2 changed files with 629 additions and 7 deletions
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[[rsocket]] |
= RSocket |
[[rsocket-overview]] |
== Overview |
RSocket is an application protocol for multiplexed, duplex communication over TCP, |
WebSocket, and other byte stream transports, using one of the following interaction |
models: |
* `Request-Response` -- send one message and receive one back. |
* `Request-Stream` -- send one message and receive a stream of messages back. |
* `Channel` -- send streams of messages in both directions. |
* `Fire-and-Forget` -- send a one-way message. |
Once the initial connection is made, the "client" vs "server" distinction is lost as |
both sides become symmetrical and each side can initiate one of the above interactions. |
This is why in the protocol calls the participating sides "requester" and "responder" |
while the above interactions are called "requests" or "streams". |
Below are key features built into the protocol: |
* https://www.reactive-streams.org/[Reactive Streams] semantics across network boundary -- |
for streaming requests such as `Request-Stream` and `Channel`, back pressure signals |
travel between requester and responder, allowing a requester to slow down a responder at |
the source, hence reducing reliance on network layer congestion control, and the need |
for buffering at the network or any level. |
* Request throttling -- this feature is named "leasing" after the `LEASE` frame that |
can be sent from each end to limit the total number of requests allowed by other end |
for a given time. Leases are renewed periodically. |
* Session resumption -- this is designed for loss of connectivity and requires some state |
to be maintained. The state management is transparent for applications, and works well |
in combination with back pressure which can stop a producer when possible and reduce |
the amount of state required. |
* Fragmentation and re-assembly of large messages. |
* Keepalive (heartbeats). |
RSocket has https://github.com/rsocket[implementations] in multiple languages. The |
https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java[Java library] is built on |
https://projectreactor.io/[Project Reactor], and Reactor Netty for the transport. |
That means signals from Reactive Streams Publishers in your application propagate |
transparently through RSocket across the network. |
[[rsocket-protocol]] |
=== The Protocol |
One of the benefits of RSocket is that it has a well defined behavior on the wire and an |
easy to read http://rsocket.io/docs/Protocol[specification] along with some protocol |
https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket/tree/master/Extensions[extensions]. Therefore it is |
a good idea to read the spec, independent of language implementations and higher level |
framework APIs. This section provides a succinct overview to establish some context. |
**Connecting** |
Initially a client connects to a server via some low level streaming transport such |
as TCP or WebSocket and sends a `SETUP` frame to the server to define parameters for the |
connection. |
The server may reject the `SETUP` frame, but generally after it is sent (for the client) |
and received (for the server), both sides can begin to make requests, unless `SETUP` |
indicates use of leasing semantics to limit the number of requests, in which case |
both sides must wait for a `LEASE` frame from the other end to permit making requests. |
**Making Requests** |
Once a connection is established, both sides may initiate a request through one of the |
those frames carries one message from the requester to the responder. |
The responder may then return `PAYLOAD` frames with response messages, and in the case |
of `REQUEST_CHANNEL` the requester may also send `PAYLOAD` frames with more request |
messages. |
When a request involves a stream of messages such as as `Request-Stream` and `Channel`, |
the responder must respect demand signals from the requester. Demand is expressed as a |
number of messages. Initial demand is specified in `REQUEST_STREAM` and |
`REQUEST_CHANNEL` frames. Subsequent demand is signaled via `REQUEST_N` frames. |
Each side may also send metadata notifications, via the `METADATA_PUSH` frame, that do not |
pertain to any individual request but rather to the connection as a whole. |
**Message Format** |
RSocket messages contain data and metadata. Metadata can be used to send a route, a |
security token, etc. Data and metadata can be formatted differently. Mime types for each |
are declared in the `SETUP` frame and apply to all requests on a given connection. |
While all messages can have metadata, typically metadata such as a route are per-request |
and therefore only included in the first message on a request, i.e. with one of the frames |
Protocol extensions define common metadata formats for use in applications: |
