@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/ *
* Copyright 2002 - 2018 the original author or authors .
* Copyright 2002 - 2019 the original author or authors .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2 . 0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ import org.springframework.util.xml.StaxUtils;
@@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ import org.springframework.util.xml.StaxUtils;
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Rossen Stoyanchev
* @since 3 . 0
* @see # setContextPath ( String )
* @see # setClassesToBeBound ( Class [ ] )
* @see # setJaxbContextProperties ( Map )
* @see # setMarshallerProperties ( Map )
* @see # setUnmarshallerProperties ( Map )
* @see # setSchema ( Resource )
* @see # setSchemas ( Resource [ ] )
* @see # setMarshallerListener ( javax . xml . bind . Marshaller . Listener )
* @see # setUnmarshallerListener ( javax . xml . bind . Unmarshaller . Listener )
* @see # setAdapters ( XmlAdapter [ ] )
* @see # setContextPath
* @see # setClassesToBeBound
* @see # setJaxbContextProperties
* @see # setMarshallerProperties
* @see # setUnmarshallerProperties
* @see # setSchema
* @see # setSchemas
* @see # setMarshallerListener
* @see # setUnmarshallerListener
* @see # setAdapters
* /
public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller , MimeUnmarshaller , GenericMarshaller , GenericUnmarshaller ,
BeanClassLoaderAware , InitializingBean {
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
* Set the packages to search for classes with JAXB2 annotations in the classpath .
* This is using a Spring - bases search and therefore analogous to Spring ' s component - scan
* feature ( { @link org . springframework . context . annotation . ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner } ) .
* < p > Setting either this property , { @link # setContextPath "contextPath" }
* or { @link # setClassesToBeBound "classesToBeBound" } is required .
* < p > Setting either this property , { @link # setContextPath "contextPath" } or
* { @link # setClassesToBeBound "classesToBeBound" } is required .
* /
public void setPackagesToScan ( @Nullable String . . . packagesToScan ) {
this . packagesToScan = packagesToScan ;
@ -270,8 +270,9 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -270,8 +270,9 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Set the JAXB { @code Marshaller } properties . These properties will be set on the
* underlying JAXB { @code Marshaller } , and allow for features such as indentation .
* Set the JAXB { @code Marshaller } properties .
* < p > These properties will be set on the underlying JAXB { @code Marshaller } ,
* and allow for features such as indentation .
* @param properties the properties
* @see javax . xml . bind . Marshaller # setProperty ( String , Object )
* @see javax . xml . bind . Marshaller # JAXB_ENCODING
@ -284,8 +285,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -284,8 +285,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Set the JAXB { @code Unmarshaller } properties . These properties will be set on the
* underlying JAXB { @code Unmarshaller } .
* Set the JAXB { @code Unmarshaller } properties .
* < p > These properties will be set on the underlying JAXB { @code Unmarshaller } .
* @param properties the properties
* @see javax . xml . bind . Unmarshaller # setProperty ( String , Object )
* /
@ -338,7 +339,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -338,7 +339,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Set the schema language . Default is the W3C XML Schema : { @code http : //www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"}.
* Set the schema language .
* Default is the W3C XML Schema : { @code http : //www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"}.
* @see XMLConstants # W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI
* @see XMLConstants # RELAXNG_NS_URI
* /
@ -349,8 +351,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -349,8 +351,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Set the resource resolver , as used to load the schema resources .
* @see SchemaFactory # setResourceResolver ( org . w3c . dom . ls . LSResourceResolver )
* @see # setSchema ( Resource )
* @see # setSchemas ( Resource [ ] )
* @see # setSchema
* @see # setSchemas
* /
public void setSchemaResourceResolver ( LSResourceResolver schemaResourceResolver ) {
this . schemaResourceResolver = schemaResourceResolver ;
@ -374,10 +376,11 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -374,10 +376,11 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Specify whether the { @link # supports ( Class ) } returns { @code true } for the { @link JAXBElement } class .
* < p > Default is { @code false } , meaning that { @code supports ( Class ) } always returns { @code false } for
* { @code JAXBElement } classes ( though { @link # supports ( Type ) } can return { @code true } , since it can
* obtain the type parameters of { @code JAXBElement } ) .
* Specify whether the { @link # supports ( Class ) } returns { @code true } for the
* { @link JAXBElement } class .
* < p > Default is { @code false } , meaning that { @code supports ( Class ) } always returns
* { @code false } for { @code JAXBElement } classes ( though { @link # supports ( Type ) } can
* return { @code true } , since it can obtain the type parameters of { @code JAXBElement } ) .
* < p > This property is typically enabled in combination with usage of classes like
* { @link org . springframework . web . servlet . view . xml . MarshallingView MarshallingView } ,
* since the { @code ModelAndView } does not offer type parameter information at runtime .
@ -433,8 +436,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -433,8 +436,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
* { @code Source } passed to { @link # unmarshal ( Source ) } is a { @link SAXSource } or
* { @link StreamSource } . It has no effect for { @link DOMSource } or { @link StAXSource }
* instances .
* < p > < strong > Note : < / strong > setting this option to { @code true } also
* automatically sets { @link # setSupportDtd } to { @code true } .
* < p > < strong > Note : < / strong > setting this option to { @code true } also automatically
* sets { @link # setSupportDtd } to { @code true } .
