@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
the <literal > web.xml</literal> of your web application. You need to map
requests that you want the <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> to
handle, by using a URL mapping in the same <literal > web.xml</literal>
file. This is standard J2 EE Servlet configuration; the following example
file. This is standard Java EE Servlet configuration; the following example
shows such a <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> declaration and
@ -301,8 +301,7 @@
@@ -301,8 +301,7 @@
</mediaobject> </para>
<para > Upon initialization of a <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> ,
the framework <!-- Spring MVC or Spring Framework? --> <emphasis > <emphasis > looks
for a file named</emphasis>
Spring MVC looks for a file named <emphasis >
<literal > [servlet-name]-servlet.xml</literal> </emphasis> in the
<literal > WEB-INF</literal> directory of your web application and creates
the beans defined there, overriding the definitions of any beans defined
@ -349,155 +348,219 @@
@@ -349,155 +348,219 @@
look up the <interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> if you
need access to it.</para>
<para > The Spring <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> uses special
beans to process requests and render the appropriate views. These beans
are part of Spring Framework. You can configure them in the
<interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> , just as you
configure any other bean. However, for most beans, sensible defaults are
provided so you initially do not need to configure them. <!-- Which beans have defaults? What do you mean you *initially* don't need to configure them? What determines whether you need to and --> <!-- when, if not *initially*? In table below, indicate which are defaults, which have to be configured. --> These
beans are described in the following table.</para>
<table id= "mvc-webappctx-special-beans-tbl" >
<title > Special beans in the
<interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> </title>
<tgroup cols= "2" >
<colspec colname= "c1" colwidth= "1*" />
<colspec colname= "c2" colwidth= "4*" />
<thead >
<row >
<entry > Bean type</entry>
<entry > Explanation</entry>
<tbody >
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-controller" > controllers</link> </entry>
<entry > Form the <literal > C</literal> part of the MVC.<!-- Need info about controller function as with others in this list.Reader knows what C stands for. --> </entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-handlermapping" > handler
mappings</link> </entry>
<entry > Handle the execution of a list of pre-processors and
post-processors and controllers that will be executed if they
match certain criteria (for example, a matching URL specified with
the controller).</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-viewresolver" > view
resolvers</link> </entry>
<entry > Resolves view names to views.<!-- If it's capable of resolving, just say *resolves*. Like above, handler mappings are capable of handling the execution, but you just say *handle the execution* --> </entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-localeresolver" > locale
resolver</link> </entry>
<entry > A <link linkend= "mvc-localeresolver" > locale resolver</link>
is a component capable of resolving the locale a client is using,
in order to be able to offer internationalized views</entry>
<row >
<entry > Theme resolver</entry>
<entry > A <link linkend= "mvc-themeresolver" > theme resolver</link>
is capable of resolving themes your web application can use, for
example, to offer personalized layouts</entry>
<row >
<entry > multipart file resolver</entry>
<entry > Contains functionality to process file uploads from HTML
forms.<!-- Here and next one, why not just say processes file uploads, maps executions instead of *contains functionality to*? --> </entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-exceptionhandlers" > handler exception
resolvers</link> </entry>
<entry > Contains functionality to map exceptions to views or
implement other more complex exception handling code.</entry>
<para > After you set up a <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> , and a
request comes in for that specific
<classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> , the
<classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> starts processing the request as
<orderedlist >
<listitem >
<para > The <interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> is
searched for and bound in the request as an attribute that the
controller and other elements in the process can use. <!-- Use to do *what*? Also revise to indicate *what* searches for the WebApplicationContext --> It
is bound by default under the key
<literal > DispatcherServlet.WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE</literal> .</para>
<listitem >
<para > The locale resolver is bound to the request to enable elements
in the process to resolve the locale to use when processing the
request (rendering the view, preparing data, and so on). If you do not
need locale resolving, you do not need it.</para>
<!-- Reword 'if you don't need local resolving, you don't need to use it '. Are you saying locale resolving is optional? If you don't configure it, will this step occur? -->