* https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket/blob/master/Extensions/CompositeMetadata.md[Composite Metadata] |
-- multiple, independently formatted metadata entries. |
* https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket/blob/master/Routing.md[Routing] -- the route for a |
request. |
[[rsocket-java]] |
=== Java Implementation |
The https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java[Java implementation] for RSocket is built on |
https://projectreactor.io/[Project Reactor]. The transports for TCP and WebSocket are |
built on https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty[Reactor Netty]. As a Reactive Streams |
library, Reactor simplifies the job of implementing the protocol. For applications it is |
a natural fit to use `Flux` and `Mono` with declarative operators and transparent back |
pressure support. |
The API in RSocket Java is intentionally minimal and basic. It focuses on protocol |
features and leaves the application programming model (e.g. RPC codegen vs other) as a |
higher level, independent concern. |
The main contract |
https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/blob/master/rsocket-core/src/main/java/io/rsocket/RSocket.java[io.rsocket.RSocket] |
models the four request interaction types with `Mono` representing a promise for a |
single message, `Flux` a stream of messages, and `io.rsocket.Payload` the actual |
message with access to data and metadata as byte buffers. The `RSocket` contract is used |
symmetrically. For requesting, the application is given an `RSocket` to perform |
requests with. For responding, the application implements `RSocket` to handle requests. |
This is not meant to be a thorough introduction. For the most part, Spring applications |
will not have to use its API directly. However it may be important to see or experiment |
with RSocket independent of Spring. The RSocket Java repository contains a number of |
https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/tree/develop/rsocket-examples[sample apps] that |
demonstrate its API and protocol features. |
[[rsocket-spring]] |
=== Spring Support |
The `spring-messaging` module contains the following: |
* <<rsocket-requester>> -- fluent API to make requests through an `io.rsocket.RSocket` |
with data and metadata encoding/decoding. |
* <<rsocket-annot-responders>> -- `@MessageMapping` annotated handler methods for responding. |
The `spring-web` module contains `Encoder` and `Decoder` implementations such as Jackson |
CBOR/JSON, and Protobuf that RSocket applications will likely need. It also contains the |
`PathPatternParser` that can be plugged in for efficient route matching. |
Spring Security... |
Spring Boot... |
[[rsocket-requester]] |
== RSocketRequester |
`RSocketRequester` provides a fluent API to perform RSocket requests, accepting and |
returning objects for data and metadata instead of low level data buffers. It can be used |
symmetrically, to make requests from clients and to make requests from servers. |
[[rsocket-requester-client]] |
=== Client Requester |
To obtain an `RSocketRequester` on the client side requires connecting to a server along with |
preparing and sending the initial RSocket `SETUP` frame. `RSocketRequester` provides a |
builder for that. Internally uses RSocket Java's `RSocketFactory`. |
This is the most basic way to connect with default settings: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
Mono<RSocketRequester> mono = RSocketRequester.builder() |
.connectTcp("localhost", 7000); |
Mono<RSocketRequester> requesterMono = RSocketRequester.builder() |
.connectWebSocket(URI.create("http://example.org:8080/rsocket")); |
---- |
The above is deferred. To actually connect and use the requester: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
// Connect asynchronously |
RSocketRequester.builder().connectTcp("localhost", 7000) |
.subscribe(requester -> { |
// ... |
}); |
// Or block |
RSocketRequester requester = RSocketRequester.builder() |
.connectTcp("localhost", 7000) |
.block(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); |
---- |
[[rsocket-requester-client-setup]] |
==== Connection Setup |
`RSocketRequester.Builder` provides the following to customize the initial `SETUP` frame: |
* `dataMimeType(MimeType)` -- set the mime type for data on the connection. |
* `metadataMimeType(MimeType)` -- set the mime type for metadata on the connection. |
* `setupData(Object)` -- data to include in the `SETUP`. |
* `setupRoute(String, Object...)` -- route in the metadata to include in the `SETUP`. |
* `setupMetadata(Object, MimeType)` -- other metadata to include in the `SETUP`. |
For data, the default mime type is derived from the first configured `Decoder`. For |
metadata, the default mime type is composite metadata which allows multiple metadata |
