Used at the class level as above, the annotation indicates a default for all methods of
Used at the class level as above, the annotation indicates a default for all methods of
the declaring class (as well as its subclasses). Alternatively, each method can be
the declaring class (as well as its subclasses). Alternatively, each method can be
annotated individually. See xref:data-access/transaction/declarative/annotations.adoc#transaction-declarative-annotations-method-visibility[null] for
annotated individually. See xref:data-access/transaction/declarative/annotations.adoc#transaction-declarative-annotations-method-visibility[method visibility] for
further details on which methods Spring considers transactional. Note that a class-level
further details on which methods Spring considers transactional. Note that a class-level
annotation does not apply to ancestor classes up the class hierarchy; in such a scenario,
annotation does not apply to ancestor classes up the class hierarchy; in such a scenario,
inherited methods need to be locally redeclared in order to participate in a
inherited methods need to be locally redeclared in order to participate in a