<listitem >
<para > The theme resolver is bound to the request to let elements such
as views determine which theme to use. If you do not use themes, you
can ignore it.</para>
<!-- MLP perhaps say that there are not side effect to this binding, etc... Clarify *ignore it*. Does this step still occur if you don't use themes? -->
<!-- And what if you DO use themes, what do you do and when? Same question re locale resolving. -->
<listitem >
<para > If you specify a multipart file resolver, the request is
inspected for multiparts; if multiparts are found, the request is
wrapped in a <classname > MultipartHttpServletRequest</classname> for
further processing by other elements in the process. See <xref
linkend="mvc-multipart" /> for further information about multipart
<listitem >
<para > An appropriate handler is searched for. If a handler is found,
the execution chain associated with the handler (preprocessors,
postprocessors, and controllers) is executed in order to prepare a
model or rendering.</para>
<listitem >
<para > If a model is returned, the view is rendered. If no model is
returned, (may be due to a preprocessor or postprocessor intercepting
the request, perhaps for security reasons), no view is rendered,
because the request could already have been fulfilled.</para>
<!-- fulfilled how and by what? -->
<para > Handler exception resolvers that are declared in the
<interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> pick up exceptions
that are thrown during processing of the request. Using these exception
resolvers allows you to define custom behaviors to address
<section id= "mvc-servlet-special-bean-types" >
<title > Special Bean Types In the <interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> </title>
<para > The Spring <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> uses special
beans to process requests and render the appropriate views. These beans
are part of Spring MVC. You can choose which special beans to use
by simply configuring one or more of them in the
<interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> .
However, you don't need to do that initially since Spring MVC
maintains a list of default beans to use if you don't configure any.
More on that in the next section. First see the table below
listing the special bean types the
<classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> relies on.</para>
<table id= "mvc-webappctx-special-beans-tbl" >
<title > Special bean types in the
<interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> </title>
<tgroup cols= "2" >
<colspec colname= "c1" colwidth= "1*" />
<colspec colname= "c2" colwidth= "4*" />
<thead >
<row >
<entry > Bean type</entry>
<entry > Explanation</entry>
<tbody >
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-handlermapping" > HandlerMapping</link> </entry>
<entry > Maps incoming requests to handlers and a list of
pre- and post-processors (handler interceptors) based on some
criteria the details of which vary by <interfacename > HandlerMapping</interfacename>
implementation. The most popular implementation supports
annotated controllers but other implementations exists as well.</entry>
<row >
<entry > HandlerAdapter</entry>
<entry > Helps the <interfacename > DispatcherServlet</interfacename> to
invoke a handler mapped to a request regardless of the handler
is actually invoked. For example, invoking an annotated controller
requires resolving various annotations. Thus the main purpose
of a <interfacename > HandlerAdapter</interfacename> is to shield the
<classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> from such details.</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-exceptionhandlers" > HandlerExceptionResolver</link> </entry>
<entry > Maps exceptions to views also allowing for more
complex exception handling code.</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-viewresolver" > ViewResolver</link> </entry>
<entry > Resolves logical String-based view names to actual
<interface > View</interface> types.</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-localeresolver" > LocaleResolver</link> </entry>
<entry > Resolves the locale a client is using,
in order to be able to offer internationalized views</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-themeresolver" > ThemeResolver</link> </entry>
<entry > Resolves themes your web application can use, for
example, to offer personalized layouts</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-multipart" > MultipartResolver</link> </entry>
<entry > Parses multi-part requests for example to support processing
file uploads from HTML forms.</entry>
<row >
<entry > <link linkend= "mvc-flash-attributes" > FlashMapManager</link> </entry>
<entry > Stores and retrieves the "input" and the "output"
<classname > FlashMap</classname> that can be used to pass attributes
from one request to another, usually across a redirect.</entry>
<section id= "mvc-servlet-config" >
<title > Default DispatcherServlet Configuration</title>
<para > As mentioned in the previous section for each special bean
the <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> maintains a list
of implementations to use by default. This information is
kept in the file <filename > DispatcherServlet.properties</filename>
in the package <classname > org.springframework.web.servlet</classname> .
