* Eliminated redundant 'clinic' servlet mapping (was: http://localhost:8080/petclinic/clinic/owners; now: http://localhost:8080/petclinic/owners)
* A parameterless GET for /owners now returns the list of all owners, rather than an error.
* /owners/form is now /owners/search (distinguishes the 'search form' resource from the 'edit owner form' resource)
* Eliminated any need for redirects, <welcome-file-list/>, and index.jsp. Deleted all of them.
* Updated /owners/{oid}/edit to submit using PUT instead of POST
* Updated URI for edit pet form from /owners/{oid}/pets/{pid} to /owners/{oid}/pets/{pid}/edit (the edit form is a distinct resource)
* Updated /owners/{oid}/pets/{pid}/edit to submit using PUT instead of POST
Changes unrelated to the web interface:
* Partitioned up JSPs into new owners, pets, and vets folders.
* Renamed those JSPs, e.g. ownerForm.jsp -> owners/form.jsp; findOwners.jsp -> owners/search.jsp; owners.jsp -> owners/list.jsp
* Updated various controllers to respect the changes to the URI templates, etc.
* Updated .classpath to include all necessary projects and libs to run the webapp successfully in WTP
* Updated JSP error checking rules to relax validation of fragments like header.jsp and footer.jsp
Created DbcpDataSourceFactory factory bean to create and populate a dbcp based connection pool. The factory bean is based on EmbeddedDataSourceFactory from the JavaConfig version of Pet Clinic. The new DbcpDataSourceFactory has been tested with HSQL in embedded and stand-alone modes.
+ Removed unused imports for @RequestParam
Note: While unit tests pass in eclipse, NoClassDefFound errors are still being thrown when tests are run from the command line.