@ -4827,47 +4827,50 @@ include::webmvc-cors.adoc[leveloffset=+1]
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== REST API exceptions |
[.small]#<<web-reactive.adoc#webflux-ann-rest-exceptions, WebFlux>># |
A common requirement for REST services is to include error details in the body of the |
response. The Spring Framework provides support for |
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7807.html[RFC 7807] formatted error responses. |
Main abstractions and supporting infrastructure: |
- `ProblemDetail` in the `spring-web` module is the core abstraction that represents an |
RFC 7807 problem detail. It helps to enable a range of features in Spring MVC for the |
handling and rendering of such responses. |
- `ErrorResponse` is an interface that defines an error response, including status, headers, |
and `ProblemDetail` as its body. All Spring web exceptions implement this interface, and |
thus encapsulate a default opinion on how they map to an RFC 7807 error response. |
- `ErrorResponseException` is a `RuntimeException` that implements `ErrorResponse`, which |
can be raised directly or serve as a base class for other exceptions. |
- {api-spring-framework}/web/servlet/mvc/method/annotation/ResponseEntityExceptionHandler.html[`ResponseEntityExceptionHandler`] |
provides handling for Spring MVC exceptions and for any `ErrorResponseException`. |
Applications can extend this as an <<mvc-ann-controller-advice>> to enable RFC 7807 support. |
`ProblemDetail` and `ErrorResponse` are supported as return values from |
`@ExceptionHandler` and `@RequestMapping` controller methods. The `status` property of |
`ProblemDetail` is used to set the response status, while the `instance` property is set |
from the current URL path, if not already set. |
The Jackson `HttpMessageConverter` returns "application/problem+json" as a preferred |
choice to serialize `ProblemDetail` to JSON as part of content negotiation. If no suitable |
media type is found to render a `ProblemDetail` response body, content negotiation falls |
back on "application/problem+json". |
Applications can extend `ProblemDetail` with non-standard fields in one of two ways: |
. Add properties to the generic `properties` map in `ProblemDetail`. When using |
the Jackson library, this `properties` map is unwrapped and as top level JSON |
properties with the help of `ProblemDetailJacksonMixin`. |
. Create a `ProblemDetail` subclass that defines the extra, non-standard fields. |
Subclasses can use a protected copy constructor in order to re-create an existing |
`ProblemDetail` as a subclass. This can be done centrally from an `@ControllerAdvice` |
such as `ResponseEntityExceptionHandler`. |
On the client side, `WebClientResponseException` and `RestClientResponseException` provide |
methods that decode the response body to some target type. This is useful to decode to a |
`ProblemDetail`, or to any other class, including subclasses of `ProblemDetail`. |
A common requirement for REST services is to include details in the body of an error |
response. The Spring Framework supports the "Problem Details for HTTP APIs" |
specification, https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7807.html[RFC 7807]. These are the main |
abstractions for this support: |
- `ProblemDetail` -- representation for an RFC 7807 problem detail; a simple container |
for both standard fields defined in the spec, and for non-standard ones. |
- `ErrorResponse` -- contract to expose HTTP error response details including HTTP |
status, response headers, and a body in the format of RFC 7807; this allows exceptions to |
encapsulate and expose the details of how they map to an HTTP response. All Spring MVC |
exceptions implement this. |
- `ErrorResponseException` -- basic `ErrorResponse` implementation that others |
can use as a convenient base class. |
- `ResponseEntityExceptionHandler` -- convenient base class for an |
<<mvc-ann-controller-advice,@ControllerAdvice>> that handles all Spring MVC exceptions, |
and any `ErrorResponseException`, and renders an error response with a body. |
You can return `ProblemDetail` or `ErrorResponse` directly from `@RequestMapping` or |
from `@ExceptionHandler` controller methods to render an RFC 7807 response as follows: |
- The `status` property of `ProblemDetail` determines the HTTP status. |
- The `instance` property of `ProblemDetail` is set from the current URL path, if not |
already set. |
- For content negotiation, the Jackson `HttpMessageConverter` prefers |
"application/problem+json" over "application/json" when rendering a `ProblemDetail`, |
and also falls back on it if no compatible media type is found. |
You can extend an RFC 7807 response with non-standard fields as follows: |
- Insert into the "properties" `Map` of `ProblemDetail`. When using the Jackson |
library, the Spring Framework registers `ProblemDetailJacksonMixin` that ensures this |
"properties" `Map` is unwrapped and rendered as top level JSON properties in the |
response, and likewise any unknown property during deserialization is inserted into |
this `Map`. |
- Extend `ProblemDetail` to add dedicated non-standard properties. The copy constructor |
in `ProblemDetail` allows a sub-class to make it easy to be created from an existing |
`ProblemDetail`. This could be done centrally, e.g. from an `@ControllerAdvice` such as |
`ResponseEntityExceptionHandler` that re-creates the `ProblemDetail` of an exception into |
a subclass with the additional non-standard fields. |
A client application can catch `WebClientResponseException`, when using the `WebClient`, |
or `RestClientResponseException` when using the `RestTemplate`, and use their |
`getResponseBodyAs` methods to decode the error response body to any target type such as |
`ProblemDetail`, or a subclass of `ProblemDetail`. |