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Update IDEA guidelines

* propdeps-plugin is now in version 0.0.6
* Using IntelliJ 13.1
Brian Clozel 11 years ago
  1. 14


@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
The following has been tested against Intellij IDEA 12.0
The following has been tested against Intellij IDEA 13.1
## Steps
_Within your locally cloned spring-framework working directory:_
1. Generate IDEA metadata with `./gradlew :spring-oxm:compileTestJava cleanIdea idea`
2. Import into IDEA as usual
3. Set the Project JDK as appropriate
4. Add git support
1. Pre-compile `spring-oxm` with `./gradlew cleanIdea :spring-oxm:compileTestJava`
2. Import into IDEA (File->import project->import from external model->Gradle)
3. Set the Project JDK as appropriate (1.8+)
4. Exclude the `spring-aspects` module (Go to File->Project Structure->Modules)
5. Code away
## Known issues
1. Those steps don't work currently for Intellij IDEA 13+
1. `spring-oxm` should be pre-compiled since it's using repackaged dependencies (see *RepackJar tasks)
2. `spring-aspects` does not compile out of the box due to references to aspect types unknown to IDEA.
See for details. In the meantime, the 'spring-aspects'
module has been excluded from the overall project to avoid compilation errors.
should be excluded from the overall project to avoid compilation errors.
3. While all JUnit tests pass from the command line with Gradle, many will fail when run from IDEA.
Resolving this is a work in progress. If attempting to run all JUnit tests from within IDEA, you will
likely need to set the following VM options to avoid out of memory errors:
