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Polish ExchangeFilterFunction[s]

Rossen Stoyanchev 7 years ago
  1. 61
  2. 136


@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* Represents a function that filters an {@linkplain ExchangeFunction exchange function}.
* Represents a function that filters an{@linkplain ExchangeFunction exchange function}.
* @author Arjen Poutsma
* @since 5.0
@ -33,32 +33,31 @@ public interface ExchangeFilterFunction { @@ -33,32 +33,31 @@ public interface ExchangeFilterFunction {
* Apply this filter to the given request and exchange function.
* <p>The given {@linkplain ExchangeFunction exchange function} represents the next entity
* in the chain, and can be {@linkplain ExchangeFunction#exchange(ClientRequest) invoked}
* in order to proceed to the exchange, or not invoked to block the chain.
* @param request the request
* <p>The given {@linkplain ExchangeFunction} represents the next entity
* in the chain, to be invoked via
* {@linkplain ExchangeFunction#exchange(ClientRequest) invoked} in order to
* proceed with the exchange, or not invoked to shortcut the chain.
* @param request the current request
* @param next the next exchange function in the chain
* @return the filtered response
Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next);
* Return a composed filter function that first applies this filter, and then applies the
* {@code after} filter.
* @param after the filter to apply after this filter is applied
* @return a composed filter that first applies this function and then applies the
* {@code after} function
* Return a composed filter function that first applies this filter, and
* then applies the given {@code "after"} filter.
* @param afterFilter the filter to apply after this filter
* @return the composed filter
default ExchangeFilterFunction andThen(ExchangeFilterFunction after) {
Assert.notNull(after, "ExchangeFilterFunction must not be null");
return (request, next) -> {
ExchangeFunction nextExchange = exchangeRequest -> after.filter(exchangeRequest, next);
return filter(request, nextExchange);
default ExchangeFilterFunction andThen(ExchangeFilterFunction afterFilter) {
Assert.notNull(afterFilter, "ExchangeFilterFunction must not be null");
return (request, next) ->
filter(request, afterRequest -> afterFilter.filter(afterRequest, next));
* Apply this filter to the given exchange function, resulting in a filtered exchange function.
* Apply this filter to the given {@linkplain ExchangeFunction}, resulting
* in a filtered exchange function.
* @param exchange the exchange function to filter
* @return the filtered exchange function
@ -68,25 +67,25 @@ public interface ExchangeFilterFunction { @@ -68,25 +67,25 @@ public interface ExchangeFilterFunction {
* Adapt the given request processor function to a filter function that only operates on the
* {@code ClientRequest}.
* @param requestProcessor the request processor
* @return the filter adaptation of the request processor
* Adapt the given request processor function to a filter function that only
* operates on the {@code ClientRequest}.
* @param processor the request processor
* @return the resulting filter adapter
static ExchangeFilterFunction ofRequestProcessor(Function<ClientRequest, Mono<ClientRequest>> requestProcessor) {
Assert.notNull(requestProcessor, "Function must not be null");
return (request, next) -> requestProcessor.apply(request).flatMap(next::exchange);
static ExchangeFilterFunction ofRequestProcessor(Function<ClientRequest, Mono<ClientRequest>> processor) {
Assert.notNull(processor, "ClientRequest Function must not be null");
return (request, next) -> processor.apply(request).flatMap(next::exchange);
* Adapt the given response processor function to a filter function that only operates on the
* {@code ClientResponse}.
* @param responseProcessor the response processor
* @return the filter adaptation of the request processor
* Adapt the given response processor function to a filter function that
* only operates on the {@code ClientResponse}.
* @param processor the response processor
* @return the resulting filter adapter
static ExchangeFilterFunction ofResponseProcessor(Function<ClientResponse, Mono<ClientResponse>> responseProcessor) {
Assert.notNull(responseProcessor, "Function must not be null");
return (request, next) ->;
static ExchangeFilterFunction ofResponseProcessor(Function<ClientResponse, Mono<ClientResponse>> processor) {
Assert.notNull(processor, "ClientResponse Function must not be null");
return (request, next) ->;


@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* Implementations of {@link ExchangeFilterFunction} that provide various useful request filter
* operations, such as basic authentication, error handling, etc.
