@ -229,10 +229,11 @@ which lets you deal with profiles and `Environment` for customizing
@@ -229,10 +229,11 @@ which lets you deal with profiles and `Environment` for customizing
how beans are registered.
In the following example notice that:
- Type inference usually allows to avoid specifying the type for bean references like `ref("bazBean")`
- It is possible to use Kotlin top level functions to declare beans using callable references like `bean(::myRouter)` in this example
- When specifying `bean<Bar>()` or `bean(::myRouter)`, parameters are autowired by type
- The `FooBar` bean will be registered only if the `foobar` profile is active
* Type inference usually allows to avoid specifying the type for bean references like `ref("bazBean")`
* It is possible to use Kotlin top level functions to declare beans using callable references like `bean(::myRouter)` in this example
* When specifying `bean<Bar>()` or `bean(::myRouter)`, parameters are autowired by type
* The `FooBar` bean will be registered only if the `foobar` profile is active
@ -290,20 +291,23 @@ for more details and up-to-date information.
@@ -290,20 +291,23 @@ for more details and up-to-date information.
== Web
=== Router DSL
=== WebFlux Router DSL
Spring Framework comes with a Kotlin router DSL available in two flavors:
Spring Framework comes with a Kotlin router DSL available in 3 flavors:
- Reactive with {doc-root}/spring-framework/docs/{spring-version}/kdoc-api/spring-framework/org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server/-router-function-dsl/[router { }]
These DSL let you use the <<web-reactive#webflux-fn, WebFlux functional API>> to write clean
and idiomatic Kotlin code to build a `RouterFunction` instance as the following example shows:
These DSL let you write clean and idiomatic Kotlin code to build a `RouterFunction` instance as the following example shows:
val myRouter: RouterFunction<ServerResponse> = router {
class RouterRouterConfiguration {
fun mainRouter(userHandler: UserHandler) = router {
accept(TEXT_HTML).nest {
GET("/") { ok().render("index") }
GET("/sse") { ok().render("sse") }
@ -319,46 +323,56 @@ and idiomatic Kotlin code to build a `RouterFunction` instance as the following
@@ -319,46 +323,56 @@ and idiomatic Kotlin code to build a `RouterFunction` instance as the following
resources("/**", ClassPathResource("static/"))
NOTE: This DSL is programmatic, meaning that it allows custom registration logic of beans
through an `if` expression, a `for` loop, or any other Kotlin constructs. That can be useful
when you need to register routes depending on dynamic data (for example, from a database).
See https://github.com/mixitconf/mixit/tree/dafd5ccc92dfab6d9c306fcb60b28921a1ccbf79/src/main/kotlin/mixit/web/routes[MiXiT project routes]
for a concrete example.
See https://github.com/mixitconf/mixit/[MiXiT project] for a concrete example.
=== Coroutines
As of Spring Framework 5.2, https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines-overview.html[Coroutines] support
is provided via extensions for WebFlux client and server functional API. A dedicated
* https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines/-deferred/index.html[Deferred] and https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-core/kotlinx.coroutines.flow/-flow/index.html[Flow] return value support in Spring WebFlux annotated `@Controller`
* Suspending function support in Spring WebFlux annotated `@Controller`
* Extensions for WebFlux {doc-root}/spring-framework/docs/{spring-version}/kdoc-api/spring-framework/org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client/index.html[client] and {doc-root}/spring-framework/docs/{spring-version}/kdoc-api/spring-framework/org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server/index.html[server] functional API.