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Update RestTemplate Javadoc

Issue: SPR-10497
Rossen Stoyanchev 10 years ago
  1. 63


@ -72,48 +72,33 @@ import org.springframework.web.util.UriTemplate; @@ -72,48 +72,33 @@ import org.springframework.web.util.UriTemplate;
* <tr><td>any</td><td>{@link #exchange}</td></tr>
* <tr><td></td><td>{@link #execute}</td></tr> </table>
* <p>The {@code exchange} and {@code execute} methods are generalized versions of the more specific methods listed
* above them. They support additional, less frequently used combinations including support for requests using the
* HTTP PATCH method. However, note that the underlying HTTP library must also support the desired combination.
* <p>In addition the {@code exchange} and {@code execute} methods are generalized versions of
* the above methods and can be used to support additional, less frequent combinations (e.g.
* HTTP PATCH, HTTP PUT with response body, etc.). Note however that the underlying HTTP
* library used must also support the desired combination.
* <p>For each of these HTTP methods, there are three corresponding Java methods in the {@code RestTemplate}.
* Two variants take a {@code String} URI as first argument (eg. {@link #getForObject(String, Class, Object[])},
* {@link #getForObject(String, Class, Map)}), and are capable of substituting any {@linkplain UriTemplate URI templates}
* in that URL using either a {@code String} variable arguments array, or a {@code Map<String, String>}.
* The string varargs variant expands the given template variables in order, so that
* <pre class="code">
* String result = restTemplate.getForObject("{hotel}/bookings/{booking}", String.class, "42",
* "21");
* </pre>
* will perform a GET on {@code}. The map variant expands the template based
* on variable name, and is therefore more useful when using many variables, or when a single variable is used multiple
* times. For example:
* <pre class="code">
* Map&lt;String, String&gt; vars = Collections.singletonMap("hotel", "42");
* String result = restTemplate.getForObject("{hotel}/rooms/{hotel}", String.class, vars);
* </pre>
* will perform a GET on {@code}. Alternatively, there are {@link URI} variant
* methods ({@link #getForObject(URI, Class)}), which do not allow for URI templates, but allow you to reuse a single,
* expanded URI multiple times.
* <p>For each HTTP method there are 3 variants -- two accept a URI template string
* and URI variables (array or map) while a third accepts a {@link URI}.
* Note that for URI templates it is assumed encoding is necessary, e.g.
* {@code restTemplate.getForObject(" list")} becomes
* {@code ""}. This also means if the URI template
* or URI variables are already encoded, double encoding will occur, e.g.
* {@code} becomes
* {@code}). To avoid that use a {@code URI} method
* variant to provide (or re-use) a previously encoded URI. To prepare such an URI
* with full control over encoding, consider using
* {@link org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder}.
* <p>Furthermore, the {@code String}-argument methods assume that the URL String is unencoded. This means that
* <pre class="code">
* restTemplate.getForObject(" list");
* </pre>
* will perform a GET on {@code}. As a result, any URL passed that is already encoded
* will be encoded twice (i.e. {@code} will become {@code
*}). If this behavior is undesirable, use the {@code URI}-argument methods, which
* will not perform any URL encoding.
* <p>Internally the template uses {@link HttpMessageConverter} instances to
* convert HTTP messages to and from POJOs. Converters for the main mime types
* are registered by default but you can also register additional converters
* via {@link #setMessageConverters}.
* <p>Objects passed to and returned from these methods are converted to and from HTTP messages by
* {@link HttpMessageConverter} instances. Converters for the main mime types are registered by default,
* but you can also write your own converter and register it via the {@link #setMessageConverters messageConverters}
* bean property.
* <p>This template uses a {@link org.springframework.http.client.SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory} and a
* {@link DefaultResponseErrorHandler} as default strategies for creating HTTP connections or handling HTTP errors,
* respectively. These defaults can be overridden through the {@link #setRequestFactory(ClientHttpRequestFactory)
* requestFactory} and {@link #setErrorHandler(ResponseErrorHandler) errorHandler} bean properties.
* <p>This template uses a
* {@link org.springframework.http.client.SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory} and a
* {@link DefaultResponseErrorHandler} as default strategies for creating HTTP
* connections or handling HTTP errors, respectively. These defaults can be overridden
* through {@link #setRequestFactory} and {@link #setErrorHandler} respectively.
* @author Arjen Poutsma
* @author Brian Clozel