<para > All special beans have some reasonable defaults of
their own. Sooner or later though you'll need to customize
one or more of the properties these beans provide.
For example it's quite common to configure
an <classname > InternalResourceViewResolver</classname>
settings its <literal > prefix</literal> property to
the parent location of view files.</para>
<para > Regardless of the details, the important concept
to understand here is that once
you configure a special bean such as an
<classname > InternalResourceViewResolver</classname>
in your <classname > WebApplicationContext</classname> , you
effectively override the list of default implementations
that would have been used otherwise for that special bean
type. For example if you configure an
<classname > InternalResourceViewResolver</classname> ,
the default list of <interfacename > ViewResolver</interfacename>
implementations is ignored.
<para > In <xref linkend= "mvc-config" /> you'll learn about
other options for configuring Spring MVC including
MVC Java config and the MVC XML namespace both of which provide
a simple starting point and assume little knowledge of
how Spring MVC works. Regardless of how you choose to
configure your application, the concepts explained in this
section are fundamental should be of help to you.
<section id= "mvc-servlet-sequence" >
<title > DispatcherServlet Processing Sequence</title>
<para > After you set up a <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> , and a
request comes in for that specific
<classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> , the
<classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> starts processing the request as
<orderedlist >
<listitem >
<para > The <interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> is
searched for and bound in the request as an attribute that the
controller and other elements in the process can use. <!-- Use to do *what*? Also revise to indicate *what* searches for the WebApplicationContext --> It
is bound by default under the key
<literal > DispatcherServlet.WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE</literal> .</para>
<listitem >
<para > The locale resolver is bound to the request to enable elements
in the process to resolve the locale to use when processing the
request (rendering the view, preparing data, and so on). If you do not
need locale resolving, you do not need it.</para>
<!-- Reword 'if you don't need local resolving, you don't need to use it '. Are you saying locale resolving is optional? If you don't configure it, will this step occur? -->
<listitem >
<para > The theme resolver is bound to the request to let elements such
as views determine which theme to use. If you do not use themes, you
can ignore it.</para>
<!-- MLP perhaps say that there are not side effect to this binding, etc... Clarify *ignore it*. Does this step still occur if you don't use themes? -->
<!-- And what if you DO use themes, what do you do and when? Same question re locale resolving. -->
<listitem >
<para > If you specify a multipart file resolver, the request is
inspected for multiparts; if multiparts are found, the request is
wrapped in a <classname > MultipartHttpServletRequest</classname> for
further processing by other elements in the process. See <xref
linkend="mvc-multipart" /> for further information about multipart
<listitem >
<para > An appropriate handler is searched for. If a handler is found,
the execution chain associated with the handler (preprocessors,
postprocessors, and controllers) is executed in order to prepare a
model or rendering.</para>
<listitem >
<para > If a model is returned, the view is rendered. If no model is
returned, (may be due to a preprocessor or postprocessor intercepting
the request, perhaps for security reasons), no view is rendered,
because the request could already have been fulfilled.</para>
<!-- fulfilled how and by what? -->
<para > Handler exception resolvers that are declared in the
<interfacename > WebApplicationContext</interfacename> pick up exceptions
that are thrown during processing of the request. Using these exception
resolvers allows you to define custom behaviors to address
<para > The Spring <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> also supports
the return of the <emphasis > last-modification-date</emphasis> , as
@ -1062,7 +1125,7 @@ public class RelativePathUriTemplateController {
@@ -1062,7 +1125,7 @@ public class RelativePathUriTemplateController {
<note >
<para > Session access may not be thread-safe, in particular in
a Servlet environment. Consider setting the
<classname > AnnotationMethod HandlerAdapter</classname> 's
<classname > RequestMapping HandlerAdapter</classname> 's
"synchronizeOnSession" flag to "true" if multiple requests are
allowed to access a session concurrently.</para>
@ -3973,45 +4036,90 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -3973,45 +4036,90 @@ public class SimpleController {
<section id= "mvc-config" >
<title > Configuring Spring MVC</title>
<para > Spring 3 introduces a <literal > mvc</literal> XML configuration
namespace that simplifies the setup of Spring MVC inside your web
application. Instead of registering low-level beans such as
AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter, you can simply use the namespace and its
higher-level constructs. This is generally preferred unless you require
finer-grained control of the configuration at the bean level.</para>
<para > The mvc namespace consists of three tags: mvc:annotation-driven,
mvc:interceptors, and mvc:view-controller. Each of these tags is
documented below and in the <ulink
schema</ulink> .</para>
<section id= "mvc-annotation-driven" >
<title > mvc:annotation-driven</title>
<para > This tag registers the RequestMappingHandlerMapping and
RequestMappingHandlerAdapter beans that are required for Spring MVC to
dispatch requests to @Controllers. The tag configures those two beans
with sensible defaults based on what is present in your classpath. The
defaults are: <orderedlist >
<para > <xref linkend= "mvc-servlet-special-bean-types" /> and
<xref linkend= "mvc-servlet-config" /> explained about
Spring MVC's special beans and the default implementations
used by the <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> .
