@ -1068,13 +1068,15 @@ public void testProcessRepeatedly() {
@@ -1068,13 +1068,15 @@ public void testProcessRepeatedly() {
test class implements the
<interfacename > ApplicationContextAware</interfacename> interface, a
reference to the <classname > ApplicationContext</classname> is supplied
to the test instance, if the
<classname > DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener</classname> is
configured, which is the default.
to the test instance. Note that dependency injection support is
provided by the
<classname > DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener</classname> which
is configured by default. In addition,
<classname > AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests</classname> and
<classname > AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests</classname> already
implement <interfacename > ApplicationContextAware</interfacename> and
therefore provide this functionality out-of-the-box.</para>
<classname > AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests</classname> implement
<interfacename > ApplicationContextAware</interfacename> and therefore
provide access to the <classname > ApplicationContext</classname>
<tip >
<title > @Autowired ApplicationContext</title>
@ -1109,41 +1111,33 @@ public class MyTest {
@@ -1109,41 +1111,33 @@ public class MyTest {
context from a default location or default configuration
<section id= "testcontext-ctx-management-xml" >
<title > XML-based configuration</title>
<para > For example, <classname > GenericXmlContextLoader</classname>
generates a default location based on the name of the test class. If
your class is named <literal > com.example.MyTest</literal> ,
<classname > GenericXmlContextLoader</classname> loads your
application context from
<literal > "classpath:/com/example/MyTest-context.xml"</literal> .</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > package com.example;
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from <literal > "classpath:/com/example/MyTest-context.xml"</literal> </lineannotation>
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration</emphasis>
public class MyTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<para > The following sections explain how to configure and manage
<interfacename > ApplicationContext</interfacename> s via XML
configuration files and <interfacename > @Configuration</interfacename>
classes using Spring's
<interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename>
<para > If the default location does not suit your needs, you can
explicitly configure the <literal > locations</literal> attribute of
<interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> with an array
that contains the resource locations of XML configuration metadata
(assuming an XML-capable
<interfacename > ContextLoader</interfacename> has been configured,
which is the default). A plain path, for example
<literal > "context.xml"</literal> , will be treated as a classpath
resource from the same package in which the test class is defined. A
path starting with a slash is treated as a fully qualified classpath
location, for example <literal > "/org/example/config.xml"</literal> .
A path which represents a URL (i.e., a path prefixed with
<section id= "testcontext-ctx-management-xml" >
<title > Context management with XML resources</title>
<para > To load an
<interfacename > ApplicationContextAware</interfacename> for your
tests from XML configuration files, annotate your test class with
<interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> and configure
the <literal > locations</literal> attribute with an array that
contains the resource locations of XML configuration metadata. A
plain path — for example <literal > "context.xml"</literal> — will be
treated as a classpath resource from the package in which the test
class is defined. A path starting with a slash is treated as a fully
qualified classpath location, for example
<literal > "/org/example/config.xml"</literal> . A path which
represents a URL (i.e., a path prefixed with
<literal > classpath:</literal> , <literal > file:</literal> ,
<literal > http:</literal> , etc.) will be used <emphasis > as
is</emphasis> . Alternatively, you can implement and configure your
own custom <interfacename > ContextLoader</interfacename> .</para>
own custom <interfacename > ContextLoader</interfacename> for advanced
use cases.</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from "/applicationContext.xml" and
@ -1166,29 +1160,120 @@ public class MyTest {
@@ -1166,29 +1160,120 @@ public class MyTest {
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration({"/applicationContext.xml", "/applicationContext-test.xml"})</emphasis>
public class MyTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<para > If you omit both the <varname > locations</varname> and
<varname > value</varname> attributes from the
<interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> annotation, the
TestContext framework will attempt to detect a default XML resource
location. Specifically,
<classname > GenericXmlContextLoader</classname> detects a default
location based on the name of the test class. If your class is named
<literal > com.example.MyTest</literal> ,
<classname > GenericXmlContextLoader</classname> loads your
application context from
<literal > "classpath:/com/example/MyTest-context.xml"</literal> .</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > package com.example;
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from <literal > "classpath:/com/example/MyTest-context.xml"</literal> </lineannotation>
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration</emphasis>
public class MyTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<section id= "testcontext-ctx-management-javaconfig" >
<title > Context management with @Configuration classes</title>
<para > To load an
<interfacename > ApplicationContextAware</interfacename> for your
tests from <interfacename > @Configuration</interfacename> classes,
annotate your test class with
<interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> and configure
the <literal > classes</literal> attribute with an array that contains
class references to configuration classes. Alternatively, you can
implement and configure your own custom
<interfacename > ContextLoader</interfacename> for advanced use
<programlisting language= "java" > @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from AppConfig and TestAppConfig</lineannotation>
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration(classes={AppConfig.class, TestAppConfig.class})</emphasis>
public class MyTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<para > If you omit the <varname > classes</varname> attribute from the
<interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> annotation, the
TestContext framework will attempt to detect the presence of default
configuration classes. Specifically,
<classname > AnnotationConfigContextLoader</classname> will detect all
static inner classes of the annotated test class that meet the
requirements for configuration class implementations as specified in
the Javadoc for <interfacename > @Configuration</interfacename> (see
<xref linkend= "beans-java" /> for further details). In the following
example, the <classname > OrderServiceTest</classname> class declares
a static inner configuration class named
<classname > Config</classname> that will be automatically used to
load the <interfacename > ApplicationContext</interfacename> for the
test class. Note that the name of the configuration class is
arbitrary. In addition, a test class can contain more than one
static inner configuration class if desired.</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > package com.example;
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from the static inner Config class</lineannotation>
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration</emphasis>
public class OrderServiceTest {
static class Config {
<lineannotation > // this bean will be injected into the OrderServiceTest class</lineannotation>
public OrderService orderService() {
OrderService orderService = new OrderServiceImpl();
<lineannotation > // set properties, etc.</lineannotation>
return orderService;
private OrderService orderService;
public void testOrderService() {
<lineannotation > // test the orderService</lineannotation>
<section id= "testcontext-ctx-management-inheritance" >
<title > Configuration inheritance</title>
<para > <interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> also
supports a boolean <literal > inheritLocations</literal> attribute
that denotes whether resource locations from superclasses should be
<emphasis > inherited</emphasis> . The default value is
<literal > true</literal> , which means that an annotated class
inherits the resource locations defined by an annotated superclass.
