By default the starter runs with Reactor Netty but the dependencies can be changed as usual
with Spring Boot to switch to a different runtime.
See the Spring Boot reference documentation page for more details and instruction.
This starter also supports the functional web API and will detect automatically `RouterFunction`
beans. Your Spring Boot WebFlux application should use the `RouterFunction` *or* the
`RequestMapping` approach, it is currently not possible to mix them in the same application.
`RequestMapping` approach, it is not possible to mix them in the same application.
=== Manual Bootstrapping
@ -376,7 +374,6 @@ Spring configuration.
@@ -376,7 +374,6 @@ Spring configuration.
You will find code examples useful to build reactive Web application in the following projects:
*[Spring Boot Web Reactive Starter]: sources of the reactive starter available at
*[Functional programming model sample]
*[Spring Reactive Playground]: playground for most Spring Web reactive features
*[Reactor website]: the `spring-functional` branch is a Spring 5 functional, Java 8 lambda-style application