* /
public void setProcessExternalEntities ( boolean processExternalEntities ) {
this . processExternalEntities = processExternalEntities ;
@ -710,6 +713,21 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -710,6 +713,21 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Return a newly created JAXB marshaller .
* < p > Note : JAXB marshallers are not necessarily thread - safe .
* /
protected Marshaller createMarshaller ( ) {
try {
Marshaller marshaller = getJaxbContext ( ) . createMarshaller ( ) ;
initJaxbMarshaller ( marshaller ) ;
return marshaller ;
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
throw convertJaxbException ( ex ) ;
private void marshalStaxResult ( Marshaller jaxbMarshaller , Object graph , Result staxResult ) throws JAXBException {
XMLStreamWriter streamWriter = StaxUtils . getXMLStreamWriter ( staxResult ) ;
if ( streamWriter ! = null ) {
@ -727,26 +745,14 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -727,26 +745,14 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Return a newly created JAXB marshaller . JAXB marshallers are not necessarily thread safe .
* /
protected Marshaller createMarshaller ( ) {
try {
Marshaller marshaller = getJaxbContext ( ) . createMarshaller ( ) ;
initJaxbMarshaller ( marshaller ) ;
return marshaller ;
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
throw convertJaxbException ( ex ) ;
/ * *
* Template method that can be overridden by concrete JAXB marshallers for custom initialization behavior .
* Gets called after creation of JAXB { @code Marshaller } , and after the respective properties have been set .
* < p > The default implementation sets the { @link # setMarshallerProperties ( Map ) defined properties } , the { @link
* # setValidationEventHandler ( ValidationEventHandler ) validation event handler } , the { @link # setSchemas ( Resource [ ] )
* schemas } , { @link # setMarshallerListener ( javax . xml . bind . Marshaller . Listener ) listener } , and
* { @link # setAdapters ( XmlAdapter [ ] ) adapters } .
* Template method that can be overridden by concrete JAXB marshallers
* for custom initialization behavior . Gets called after creation of JAXB
* { @code Marshaller } , and after the respective properties have been set .
* < p > The default implementation sets the
* { @link # setMarshallerProperties defined properties } , the
* { @link # setValidationEventHandler validation event handler } , the
* { @link # setSchemas schemas } , { @link # setMarshallerListener listener } ,
* and { @link # setAdapters adapters } .
* /
protected void initJaxbMarshaller ( Marshaller marshaller ) throws JAXBException {
if ( this . marshallerProperties ! = null ) {
@ -809,6 +815,21 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -809,6 +815,21 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Return a newly created JAXB unmarshaller .
* < p > Note : JAXB unmarshallers are not necessarily thread - safe .
* /
protected Unmarshaller createUnmarshaller ( ) {
try {
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = getJaxbContext ( ) . createUnmarshaller ( ) ;
initJaxbUnmarshaller ( unmarshaller ) ;
return unmarshaller ;
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
throw convertJaxbException ( ex ) ;
protected Object unmarshalStaxSource ( Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller , Source staxSource ) throws JAXBException {
XMLStreamReader streamReader = StaxUtils . getXMLStreamReader ( staxSource ) ;
if ( streamReader ! = null ) {
@ -875,27 +896,14 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -875,27 +896,14 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Return a newly created JAXB unmarshaller .
* Note : JAXB unmarshallers are not necessarily thread - safe .
* /
protected Unmarshaller createUnmarshaller ( ) {
try {
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = getJaxbContext ( ) . createUnmarshaller ( ) ;
initJaxbUnmarshaller ( unmarshaller ) ;
return unmarshaller ;
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
throw convertJaxbException ( ex ) ;
/ * *
* Template method that can be overridden by concrete JAXB marshallers for custom initialization behavior .
* Gets called after creation of JAXB { @code Marshaller } , and after the respective properties have been set .
* < p > The default implementation sets the { @link # setUnmarshallerProperties ( Map ) defined properties } , the { @link
* # setValidationEventHandler ( ValidationEventHandler ) validation event handler } , the { @link # setSchemas ( Resource [ ] )
* schemas } , { @link # setUnmarshallerListener ( javax . xml . bind . Unmarshaller . Listener ) listener } , and
* { @link # setAdapters ( XmlAdapter [ ] ) adapters } .
* Template method that can be overridden by concrete JAXB marshallers
* for custom initialization behavior . Gets called after creation of JAXB
* { @code Marshaller } , and after the respective properties have been set .
* < p > The default implementation sets the
* { @link # setUnmarshallerProperties defined properties } , the
* { @link # setValidationEventHandler validation event handler } , the
* { @link # setSchemas schemas } , { @link # setUnmarshallerListener listener } ,
* and { @link # setAdapters adapters } .
* /
protected void initJaxbUnmarshaller ( Unmarshaller unmarshaller ) throws JAXBException {
if ( this . unmarshallerProperties ! = null ) {
@ -920,8 +928,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
@@ -920,8 +928,8 @@ public class Jaxb2Marshaller implements MimeMarshaller, MimeUnmarshaller, Generi
/ * *
* Convert the given { @code JAXBException } to an appropriate exception from the
* { @code org . springframework . oxm } hierarchy .
* Convert the given { @code JAXBException } to an appropriate exception
* from the { @code org . springframework . oxm } hierarchy .
* @param ex { @code JAXBException } that occurred
* @return the corresponding { @code XmlMappingException }
* /