value and mime type pairs per request. Typically both don't need to be changed. |
Data and metadata in the `SETUP` frame is optional. On the server side, |
a `@ConnectMapping` methods can be used to handle the start of a connection and the |
content of the `SETUP` frame. Metadata may include connection level security info. |
[[rsocket-requester-client-strategies]] |
==== Strategies |
`RSocketRequester.Builder` accepts `RSocketStrategies` to configure the requester. |
You'll need to use this to provide encoders and decoders for (de)-serialization of data and |
metadata values. By default only the basic codecs from `spring-core` for `String`, |
`byte[]`, and `ByteBuffer` are registered. Adding `spring-web` provides access to more that |
can be registered as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
RSocketStrategies strategies = RSocketStrategies.builder() |
.encoders(encoders -> encoders.add(new Jackson2CborEncoder)) |
.decoder(decoders -> decoders.add(new Jackson2CborDecoder)) |
.build(); |
RSocketRequester.builder() |
.rsocketStrategies(strategies) |
.connectTcp("localhost", 7000); |
---- |
`RSocketStrategies` is designed for re-use. In some scenarios, e.g. client and server in |
the same application, it may be preferable to declare it in Spring configuration. |
[[rsocket-requester-client-responder]] |
==== Client Responders |
`RSocketRequester.Builder` can be used to configure responders to requests from the |
server. |
You can use annotated handlers for client-side responding based on the same |
infrastructure that's used on a server, but registered programmatically as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
RSocketStrategies strategies = RSocketStrategies.builder() |
.routeMatcher(new PathPatternRouteMatcher()) <1> |
.build(); |
ClientHandler handler = new ClientHandler(); <2> |
RSocketRequester.builder() |
.rsocketFactory(RSocketMessageHandler.clientResponder(strategies, handler)) <3> |
.connectTcp("localhost", 7000); |
---- |
<1> Use `PathPatternRouteMatcher`, if `spring-web` is present, for efficient |
route matching. |
<2> Create responder that contains `@MessageMaping` or `@ConnectMapping` methods. |
<3> Use static factory method in `RSocketMessageHandler` to register one or more responders. |
Note the above is only a shortcut designed for programmatic registration of client |
responders. For alternative scenarios, where client responders are in Spring configuration, |
you can still declare `RSocketMessageHandler` as a Spring bean and then apply as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
ApplicationContext context = ... ; |
RSocketMessageHandler handler = context.getBean(RSocketMessageHandler.class); |
RSocketRequester.builder() |
.rsocketFactory(factory -> factory.acceptor(handler.responder())) |
.connectTcp("localhost", 7000); |
---- |
For the above you may also need to use `setHandlerPredicate` in `RSocketMessageHandler` to |
switch to a different strategy for detecting client responders, e.g. based on a custom |
annotation such as `@RSocketClientResponder` vs the default `@Controller`. This |
is necessary in scenarios with client and server, or multiple clients in the same |
application. |
See also <<rsocket-annot-responders>>, for more on the programming model. |
[[rsocket-requester-client-advanced]] |
==== Advanced |
`RSocketRequesterBuilder` provides a callback to expose the underlying |
`ClientRSocketFactory` from RSocket Java for further configuration options for |
keepalive intervals, session resumption, interceptors, and more. You can configure options |
at that level as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
RSocketRequester.builder() |
.rsocketFactory(factory -> { |
// ... |
}) |
.connectTcp("localhost", 7000); |
---- |
[[rsocket-requester-server]] |
=== Server Requester |
To make requests from a server to connected clients is a matter of obtaining the |
requester for the connected client from the server. |
In <<rsocket-annot-responders>>, `@ConnectMapping` and `@MessageMapping` methods support an |
`RSocketRequester` argument. Use it to access the requester for the connection. Keep in |
mind that `@ConnectMapping` methods are essentially handlers of the `SETUP` frame which |
must be handled before requests can begin. Therefore, requests at the very start must be |
decoupled from handling. For example: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
@ConnectMapping |
Mono<Void> handle(RSocketRequester requester) { |
requester.route("status").data("5") |
.retrieveFlux(StatusReport.class) |
.subscribe(bar -> { <1> |
// ... |
}); |
return ... <2> |
} |
---- |
<1> Start the request asynchronously, independent from handling. |
<2> Perform handling and return completion `Mono<Void>`. |
[[rsocket-requester-requests]] |
=== Requests |
Once you have a <<rsocket-requester-client,client>> or |
