Spring Framework
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320 lines
10 KiB

buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/plugins-release' }
dependencies {
// 3rd party plugin repositories can be configured in settings.gradle
plugins {
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.5.RELEASE' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version '1.2.60' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.dokka' version '0.9.17'
id 'org.asciidoctor.convert' version '1.5.7'
ext {
linkHomepage = 'https://projects.spring.io/spring-framework'
linkCi = 'https://build.spring.io/browse/SPR'
linkIssue = 'https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR'
linkScmUrl = 'https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework'
linkScmConnection = 'scm:git:git://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework.git'
linkScmDevConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:spring-projects/spring-framework.git'
moduleProjects = subprojects.findAll {
!it.name.equals('spring-build-src') && !it.name.equals('spring-framework-bom')
aspectjVersion = '1.9.1'
freemarkerVersion = '2.3.28'
groovyVersion = '2.5.2'
hsqldbVersion = '2.4.1'
jackson2Version = '2.9.6'
jettyVersion = '9.4.12.RC1'
junit5Version = '5.3.0-RC1'
kotlinVersion = '1.2.60'
log4jVersion = '2.11.1'
nettyVersion = '4.1.28.Final'
reactorVersion = 'Californium-M2'
rxjavaVersion = '1.3.8'
rxjavaAdapterVersion = '1.2.1'
rxjava2Version = '2.2.0'
slf4jVersion = '1.7.25' // spring-jcl + consistent 3rd party deps
tiles3Version = '3.0.8'
tomcatVersion = '9.0.10'
undertowVersion = '2.0.12.Final'
gradleScriptDir = "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle"
withoutJclOverSlf4J = {
exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'jcl-over-slf4j'
configure(allprojects) { project ->
group = 'org.springframework'
version = qualifyVersionIfNecessary(version)
apply plugin: 'propdeps'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'test-source-set-dependencies'
apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/ide.gradle"
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
dependencyManagement {
resolutionStrategy {
cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'
applyMavenExclusions = false
generatedPomCustomization {
enabled = false
checkstyle {
toolVersion = '8.10.1'
configDir = rootProject.file('src/checkstyle')
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjsr305=strict']
apiVersion = '1.1'
languageVersion = '1.1'
compileTestKotlin {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjsr305=strict']
configurations.all {
// Check for updates every build
resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'
// Consistent slf4j version (e.g. clashes between slf4j versions)
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
if (details.requested.group == 'org.slf4j') {
details.useVersion slf4jVersion
def commonCompilerArgs =
['-Xlint:serial', '-Xlint:cast', '-Xlint:classfile', '-Xlint:dep-ann',
'-Xlint:divzero', '-Xlint:empty', '-Xlint:finally', '-Xlint:overrides',
'-Xlint:path', '-Xlint:processing', '-Xlint:static', '-Xlint:try', '-Xlint:-options']
compileJava.options*.compilerArgs = commonCompilerArgs +
['-Xlint:varargs', '-Xlint:fallthrough', '-Xlint:rawtypes',
'-Xlint:deprecation', '-Xlint:unchecked', '-Werror']
compileTestJava.options*.compilerArgs = commonCompilerArgs +
['-Xlint:-varargs', '-Xlint:-fallthrough', '-Xlint:-rawtypes',
'-Xlint:-deprecation', '-Xlint:-unchecked']
compileJava {
sourceCompatibility = 1.8 // can be switched to 10 for testing
targetCompatibility = 1.8
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
compileTestJava {
sourceCompatibility = 1.8 // can be switched to 10 for testing
10 years ago
targetCompatibility = 1.8
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
options.compilerArgs += '-parameters'
test {
systemProperty('java.awt.headless', 'true')
systemProperty('testGroups', project.properties.get('testGroups'))
scanForTestClasses = false
include(['**/*Tests.class', '**/*Test.class'])
// Since we set scanForTestClasses to false, we need to filter out inner
// classes with the "$" pattern; otherwise, using -Dtest.single=MyTests to
// run MyTests by itself will fail if MyTests contains any inner classes.
