There are scenarios, particularly in large message-oriented business applications, where data and object transformation is required.
There are scenarios, particularly in large message-oriented business applications, where data and object transformation is required.
For example, consider a complex Web Service where there a separation exists between the data exchange model and the internal domain model used to structure business logic.
For example, consider a complex Web Service where there is a separation between the data exchange model and the internal domain model used to structure business logic.
In cases like this, a general-purpose data mapping facility can be useful for automating the mapping between these disparate models.
In cases like this, a general-purpose data mapping facility can be useful for automating the mapping between these disparate models.
Spring 3 introduces such a facility built on the <linklinkend="expressions-intro">Spring Expression Language</link> (SpEl).
Spring 3 introduces such a facility built on the <linklinkend="expressions-intro">Spring Expression Language</link> (SpEl).