In this section you'll learn about two additional ways of
configuring Spring MVC. Namely the MVC Java config and
the MVC XML namespace.
<para > The MVC Java config and the MVC namespace provide
similar default configuration that overrides
the <classname > DispatcherServlet</classname> defaults.
The goal is to spare most applications from having to
having to create the same configuration and also to
provide higher-level constructs for configuring
Spring MVC that serve as a simple starting point and
require little or no prior knowledge of the underlying
<para > You can choose either the MVC Java config or the
MVC namespace depending on your preference. Also as you
will see further below, with the MVC Java config it is
easier to see the underlying configuration as well as
to make fine-grained customizations directly to the
created Spring MVC beans.
But let's start from the beginning.
<section id= "mvc-config-enable" >
<title > Enabling MVC Java Config or the MVC XML Namespace</title>
<para > To enable MVC Java config add the annotation
<interfacename > @EnableWebMvc</interfacename> to one of your
<interfacename > @Configuration</interfacename> classes:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig {
<para > To achieve the same in XML use the <literal > mvc:annotation-driven</literal> element:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
< mvc:annotation-driven />
< beans> </programlisting>
<para > The above registers a
<classname > RequestMappingHandlerMapping</classname> , a
<classname > RequestMappingHandlerAdapter</classname> , and an
<classname > ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver</classname> (among others)
in support of processing requests with annotated controller methods using
annotations such as <interfacename > @RequestMapping </interfacename> ,
<interfacename > @ExceptionHandler</interfacename> , and others.</para>
<para > It also enables the following:
<orderedlist >
<listitem >
<para > Support for Spring 3's Type <link
linkend="core-convert">ConversionService</link> in addition to
JavaBeans PropertyEditors during Data Binding. A ConversionService
instance produced by the
<classname > org.springframework.format.support.FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean</classname>
is used by default. This can be overridden by setting the
<literal > conversion-service</literal> attribute.</para>
<para > Spring 3 style type conversion through a <link
linkend="core-convert">ConversionService</link> instance
in addition to the JavaBeans PropertyEditors used for Data Binding.</para>
<listitem >
<para > Support for <link linkend= "format" > formatting</link> Number
fields using the @NumberFormat annotation</para>
fields using the <interfacename > @NumberFormat</interfacename>
annotation through the
<interfacename > ConversionService</interfacename> .</para>
<listitem >
<para > Support for <link linkend= "format" > formatting</link> Date,
Calendar, Long, and Joda Time fields using the @DateTimeFormat
Calendar, Long, and Joda Time fields using the
<interfacename > @DateTimeFormat</interfacename>
annotation, if Joda Time 1.3 or higher is present on the
@ -4019,14 +4127,17 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -4019,14 +4127,17 @@ public class SimpleController {
<listitem >
<para > Support for <link
linkend="validation-mvc-jsr303">validating</link> @Controller
inputs with @Valid, if a JSR-303 Provider is present on the
classpath. The validation system can be explicitly configured by
setting the <literal > validator</literal> attribute.</para>
inputs with <interfacename > @Valid</interfacename> ,
if a JSR-303 Provider is present on the classpath.</para>
<listitem >
<para > HttpMessageConverter support for @RequestBody method
parameters and @ResponseBody method return values.</para>
<para > HttpMessageConverter support for
<interfacename > @RequestBody</interfacename> method
parameters and <interfacename > @ResponseBody</interfacename>
method return values from
<interfacename > @RequestMapping</interfacename> or
<interfacename > @ExceptionHandler</interfacename> methods.</para>
<para > This is the complete list of HttpMessageConverters set up by
mvc:annotation-driven: <itemizedlist >
@ -4085,76 +4196,130 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -4085,76 +4196,130 @@ public class SimpleController {
</itemizedlist> </para>
<note >
<para > You can provide your own HttpMessageConverters through the
mvc:message-converters sub-element of mvc:annotation-driven.
