Update gradle MergePlugin to use the 'project.sourceSets.main.output'
for jar content rather than 'project.jar.source'. This prevents
superfluous MANIFEST.MF files from appearing in the merged jar.
Issue: SPR-10324
Update StringToEnumConverterFactory to search superclasses until
Class.isEnum() returns true. This allows conversion when the
enum class is obtained from the enum value:
public static enum SubFoo {
BAR { String s() { return "x"; } };
abstract String s();
conversionService.convert("BAR", SubFoo.BAR.getClass())
This fix is particularly important when converting collections of
Issue: SPR-10329
Deprecate HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY in favor of HttpStatus.FOUND
since HttpStatus.valueOf(302) will always return FOUND.
The name of the 302 status code was changed between HTTP 1.0 and
HTTP 1.1 but the underlying meaning remains the same.
Issue: SPR-10300
Update AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.getTypeForFactoryBean to
check AbstractBeanDefinition.hasBeanClass() before calling
getBeanClass(). The protects against a 'Bean class name [<name>] has
not been resolved into an actual Class' IllegalStateException.
Issue: SPR-10304
Before this change the presence of path params (e.g. "/foo;q=1/bar")
expected the request mapping to contain a URI variable in the place of
semicolon content (e.g. either "/{foo}/bar" or "/{foo};{fooParams}").
The change ensures path params are ignored in @RequestMapping patterns
so that "/foo/bar" matches to "/foo;q=1/bar" as well as
Along with this change, the RequestMappingHandlerMapping no longer
defaults to having semicolon content removed from the URL, which means
@MatrixVariable is supported by default without the need for any
further configuration.
Issue: SPR-10234
Add setOutputStreaming on SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory to allow the
disabling of 'output streaming' mode on the underlying connection so
that authentication and redirection can be handled automatically.
Issue: SPR-9617
Update reference guide to include a note about the use of
HttpPutFormContentFilter in combination with @RequestBody
MultiValueMap and HttpEntity.
Issue: SPR-8415
Change the org.apache.tiles.request.servlet.ServletRequest created
in TileView.checkResource to include the HttpServletRequest. This
is required when using a TilesConfigurer with useMutableTilesContainer
set to true. Without a HttpServletRequest the getRequestScope() method
will always return null causing exceptions in the CachingTilesContainer
Unfortunately the checkResource method does not provide access to the
HttpServletRequest so it must be obtained via the RequestContextHolder
Issue: SPR-10223
Change JodaTimeFormatterRegistrar and DateFormatterRegistrar to only
register converters for the Date and Calendar types when a global format
has been defined. This means that the ObjectToObject converter will
handle String->Date conversion using the deprecated Date(String)
constructor (as was the case with Spring 3.1).
Issue: SPR-10105
Prior to this commit several HTTP classes made use of FileCopyUtils
when reading from or writing to streams. This has the unfortunate
side effect of closing streams that should really be left open.
The problem is particularly noticeable when dealing with a
FormHttpMessageConverter that is writing a multi-part response.
Relevant HTTP classes have now been refactored to make use of a new
StreamUtils class that works in a similar way FileCopyUtils but does
not close streams.
The NonClosingOutputStream class from SimpleStreamingClientHttpRequest
has also been refactored to a StreamUtils method.
Issue: SPR-10095
Update HierarchicalUriComponents.toUri() to only prepend a missing '/'
when the scheme, user info, host or port are specified. This makes
the toUri() method behave in the same way as .toUriString() and allows
relative URIs to be created.
Issue: SPR-10231