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SPR-7116 - Added documentation for <mvc:resources>

Jeremy Grelle 15 years ago
  1. 63


@ -3354,6 +3354,69 @@ public class SimpleController { @@ -3354,6 +3354,69 @@ public class SimpleController {
<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="home"/>]]>
<section id="mvc-static-resources">
This tag allows static resource requests following a particular URL pattern to be served by a <classname>ResourceHttpRequestHandler</classname> from
any of a list of <classname>Resource</classname> locations. This provides a convenient way to serve static resources from locations other than the
web application root, including locations on the classpath, and the resources are served with far future expiration headers (1 year, as recommended by
optimization tools such as Page Speed and YSlow) so that they will be more efficiently utilized by the client. For example, to serve resource requests
with a URL pattern of <code>/resources/**</code> from a <code>public-resources</code> directory within the web application root, the tag would be used
as follows:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/public-resources/"/>]]>
The <code>mapping</code> attribute must be an Ant pattern that can be used by <classname>SimpleUrlHandlerMapping</classname>, and the <code>location</code>
attribute must specify one or more valid resource directory locations. Multiple resource locations may be specified using a comma-seperated list of values.
The locations specified will be checked in the specified order for the presence of the resource for any given request. For example, to enable the serving
of resources from both the web application root and from a known path of <code>/META-INF/public-web-resources/</code> in any jar on the classpath, the tag
would be specified as:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/, classpath:/META-INF/public-web-resources/"/>]]>
When serving resources that may change when a new version of the application is deployed, it is recommended that you incorporate a version string into the
mapping pattern used to request the resources, so that you may force clients to request the newly deployed version of your application's resources. Such a
version string can be parameterized and accessed using SpEL so that it may be easily managed in a single place when deploying new versions.
As an example, let's consider an application that uses a performance-optimized custom build (as recommended) of the Dojo JavaScript library in production, and that the build is generally
deployed within the web application at a path of <code>/public-resources/dojo/dojo.js</code>. Since different parts of Dojo may be incorporated into the
custom build for each new version of the application, the client web browsers need to be forced to re-download that custom-built <code>dojo.js</code> resource
any time a new version of the application is deployed. A simple way to achieve this would be to manage the version of the application in a properties file,
such as:
and then to make the properties file's values accessible to SpEL as a bean using the <code>util:properties</code> tag:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
<util:properties id="applicationProps" location="/WEB-INF/spring/"/>]]>
With the application version now accessible via SpEL, we can incorporate this into the use of the <code>resources</code> tag:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources-#{applicationProps['application.version']}/**" location="/public-resources/"/>]]>
and finally, to request the resource with the proper URL, we can take advantage of the Spring JSP tags:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
<spring:eval expression="@applicationProps['application.version']" var="applicationVersion"/>
<spring:url value="/resources-{applicationVersion}" var="resourceUrl">
<spring:param name="applicationVersion" value="${applicationVersion}"/>
<script src="${resourceUrl}/dojo/dojo.js" type="text/javascript" > </script>]]>
<section id="mvc-resources">
<title>More Spring Web MVC Resources</title>