Message converters you provide will take precedence over the
ones registered by default.</para>
</orderedlist> A typical usage is shown below: <programlisting
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<section id= "mvc-config-customize" >
<title > Customizing the Provided Configuration</title>
<para > To customize the default configuration in Java you simply
implement the <interfacename > WebMvcConfigurer</interfacename>
interface or more likely extend the class
<classname > WebMvcConfigurerAdapter</classname> and override
the methods you need. Below is an example of some of the available
methods to override. See <interfacename > WebMvcConifgurer</interfacename> for
a list of all methods and the Javadoc for further details:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
protected void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
// Add formatters and/or converters
< !-- JSR-303 support will be detected on classpath and enabled automatically -->
< mvc:annotation-driven/>
< /beans> </programlisting> </para>
public void configureMessageConverters(List< HttpMessageConverter< ?> > converters) {
// Configure the list of HttpMessageConverters to use
<para > To customize the default configuration of
<literal > < mvc:annotation-driven /> </literal> check what
attributes and sub-elements it supports. You can view the
<ulink url= "http://static.springsource.org/schema/mvc/spring-mvc-3.1.xsd" > Spring MVC XML schema</ulink>
or use the code completion feature of your IDE to discover
what attributes and sub-elements are available.
The sample below shows a subset of what is available:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService">
< mvc:message-converters>
< bean class="org.example.MyHttpMessageConverter"/>
< bean class="org.example.MyOtherHttpMessageConverter"/>
< /mvc:message-converters>
< /mvc:annotation-driven>
< bean id="conversionService" class="org.springframework.format.support.FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean">
< property name="formatters">
< list>
< bean class="org.example.MyFormatter"/>
< bean class="org.example.MyOtherFormatter"/>
< /list>
< /property>
< /bean> </programlisting>
<section id= "mvc-interceptors" >
<title > mvc:interceptors</title>
<section id= "mvc-config- interceptors" >
<title > Configuring I nterceptors</title>
<para > This tag allows you to register custom HandlerInterceptors or
WebRequestInterceptors that should be applied to all HandlerMapping
beans. You can also restrict the URL paths that specific interceptors
apply to.</para>
<para > You can configure <interfacename > HandlerInterceptors</interfacename>
or <interfacename > WebRequestInterceptors</interfacename> to be applied
to all incoming requests or restricted to specific URL path patterns.</para>
<para > An example of registering an interceptor applied to all URL
<para > An example of registering interceptors in Java:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:interceptors>
< bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.LocaleChangeInterceptor" />
< /mvc:interceptors> </programlisting>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
registry.addInterceptor(new LocalInterceptor());
registry.addInterceptor(new SecurityInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/secure/*");
<para > An example of registering an interceptor limited to a specific URL
<para > And in XML use the <literal > < mvc:interceptors> </literal> element:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:interceptors>
< bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.LocaleChangeInterceptor" />
< mvc:interceptor>
< mapping path="/secure/*"/>
< bean class="org.example.SecurityInterceptor" />
< /mvc:interceptor>
< /mvc:interceptors> </programlisting>
< /mvc:interceptors>
<section id= "mvc-view-controller" >
<title > mvc:view-controller </title>
<section id= "mvc-config- view-controller" >
<title > Configuring View Controllers </title>
<para > This tag is a shortcut for defining a
<para > This is a shortcut for defining a
<classname > ParameterizableViewController</classname> that immediately
forwards to a view when invoked. Use it in static cases when there is no
Java C ontroller logic to execute before the view generates the
Java c ontroller logic to execute before the view generates the
<para > An example of view-controller that forwards to a home page is
shown below:</para>
<para > An example of forwarding a request for <literal > "/"</literal>
to a view called <literal > "home"</literal> in Java:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
<para > And the same in XML use the <literal > < mvc:view-controller> </literal> element:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="home"/> </programlisting>