<<rsocket-requester-server,server>> requester, you can make requests as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
ViewBox box = ... ; |
Flux<AirportLocation> locations = |
requester.route("locate.radars.within") <1> |
.data(viewBox) <2> |
.retrieveFlux(AirportLocation.class); <3> |
---- |
<1> Specify a route to include in the metadata of the request message. |
<2> Provide data for the request message. |
<3> Declare the expected response. |
The interaction type is determined implicitly from the cardinality of the input and |
output. The above example is a `Request-Stream` because one value is sent and a stream |
of values is received. For the most part you don't need to think about this as long as the |
choice of input and output matches an RSocket interaction type and the types of input and |
output expected by the responder. The only example of an invalid combination is many-to-one. |
The `data(Object)` method also accepts any Reactive Streams `Publisher`, including |
`Flux` and `Mono`, as well as any other producer of value(s) that is registered in the |
`ReactiveAdapterRegistry`. For a multi-value `Publisher` such as `Flux` which produces the |
same types of values, consider using one of the overloaded `data` methods to avoid having |
type checks and `Encoder` lookup on every element: |
[source,java,indent=0] |
[subs="verbatim,quotes"] |
---- |
data(Object producer, Class<?> elementClass); |
data(Object producer, ParameterizedTypeReference<?> elementTypeRef); |
---- |
The `data(Object)` step is optional. Skip it for requests that don't send data: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
Mono<AirportLocation> location = |
requester.route("find.radar.EWR")) |
.retrieveMono(AirportLocation.class); |
---- |
Extra metadata values can be added if using composite metadata (the default) and if the |
values are supported by a registered `Encoder`. For example: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
String securityToken = ... ; |
ViewBox box = ... ; |
Flux<AirportLocation> locations = |
requester.route("locate.radars.within") |
.metadata(securityToken, "message/x.rsocket.authentication.bearer.v0") |
.data(viewBox) |
.retrieveFlux(AirportLocation.class); |
---- |
For `Fire-and-Forget` use the `send()` method that returns `Mono<Void>`. Note that the `Mono` |
indicates only that the message was successfully sent, and not that it was handled. |
[[rsocket-annot-responders]] |
== Annotated Responders |
RSocket responders can be implemented as `@MessageMapping` and `@ConnectMapping` methods. |
`@MessageMapping` methods handle individual requests, and `@ConnectMapping` methods handle |
connection-level events (setup and metadata push). Annotated responders are supported |
symmetrically, for responding from the server side and for responding from the client side. |
[[rsocket-annot-responders-server]] |
=== Server Responders |
To use annotated responders on the server side, add `RSocketMessageHandler` to your Spring |
configuration to detect `@Controller` beans with `@MessageMapping` and `@ConnectMapping` |
methods: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
@Configuration |
static class ServerConfig { |
@Bean |
public RSocketMessageHandler rsocketMessageHandler() { |
RSocketMessageHandler handler = new RSocketMessageHandler(); |
handler.routeMatcher(new PathPatternRouteMatcher()); |
return handler; |
} |
} |
---- |
Then start an RSocket server through the Java RSocket API and plug the |
`RSocketMessageHandler` for the responder as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
ApplicationContext context = ... ; |
RSocketMessageHandler handler = context.getBean(RSocketMessageHandler.class); |
CloseableChannel server = |
RSocketFactory.receive() |
.acceptor(handler.responder()) |
.transport(TcpServerTransport.create("localhost", 7000)) |
.start() |
.block(); |
---- |
`RSocketMessageHandler` supports the composite metadata and the routing metadata formats |
by default. It can be configured with the <<rsocket-metadata-extractor>> to use if you |
need to change that or register additional metadata mime types. |
You'll need to set the `Encoder` and `Decoder` instances required for metadata and data |
formats to support. You'll likely need the `spring-web` module for codec implementations. |
By default `SimpleRouteMatcher` is used for matching routes via `AntPathMatcher`. |
We recommend plugging in the `PathPatternRouteMatcher` from `spring-web` for |
efficient route matching. RSocket routes can be hierarchical but are not URL paths. |
Both route matchers are configured to use "." as separator by default and there is no URL |
decoding as with HTTP URLs. |
`RSocketMessageHandler` can be configured via `RSocketStrategies` which may be useful if |
you need to share configuration between a client and a server in the same process: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
@Configuration |
static class ServerConfig { |