* Static factory methods providing access to built-in implementations of
* {@link ExchangeFilterFunction} for basic authentication, error handling, etc.
* @author Rob Winch
* @author Arjen Poutsma
@ -42,93 +42,84 @@ import org.springframework.util.Assert; @@ -42,93 +42,84 @@ import org.springframework.util.Assert;
public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions {
* Name of the {@link ClientRequest} attribute that contains the
* {@link Credentials}, as used by {@link #basicAuthentication()}.
* Name of the {@linkplain ClientRequest#attributes() request attribute} that
* contains the {@link Credentials} used by {@link #basicAuthentication()}.
ExchangeFilterFunctions.class.getName() + ".basicAuthenticationCredentials";
* Return a filter that adds an Authorization header for HTTP Basic Authentication, based on
* the given username and password.
* Return a filter for HTTP Basic Authentication that adds an authorization
* header, based on the given user and password.
* <p>Note that Basic Authentication only supports characters in the
* {@link StandardCharsets#ISO_8859_1 ISO-8859-1} character set.
* @param username the username to use
* @param password the password to use
* @return the {@link ExchangeFilterFunction} that adds the Authorization header
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code username} or {@code password} contain
* characters that cannot be encoded to ISO-8859-1
* @param user the user
* @param password the password
* @return the filter for basic authentication
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code user} or
* {@code password} contain characters that cannot be encoded to ISO-8859-1.
public static ExchangeFilterFunction basicAuthentication(String username, String password) {
Assert.notNull(username, "'username' must not be null");
public static ExchangeFilterFunction basicAuthentication(String user, String password) {
Assert.notNull(user, "'user' must not be null");
Assert.notNull(password, "'password' must not be null");
checkIllegalCharacters(username, password);
return basicAuthenticationInternal(r -> Optional.of(new Credentials(username, password)));
checkIllegalCharacters(user, password);
return basicAuthenticationInternal(request -> Optional.of(new Credentials(user, password)));
* Return a filter that adds an Authorization header for HTTP Basic Authentication, based on
* the {@link Credentials} provided in the
* {@linkplain ClientRequest#attributes() request attributes}. If the attribute is not found,
* no authorization header is added.
* <p>Note that Basic Authentication only supports characters in the
* {@link StandardCharsets#ISO_8859_1 ISO-8859-1} character set.
* @return the {@link ExchangeFilterFunction} that adds the Authorization header
* Variant of {@link #basicAuthentication(String, String)} that looks up
* the {@link Credentials Credentials} provided in a
* {@linkplain ClientRequest#attributes() request attribute}, or if the
* attribute is not found, the authorization header is not added.
* @return the filter for basic authentication
* @see Credentials#basicAuthenticationCredentials(String, String)
public static ExchangeFilterFunction basicAuthentication() {
return basicAuthenticationInternal(
request -> request.attribute(BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE).map(o -> (Credentials)o));
return basicAuthenticationInternal(request ->
.map(credentials -> (Credentials) credentials));
private static ExchangeFilterFunction basicAuthenticationInternal(
Function<ClientRequest, Optional<Credentials>> credentialsFunction) {
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor(
clientRequest -> credentialsFunction.apply(clientRequest).map(
credentials -> {
ClientRequest authorizedRequest = ClientRequest.from(clientRequest)
.headers(headers -> headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION,
return Mono.just(authorizedRequest);
private static String authorization(Credentials credentials) {
String credentialsString = credentials.username + ":" + credentials.password;
byte[] credentialBytes = credentialsString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(credentialBytes);
String encodedCredentials = new String(encodedBytes, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
return "Basic " + encodedCredentials;
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofRequestProcessor(request ->
.map(credentials -> Mono.just(insertAuthorizationHeader(request, credentials)))
* Basic authentication only supports ISO 8859-1, see
private static void checkIllegalCharacters(String username, String password) {
// Basic authentication only supports ISO 8859-1, see
CharsetEncoder encoder = StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1.newEncoder();
if (!encoder.canEncode(username) || !encoder.canEncode(password)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Username or password contains characters that cannot be encoded to ISO-8859-1");
private static ClientRequest insertAuthorizationHeader(ClientRequest request, Credentials credentials) {
return ClientRequest.from(request).headers(headers -> {
String credentialsString = credentials.username + ":" + credentials.password;
byte[] credentialBytes = credentialsString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(credentialBytes);
String encodedCredentials = new String(encodedBytes, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic " + encodedCredentials);
* Return a filter that returns a given {@link Throwable} as response if the given
* Return a filter that generates an error signal when the given
* {@link HttpStatus} predicate matches.