<section id= "mvc-static-resources" >
<title > mvc:resources</title>
<section id= "mvc-config- static-resources" >
<title > Configuring Serving of R esources</title>
<para > This tag allows static resource requests following a particular
<para > This option allows static resource requests following a particular
URL pattern to be served by a
<classname > ResourceHttpRequestHandler</classname> from any of a list of
<classname > Resource</classname> locations. This provides a convenient
@ -4169,8 +4334,20 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -4169,8 +4334,20 @@ public class SimpleController {
unnecessary overhead for resources that are already cached by the
client. For example, to serve resource requests with a URL pattern of
<code > /resources/**</code> from a <code > public-resources</code>
directory within the web application root, the tag would be used as
directory within the web application root you would use:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
<para > And the same in XML:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/public-resources/"/> </programlisting>
@ -4178,6 +4355,19 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -4178,6 +4355,19 @@ public class SimpleController {
maximum use of the browser cache and a reduction in HTTP requests made
by the browser:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
<para > And in XML:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/public-resources/" cache-period="31556926"/> </programlisting>
<para > The <code > mapping</code> attribute must be an Ant pattern that can
@ -4189,7 +4379,21 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -4189,7 +4379,21 @@ public class SimpleController {
given request. For example, to enable the serving of resources from both
the web application root and from a known path of
<code > /META-INF/public-web-resources/</code> in any jar on the
classpath, the tag would be specified as:</para>
classpath use:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
.addResourceLocations("/", "classpath:/META-INF/public-web-resources/");
<para > And in XML:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/, classpath:/META-INF/public-web-resources/"/> </programlisting>
@ -4213,18 +4417,36 @@ public class SimpleController {
@@ -4213,18 +4417,36 @@ public class SimpleController {
would be to manage the version of the application in a properties file,
such as:</para>
<programlisting >
<programlisting > application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
<para > and then to make the properties file's values accessible to SpEL
as a bean using the <code > util:properties</code> tag:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < util:properties id="applicationProps" location="/WEB-INF/spring/application.properties"/> </programlisting>
<para > With the application version now accessible via SpEL, we can
incorporate this into the use of the <code > resources</code> tag:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:resources mapping="/resources-#{applicationProps['application.version']}/**" location="/public-resources/"/> </programlisting>
<para > In Java, you can use the <interfacename > @PropertySouce</interfacename>
annotation and then inject the <classname > Environment</classname>
abstraction for access to all defined properties:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
@Inject Environment env;
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
registry.addResourceHandler("/resources-" + env.getProperty("application.version") + "/**")
<para > and finally, to request the resource with the proper URL, we can
take advantage of the Spring JSP tags:</para>
@ -4232,7 +4454,7 @@ application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
@@ -4232,7 +4454,7 @@ application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < spring:eval expression="@applicationProps['application.version']" var="applicationVersion"/>
< spring:url value="/resources-{applicationVersion}" var="resourceUrl">
< spring:param name="applicationVersion" value="${applicationVersion}"/>
< spring:param name="applicationVersion" value="${applicationVersion}"/>
< /spring:url>
< script src="${resourceUrl}/dojo/dojo.js" type="text/javascript"> < /script> </programlisting>
@ -4257,9 +4479,21 @@ application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
@@ -4257,9 +4479,21 @@ application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
of the <code > DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler</code> , which is
<code > Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> .</para>
<para > To enable the feature using the default setup, simply include the
tag in the form:</para>
<para > To enable the feature using the default setup use:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) {