exclude(['**/Abstract*.class', '**/*$*'])
repositories {
maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/libs-release' }
maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/milestone' } // for Reactor
dependencies {
testCompile('junit:junit:4.12') {
exclude group:'org.hamcrest', module:'hamcrest-core'
testCompile('org.mockito:mockito-core:2.21.0') {
exclude group:'org.hamcrest', module:'hamcrest-core'
testCompile('com.nhaarman:mockito-kotlin:1.6.0') {
exclude module:'kotlin-stdlib'
exclude module:'kotlin-reflect'
exclude module:'mockito-core'
// JSR-305 only used for non-required meta-annotations
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
ext.javadocLinks = [
'http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs90/javadocs/', // CommonJ
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
] as String[]
Upgrade to JUnit 4.11 snapshot in support of JDK7 Class#getDeclaredMembers returns arbitrary results under JDK7. This results in non-deterministic execution of JUnit test methods, often revealing unintended dependencies between methods that rely on a specific order to succeed. JUnit 4.11 contains support for predictable test ordering [1], but at the time of this commit, JUnit 4.11 has not yet been released. Therefore we are testing against a snapshot version [2], which has been uploaded to repo.springsource.org [3] for easy access. Note that this artifact may be removed when JUnit 4.11 goes GA. - Care has been taken to ensure that spring-test's compile-time dependency on JUnit remains at 4.10. This means that the spring-test pom.xml will continue to have an optional <dependency> on JUnit 4.10, instead of the 4.11 snapshot. - For reasons not fully understood, the upgrade to the 4.11 snapshot of junit-dep caused NoSuchMethodErrors around certain Hamcrest types, particularly CoreMatchers and Matchers. import statements have been updated accordingly throughout affected test cases. - Runtime errors also occurred around uses of JUnit @Rule and ExpectedException. These have been reverted to use simpler mechanisms like @Test(expected) in the meantime. - Some test methods with order-based dependencies on one another have been renamed in order to fall in line with JUnit 4.11's new method ordering (as opposed to actually fixing the inter-test dependencies). In other areas, the fix was as simple as adding a tearDown method and cleaning up state. - For no apparent reason, the timeout in AspectJAutoProxyCreatorTests' testAspectsAndAdvisorNotAppliedToPrototypeIsFastEnough method begins to be exceeded. Prior to this commit the timeout value was 3000 ms; on the CI server under Linux/JDK6 and JDK7, the test begins taking anywhere from 3500-5500 ms with this commit. It is presumed that this is an incidental artifact of the upgrade to JUnit 4.11. In any case, there are no changes to src/main in this commit, so this should not actually represent a performance risk for Spring Framework users. The timeout has been increased to 6000 ms to accommodate this situation. [1]: https://github.com/KentBeck/junit/pull/293 [2]: https://github.com/downloads/KentBeck/junit/junit-dep-4.11-SNAPSHOT-20120805-1225.jar [3]: https://repo.springsource.org/simple/ext-release-local/junit/junit-dep/4.11.20120805.1225 Issue: SPR-9783
12 years ago
configure(subprojects - project(':spring-build-src')) { subproject ->
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/publish-maven.gradle"
jar {
manifest.attributes['Implementation-Title'] = subproject.name
manifest.attributes['Implementation-Version'] = subproject.version
manifest.attributes['Automatic-Module-Name'] = subproject.name.replace('-', '.') // for Jigsaw
manifest.attributes['Created-By'] =
"${System.getProperty('java.version')} (${System.getProperty('java.specification.vendor')})"
from("${rootProject.projectDir}/src/docs/dist") {
include 'license.txt'
include 'notice.txt'
into 'META-INF'
expand(copyright: new Date().format('yyyy'), version: project.version)
javadoc {
description = 'Generates project-level javadoc for use in -javadoc jar'
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
options.memberLevel = org.gradle.external.javadoc.JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED
options.author = true
options.header = project.name
options.use = true
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet')
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
// Suppress warnings due to cross-module @see and @link references.
// Note that global 'api' task does display all warnings.
Eliminate all Javadoc warnings - Support external Javadoc links using Gradle's javadoc.options.links - Fix all other Javadoc warnings, such as typos, references to non-existent (or no longer existent) types and members, etc, including changes related to the Quartz 2.0 upgrade (SPR-8275) and adding the HTTP PATCH method (SPR-7985). - Suppress all output for project-level `javadoc` tasks in order to hide false-negative warnings about cross-module @see and @link references (e.g. spring-core having a @see reference to spring-web). Use the `--info` (-i) flag to gradle at any time to see project-level javadoc warnings without running the entire `api` task. e.g. `gradle :spring-core:javadoc -i` - Favor root project level `api` task for detection of legitimate Javadoc warnings. There are now zero Javadoc warnings across the entirety of spring-framework. Goal: keep it that way. - Remove all @link and @see references to types and members that exist only in Servlet <= 2.5 and Hibernate <= 4.0, favoring 3.0+ and 4.0+ respectively. This is necessary because only one version of each of these dependencies can be present on the global `api` javadoc task's classpath. To that end, the `api` task classpath has now been customized to ensure that the Servlet 3 API and Hibernate Core 4 jars have precedence. - SPR-8896 replaced our dependency on aspectjrt with a dependency on aspectjweaver, which is fine from a POM point of view, but causes a spurious warning to be emitted from the ant iajc task that it "cannot find aspectjrt on the classpath" - even though aspectjweaver is perfectly sufficient. In the name of keeping the console quiet, a new `rt` configuration has been added, and aspectjrt added as a dependency to it. In turn, configurations.rt.asPath is appended to the iajc classpath during both compileJava and compileTestJava for spring-aspects. Issue: SPR-10078, SPR-8275, SPR-7985, SPR-8896
12 years ago
logging.captureStandardError LogLevel.INFO
logging.captureStandardOutput LogLevel.INFO // suppress "## warnings" message
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
// Don't include or exclude anything explicitly by default. See SPR-12085.
task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar
archives javadocJar
configure(rootProject) {
description = 'Spring Framework'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/jdiff.gradle"
apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/docs.gradle"
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "io.projectreactor:reactor-bom:${reactorVersion}"
// don't publish the default jar for the root project
dependencies { // for integration tests
artifacts {
archives docsZip
archives schemaZip
archives distZip
wrapper {
doLast() {
def gradleOpts = '-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m -Xmx1024m'
def gradleBatOpts = "$gradleOpts -XX:MaxHeapSize=256m"
File wrapperFile = file('gradlew')
wrapperFile.text = wrapperFile.text.replace('DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=',
File wrapperBatFile = file('gradlew.bat')
wrapperBatFile.text = wrapperBatFile.text.replace('set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=',
* Support publication of artifacts versioned by topic branch.
* CI builds supply `-P BRANCH_NAME=<TOPIC>` to gradle at build time.
* If <TOPIC> starts with 'SPR-', change version
* e.g. 3.2.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT => 3.2.1.SPR-1234-SNAPSHOT
def qualifyVersionIfNecessary(version) {
if (rootProject.hasProperty('BRANCH_NAME')) {
def qualifier = rootProject.getProperty('BRANCH_NAME')
if (qualifier.startsWith('SPR-')) {
return version.replace('BUILD', qualifier)
return version