* @param statusPredicate the predicate that should match the
* {@linkplain ClientResponse#statusCode() response status}
* @param exceptionFunction the function that returns the exception
* @return the {@link ExchangeFilterFunction} that returns the given exception if the predicate
* matches
* @param statusPredicate the predicate to check the HTTP status with
* @param exceptionFunction the function that to create the exception
* @return the filter to generate an error signal
public static ExchangeFilterFunction statusError(Predicate<HttpStatus> statusPredicate,
Function<ClientResponse, ? extends Throwable> exceptionFunction) {
@ -137,20 +128,16 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions { @@ -137,20 +128,16 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions {
Assert.notNull(exceptionFunction, "Function must not be null");
return ExchangeFilterFunction.ofResponseProcessor(
clientResponse -> {
if (statusPredicate.test(clientResponse.statusCode())) {
return Mono.error(exceptionFunction.apply(clientResponse));
else {
return Mono.just(clientResponse);
response -> statusPredicate.test(response.statusCode()) ?
Mono.error(exceptionFunction.apply(response)) :
* Represents a combination of username and password, as used by {@link #basicAuthentication()}.
* Stores user and password for HTTP basic authentication.
* @see #basicAuthentication()
* @see #basicAuthenticationCredentials(String, String)
public static final class Credentials {
@ -159,6 +146,7 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions { @@ -159,6 +146,7 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions {
private final String password;
* Create a new {@code Credentials} instance with the given username and password.
* @param username the username
@ -171,23 +159,25 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions { @@ -171,23 +159,25 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions {
this.password = password;
* Return a consumer that stores the given username and password in the
* {@linkplain ClientRequest.Builder#attributes(java.util.function.Consumer) request
* attributes} as a {@code Credentials} object.
* @param username the username
* Return a {@literal Consumer} that stores the given user and password
* as a request attribute of type {@code Credentials} that is in turn
* used by {@link ExchangeFilterFunctions#basicAuthentication()}.
* @param user the user
* @param password the password
* @return a consumer that adds the given credentials to the attribute map
* @return a consumer that can be passed into
* {@linkplain ClientRequest.Builder#attributes(java.util.function.Consumer)}
* @see ClientRequest.Builder#attributes(java.util.function.Consumer)
public static Consumer<Map<String, Object>> basicAuthenticationCredentials(String username, String password) {
Credentials credentials = new Credentials(username, password);
checkIllegalCharacters(username, password);
return attributes -> attributes.put(BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE, credentials);
public static Consumer<Map<String, Object>> basicAuthenticationCredentials(String user, String password) {
Credentials credentials = new Credentials(user, password);
checkIllegalCharacters(user, password);
return map -> map.put(BASIC_AUTHENTICATION_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTE, credentials);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
@ -197,7 +187,6 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions { @@ -197,7 +187,6 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions {
Credentials other = (Credentials) o;
return this.username.equals(other.username) &&
return false;
@ -206,7 +195,6 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions { @@ -206,7 +195,6 @@ public abstract class ExchangeFilterFunctions {
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * this.username.hashCode() + this.password.hashCode();
