@ -37665,7 +37665,7 @@ sections <<websocket-stomp-handle-broker-relay-configure>> and
@@ -37665,7 +37665,7 @@ sections <<websocket-stomp-handle-broker-relay-configure>> and
<<websocket-stomp-handle-user>> for more information on authentication. |
[[websocket-stomp-handle]] |
[[websocket-stomp-message-flow]] |
==== Flow of Messages |
When a STOMP endpoint is configured, the Spring application becomes the broker to |
@ -38047,6 +38047,169 @@ for purging inactive destinations.
@@ -38047,6 +38047,169 @@ for purging inactive destinations.
[[websocket-stomp-configuration-performance]] |
==== Configuration and Performance |
There is no silver bullet when it comes to performance. Many factors may |
affect it including the size of messages, the volume, whether application |
methods perform work that requires blocking, as well as external factors |
such as network speed and others. The goal of this section is to provide |
an overview of the available configuration options along with some thoughts |
on how to reason about scaling. |
In a messaging application messages are passed through channels for asynchronous |
executions backed by thread pools. Configuring such an application requires |
good knowledge of the channels and the flow of messages. Therefore it is |
recommended to review <<websocket-stomp-message-flow>>. |
The obvious place to start is to configure the thread pools backing the |
`"clientInboundChannel"` and the `"clientOutboundChannel"`. By default both |
are configured at twice the number of available processors. |
If the handling of messages in annotated methods is mainly CPU bound then the |
number of threads for the `"clientInboundChannel"` should remain close to the |
number of processors. If the work they do is more IO bound and requires blocking |
or waiting on a database or other external system then the thread pool size |
will need to be increased. |
[NOTE] |
==== |
`ThreadPoolExecutor` has 3 important properties. Those are the core and |
the max thread pool size as well as the capacity for the queue to store |
tasks for which there are no available threads. |
A common point of confusion is that configuring the core pool size (e.g. 10) |
and max pool size (e.g. 20) results in a thread pool with 10 to 20 threads. |
In fact if the capacity is left at its default value of Integer.MAX_VALUE |
then the thread pool will never increase beyond the core pool size since |
all additional tasks will be queued. |
Please review the Javadoc of `ThreadPoolExecutor` to learn how these |
properties work and understand the various queuing strategies. |
==== |
On the `"clientOutboundChannel"` side it is all about sending messages to WebSocket |
clients. If clients are on a fast network then the number of threads should |
remain close to the number of available processors. If they are slow or on |
low bandwith they will take longer to consume messages and put a burden on the |
thread pool. Therefore increasing the thread pool size will be necessary. |
While the workload for the "clientInboundChannel" is possible to predict -- |
after all it is based on what the application does -- how to configure the |
"clientOutboundChannel" is harder as it is based on factors beyond |
the control of the application. For this reason there are two additional |
properties related to the sending of messages. Those are the `"sendTimeLimit"` |
and the `"sendBufferSizeLimit"`. Those are used to configure how long a |
send is allowed to take and how much data can be buffered when sending |
messages to a client. |
The general idea is that at any given time only a single thread may be used |
to send to a client. All additional messages meanwhile get buffered and you |
can use these properties to decide how long sending a message is allowed to |
take and how much data can be buffered in the mean time. Please review the |
Javadoc of XML schema for this configuration for important additional details. |
Here is example configuration: |
[source,java,indent=0] |
[subs="verbatim,quotes"] |
---- |
@Configuration |
@EnableWebSocketMessageBroker |
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { |
@Override |
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) { |
registration.setSendTimeLimit(15 * 1000).setSendBufferSizeLimit(512 * 1024); |
} |
// ... |
} |
---- |
[source,xml,indent=0] |
[subs="verbatim,quotes,attributes"] |
---- |
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" |
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
xmlns:websocket="http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket" |
xsi:schemaLocation=" |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket/spring-websocket-4.0.xsd"> |
<websocket:message-broker> |
<websocket:transport send-timeout="15000" send-buffer-size="524288" /> |
<!-- ... --> |
</websocket:message-broker> |
</beans> |
---- |
The WebSocket transport configuration shown above can also be used to configure the |
maximum allowed size for incoming STOMP messages. Although in theory a WebSocket |
message can be almost unlimited in size, in pracitce WebSocket servers impose |
limits. For example 8K on Tomcat and 64K on Jetty. For this reason STOMP clients |
such as stomp.js split larger STOMP messages at 16K boundaries and send them as |
multiple WebSocket messages thus requiring the server to buffer and re-assemble. |
Spring's STOMP over WebSocket support does this so applications can configure the |
maximum size for STOMP messages irrespective of WebSocket server specific message |
sizes. Do keep in mind that the WebSocket message size will be automatically |
adjusted if necessary to ensure they can carry 16K WebSocket messages at a |
minimum. |
Here is example configuration: |
[source,java,indent=0] |
[subs="verbatim,quotes"] |
---- |
@Configuration |
@EnableWebSocketMessageBroker |
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { |
@Override |
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) { |
registration.setMessageSizeLimit(128 * 1024); |
} |
// ... |
} |
---- |
[source,xml,indent=0] |
[subs="verbatim,quotes,attributes"] |
---- |
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" |
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
xmlns:websocket="http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket" |
xsi:schemaLocation=" |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket |
http://www.springframework.org/schema/websocket/spring-websocket-4.0.xsd"> |
<websocket:message-broker> |
<websocket:transport message-size="131072" /> |
<!-- ... --> |
</websocket:message-broker> |
</beans> |
---- |
An important point about scaling is using multiple application instances. |
Currently this is not possible to do that with the simple broker. |
However when using a full-featured broker such as RabbitMQ, each application |
instance connects to the broker and messages broadcast from one application |
instance are broadcast to WebSocket clients connected through all |
application instances. |
[[websocket-stomp-testing]] |
==== Testing Annotated Controller Methods |