of the 4.11 snapshot. - For reasons not fully understood, the upgrade to the 4.11 snapshot of junit-dep caused NoSuchMethodErrors around certain Hamcrest types, particularly CoreMatchers and Matchers. import statements have been updated accordingly throughout affected test cases. - Runtime errors also occurred around uses of JUnit @Rule and ExpectedException. These have been reverted to use simpler mechanisms like @Test(expected) in the meantime. - Some test methods with order-based dependencies on one another have been renamed in order to fall in line with JUnit 4.11's new method ordering (as opposed to actually fixing the inter-test dependencies). In other areas, the fix was as simple as adding a tearDown method and cleaning up state. - For no apparent reason, the timeout in AspectJAutoProxyCreatorTests' testAspectsAndAdvisorNotAppliedToPrototypeIsFastEnough method begins to be exceeded. Prior to this commit the timeout value was 3000 ms; on the CI server under Linux/JDK6 and JDK7, the test begins taking anywhere from 3500-5500 ms with this commit. It is presumed that this is an incidental artifact of the upgrade to JUnit 4.11. In any case, there are no changes to src/main in this commit, so this should not actually represent a performance risk for Spring Framework users. The timeout has been increased to 6000 ms to accommodate this situation. [1]: https://github.com/KentBeck/junit/pull/293 [2]: https://github.com/downloads/KentBeck/junit/junit-dep-4.11-SNAPSHOT-20120805-1225.jar [3]: https://repo.springsource.org/simple/ext-release-local/junit/junit-dep/4.11.20120805.1225 Issue: SPR-9783
13 years ago
configure(moduleProjects) { project ->
apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/spring-module.gradle"
configure(rootProject) {
description = "Spring Framework"
apply plugin: "io.spring.nohttp"
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.build.api-diff'
nohttp {
source.exclude "**/test-output/**"
allowlistFile = project.file("src/nohttp/allowlist.lines")
def rootPath = file(rootDir).toPath()
def projectDirs = allprojects.collect { it.projectDir } + "${rootDir}/buildSrc"
projectDirs.forEach { dir ->
[ 'bin', 'build', 'out', '.settings' ]
.collect { rootPath.relativize(new File(dir, it).toPath()) }
.forEach { source.exclude "$it/**" }
[ '.classpath', '.project' ]
.collect { rootPath.relativize(new File(dir, it).toPath()) }
.forEach { source.exclude "$it" }
tasks.named("checkstyleNohttp").configure {
maxHeapSize = "1g"