Anywhere the value of a destroy method may be expressed, specifying
the value "(inferred)" now indicates that the container should attempt
to automatically discover a destroy method. This functionality is
currently limited to detecting public, no-arg methods named 'close';
this is particularly useful for commonly used types such as Hibernate
SessionFactory most JDBC DataSource implementations, JMS connection
factories, and so forth.
This special value is captured as the constant
AbstractBeanDefinition#INFER_METHOD, which in turn serves as the default
value of the @Bean#destroyMethod attribute.
For example in the following case
public BasicDataSource dataSource() { ... }
the container will automatically detect BasicDataSource#close and invoke
it when the enclosing ApplicationContext is closed. This is exactly
equivalent to
public BasicDataSource dataSource() { ... }
A user may override this inference-by-default convention simply by
specifying a different method
public MyBasicDataSource dataSource() { ... }
or, in the case of a bean that has an otherwise inferrable 'close'
method, but the user wishes to disable handling it entirely, an empty
string may be specified
public MyBasicDataSource dataSource() { ... }
The special destroy method name "(inferred)" may also be specified in
an XML context, e.g.
<bean destroy-method="(inferred)">
<beans default-destroy-method="(inferred)">
Note that "(inferred)" is the default value for @Bean#destroyMethod,
but NOT for the destroy-method and default-destroy-method attributes
in the spring-beans XML schema.
The principal reason for introducing this feature is to avoid forcing
@Configuration class users to type destroyMethod="close" every time a
closeable bean is configured. This kind of boilerplate is easily
forgotten, and this simple convention means the right thing is done
by default, while allowing the user full control over customization or
disablement in special cases.
Issue: SPR-8751
Use of package private @Bean methods can cause issues if the class
is extended and the sub-class is in a different package. This is
covered in detail in SPR-8756.