Specifically, the resource locations for an annotated class are
appended to the list of resource locations defined by an annotated
superclass. Thus, subclasses have the option of
<emphasis > extending</emphasis> the list of resource locations. In
the following example, the
<title > Context configuration inheritance</title>
<para > <interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> supports
a boolean <literal > inheritLocations</literal> attribute that denotes
whether resource locations or configuration classes declared by
superclasses should be <emphasis > inherited</emphasis> . The default
value is <literal > true</literal> , which means that an annotated
class inherits the resource locations or configuration classes
declared by an annotated superclass. Specifically, the resource
locations or configuration classes for an annotated test class are
appended to the list of resource locations or configuration classes
declared by an annotated superclass. Thus, subclasses have the
option of <emphasis > extending</emphasis> the list of resource
locations or configuration classes. In the following example that
uses XML resource locations, the
<interfacename > ApplicationContext</interfacename> for
<classname > ExtendedTest</classname> is loaded from
"/base-context.xml" <emphasis role= "bold" > and</emphasis>
"/extended-context.xml", in that order. Beans defined in
"/extended-context.xml" may therefore override those defined in
<classname > ExtendedTest</classname> will be loaded from
"base-context.xml" <emphasis role= "bold" > and</emphasis>
"extended-context.xml", in that order. Beans defined in
"extended-context.xml" may therefore <emphasis > override</emphasis>
(i.e., replace) those defined in "base-context.xml".</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from <literal > "/base-context.xml"</literal> in the root of the classpath</lineannotation>
@ -1204,23 +1289,54 @@ public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
@@ -1204,23 +1289,54 @@ public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<para > If <literal > inheritLocations</literal> is set to
<literal > false</literal> , the resource locations for the annotated
class shadow and effectively replace any resource locations defined
by a superclass.</para>
<para > Similarly, in the following example that uses configuration
classes, the <interfacename > ApplicationContext</interfacename> for
<classname > ExtendedTest</classname> will be loaded from the
<classname > BaseConfig</classname> <emphasis
role="bold">and</emphasis> <classname > ExtendedConfig</classname>
configuration classes, in that order. Beans defined in
<classname > ExtendedConfig</classname> may therefore override (i.e.,
replace) those defined in <classname > BaseConfig</classname> .</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from <literal > "/base-context.xml"</literal> in the root of the classpath</lineannotation>
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration(classes=BaseConfig.class)</emphasis>
public class BaseTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<lineannotation > // ApplicationContext will be loaded from <literal > "/base-context.xml"</literal> and <literal > "/extended-context.xml"</literal> </lineannotation>
<lineannotation > // in the root of the classpath</lineannotation>
<emphasis role= "bold" > @ContextConfiguration(classes=ExtendedConfig.class)</emphasis>
public class ExtendedTest extends BaseTest {
<lineannotation > // class body...</lineannotation>
<para > If <interfacename > @ContextConfiguration</interfacename> 's
<literal > inheritLocations</literal> attribute is set to
<literal > false</literal> , the resource locations or configuration
classes for the annotated class shadow and effectively replace any
resource locations defined by a superclass.</para>
<section id= "testcontext-ctx-management-caching" >
<title > Context caching</title>
<para > By default, once loaded, the configured
<interfacename > ApplicationContext</interfacename> is reused for each
test. Thus the setup cost is incurred only once (per test suite),
and subsequent test execution is much faster. In the unlikely case
that a test corrupts the application context and requires reloading
— for example, by modifying a bean definition or the state of an
application object — you can annotate your test class or test method
with <interfacename > @DirtiesContext</interfacename> (assuming
<para > By default, once an
<interfacename > ApplicationContext</interfacename> has been loaded
for a test it will be reused for <emphasis
role="bold">all</emphasis> subsequent tests that declare the same
unique context configuration within the same process — for example,
all tests run in a suite in an IDE or all tests run for the same
project from a build framework like Ant or Maven. Thus the setup
cost for loading the application context is incurred only once (per
test suite), and subsequent test execution is much faster.</para>
<para > In the unlikely case that a test corrupts the application
context and requires reloading — for example, by modifying a bean
definition or the state of an application object — you can annotate
your test class or test method with
<interfacename > @DirtiesContext</interfacename> (assuming
<classname > DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener</classname> has been
configured, which is the default). This instructs Spring to reload
the configuration and rebuild the application context before