@ -344,6 +344,94 @@ So the first thing you need to decide is how to manage your dependencies: we gen
@@ -344,6 +344,94 @@ So the first thing you need to decide is how to manage your dependencies: we gen
recommend the use of an automated system like Maven, Gradle or Ivy, but you can also do
it manually by downloading all the jars yourself.
You will find bellow the list of Spring artifacts. For a more complete description of each
modules, see <<overview-modules>>.
.Spring Framework artifacts
|GroupId |ArtifactId |Description
|Proxy-based AOP support
|AspectJ based aspects
|Beans support, including the Groovy one
|Application context runtime, including scheduling and remoting abstractions
|Support classes for integrating common third-party libraries into a Spring application context
|Core utilities, used by many other Spring modules
|Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
|Instrumentation agent for JVM bootstrapping
|Instrumentation agent for Tomcat
|JDBC support package. Includes DataSource setup and JDBC access support
|JMS support package, including helper classes to send a receive JMS messages
|Support for messaging architectures and protocols
|Object/Relational Mapping, including Hibernate support
|Object/XML Marshalling
|Supports the unit testing and integration testing of Spring components
|Transaction infrastructure, including DAO support and JCA integration
|Web support packages, including client and web remoting
|Webservices and model-view-controller implementation for web applications
|MVC implementation to be used in a Portlet environment
|Websocket and SockJS implementation, including STOMP support