@Bean |
public RSocketMessageHandler rsocketMessageHandler() { |
RSocketMessageHandler handler = new RSocketMessageHandler(); |
handler.setRSocketStrategies(rsocketStrategies()); |
return handler; |
} |
@Bean |
public RSocketStrategies rsocketStrategies() { |
retrun RSocketStrategies.builder() |
.encoders(encoders -> encoders.add(new Jackson2CborEncoder)) |
.decoder(decoders -> decoders.add(new Jackson2CborDecoder)) |
.routeMatcher(new PathPatternRouteMatcher()) |
.build(); |
} |
} |
---- |
[[rsocket-annot-responders-client]] |
=== Client Responders |
Annotated responders on the client side need to be configured in the |
`RSocketRequester.Builder`. For details, see |
<<rsocket-requester-client-responder>>. |
[[rsocket-annot-messagemapping]] |
=== @MessageMapping |
Once <<rsocket-annot-responders-server,server>> or |
<<rsocket-annot-responders-client,client>> responder configuration is in place, |
`@MessageMapping` methods can be used as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
@Controller |
public class RadarsController { |
@MessageMapping("locate.radars.within") |
public Flux<AirportLocation> radars(MapRequest request) { |
// ... |
} |
} |
---- |
You don't need to explicit specify the RSocket interaction type. Simply declare the |
expected input and output, and a route pattern. The supporting infrastructure will adapt |
matching requests. |
The following additional arguments are supported for `@MessageMapping` methods: |
* `RSocketRequester` -- the requester for the connection associated with the request, |
to make requests to the remote end. |
* `@DestinationVariable` -- the value for a variable from the pattern, e.g. |
`@MessageMapping("find.radar.{id}")`. |
* `@Header` -- access to a metadata value registered for extraction, as described in |
<<rsocket-metadata-extractor>>. |
* `@Headers Map<String, Object>` -- access to all metadata values registered for |
extraction, as described in <<rsocket-metadata-extractor>>. |
[[rsocket-annot-connectmapping]] |
=== @ConnectMapping |
`@ConnectMapping` handles the `SETUP` frame at the start of an RSocket connection. |
It can be mapped with a pattern, like an `@MessageMapping` method, and it supports the |
same arguments as an `@MessageMapping` method but based on the content of the `SETUP` |
frame. |
`@ConnectMapping` methods also handle metadata push notifications through |
the `METADATA_PUSH` frame, i.e. the `metadataPush(Payload)` in `io.rsocket.RSocket`. |
[[rsocket-metadata-extractor]] |
== MetadataExtractor |
Responders must interpret metadata. |
https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket/blob/master/Extensions/CompositeMetadata.md[Composite metadata] |
allows independently formatted metadata values (e.g. for routing, security, tracing) each |
with its own mime type. Applications need a way to configure metadata mime types to |
support, and a way to access extracted values. |
`MetadataExtractor` is a contract to take serialized metadata and return decoded |
name-value pairs that can then be accessed like headers by name, for example via `@Header` |
in annotated handler methods. |
`DefaultMetadataExtractor` can be given `Decoder` instances to decode metadata. Out of |
the box it has built-in support for routing metadata ("message/x.rsocket.routing.v0"), |
which it decodes to `String` and saves under the "route" key. For any other mime type |
you'll need to provide a `Decoder` and register the mime type as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
DefaultMetadataExtractor extractor = new DefaultMetadataExtractor(metadataDecoders); |
extractor.metadataToExtract(fooMimeType, Foo.class, "foo"); |
---- |
Composite metadata works well to combine independent metadata values. However the |
requester might not support composite metadata, or may choose not to use it. For this, |
`DefaultMetadataExtractor` may needs custom logic to map the decoded value to the output |
map. Here is an example where JSON is used for metadata: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
DefaultMetadataExtractor extractor = new DefaultMetadataExtractor(metadataDecoders); |
extractor.metadataToExtract( |
MimeType.valueOf("application/vnd.myapp.metadata+json"), |
new ParameterizedTypeReference<Map<String,String>>() {}, |
(jsonMap, outputMap) -> { |
outputMap.putAll(jsonMap); |
}); |
---- |
When configuring `MetadataExtractor` through `RSocketStrategies`, you can let |
`RSocketStrategies.Builder` create the extractor with the configured decoders, and |
simply use a callback to customize registrations as follows: |
[source,java,indent=0,subs="verbatim,quotes",role="primary"] |
.Java |
---- |
RSocketStrategies strategies = RSocketStrategies.builder() |
.metadataExtractorRegistry(registry -> { |
registry.metadataToExtract(fooMimeType, Foo.class, "foo"); |
// ... |
}) |
.build(); |
---- |
Reference in new issue