<para > Or in XML:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:default-servlet-handler/> </programlisting>
<para > The caveat to overriding the "/" Servlet mapping is that the
@ -4274,29 +4508,125 @@ application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
@@ -4274,29 +4508,125 @@ application.version=1.0.0</programlisting>
the default Servlet name is unknown, then the default Servlet's name
must be explicitly provided as in the following example:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @EnableWebMvc
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) {
<para > Or in XML:</para>
<programlisting language= "xml" > < mvc:default-servlet-handler default-servlet-name="myCustomDefaultServlet"/> </programlisting>
<section id= "mvc-resources" >
<title > More Spring Web MVC Resources</title>
<para > See the following links and pointers for more resources about Spring
Web MVC:</para>
<itemizedlist >
<listitem >
<para > There are many excellent articles and tutorials that show how to
build web applications with Spring MVC. Read them at the <ulink
Documentation</ulink> page.</para>
<listitem >
<para > <quote > Expert Spring Web MVC and Web Flow</quote> by Seth Ladd
and others (published by Apress) is an excellent hard copy source of
Spring Web MVC goodness.</para>
<section id= "mvc-resources" >
<title > More Spring Web MVC Resources</title>
<para > See the following links and pointers for more resources about Spring Web MVC:</para>
<itemizedlist >
<listitem >
<para > There are many excellent articles and tutorials that show how to
build web applications with Spring MVC. Read them at the <ulink
Documentation</ulink> page.</para>
<listitem >
<para > <quote > Expert Spring Web MVC and Web Flow</quote> by Seth Ladd
and others (published by Apress) is an excellent hard copy source of
Spring Web MVC goodness.</para>
<section id= "mvc-config-advanced-java" >
<title > Advanced Customizations with MVC Java Config</title>
<para > As you can see from the above examples, MVC Java config and
the MVC namespace provide higher level constructs that do not
require deep knowledge of the underlying beans created for you.
Instead it helps you to focus on your application needs.
However, at some point you may need more fine-grained control
or you may simply wish to understand the underlying configuration.</para>
<para > The first step towards more fine-grained control is to see the
underlying beans created for you. In MVC Java config you can
see the Javadoc and the <interfacename > @Bean</interfacename>
methods in <classname > WebMvcConfigurationSupport</classname> .
The configuration in this class is automatically imported
through the <interfacename > @EnableWebMvc</interfacename> annotation.
In fact if you open <interfacename > @EnableWebMvc</interfacename> you can
see the <interfacename > @Import</interfacename> statement.</para>
<para > The next step towards more fine-grained control is to
customize a property on one of the beans created in
<classname > WebMvcConfigurationSupport</classname> or perhaps
to provide your own instance. This requires two things --
remove the <interfacename > @EnableWebMvc</interfacename>
annotation in order to prevent the import and then
extend directly from <classname > WebMvcConfigurationSupport</classname> .
Here is an example:
<programlisting language= "java" > @Configuration
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry){
// ...
public RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter() {
// Create or let "super" create the adapter
// Then customize one of its properties
<para > Note that modifying beans in this way does not prevent
you from using any of the higher-level constructs shown earlier in
this section. </para>
<section id= "mvc-config-advanced-xml" >
<title > Advanced Customizations with the MVC Namespace</title>
<para > Fine-grained control over the configuration created for
you is a bit harder with the MVC namespace.</para>
<para > If you do need to do that, rather than replicating the
configuration it provides, consider configuring a
<interfacename > BeanPostProcessor</interfacename> that detects
the bean you want to customize by type and then modifying its
properties as necessary. For example:</para>
<programlisting language= "java" > @Component
public class MyPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {
if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
// Modify properties of the adapter
<para > Note that <classname > MyPostProcessor</classname> needs to be
included in an <interfacename > < component scan /> </interfacename>
in order for it to be detected or if you prefer you can declare it
explicitly with an XML bean declaration.</para>