The MultipartHttpMessageWriter now directly encodes part header values
defaulting to UTF-8 and also specifies the charset in the
Content-Type header for the entire request.
This should work with something commonly used like Apache Commons
FileUpload which checks request.getCharacterEncoding() and uses it
for reading headers.
This commit introduces reactive multipart support by adding a new
MultipartHttpMessageReader interface (with default methods) and a
SynchronossMultipartHttpMessageReader implementation based on
the Synchronoss NIO Multipart implementation
Issue: SPR-14546
This commit introduces an explicit dependency on the latest JUnit
Vintage TestEngine so that it overrides whatever is bundled by
default in IntelliJ IDEA.
This allows for a more seamless upgrade to newer versions of JUnit 5 and
the JUnit Platform before IDEA has been officially updated to support
those versions, while simultaneously allowing developers to continue
to execute JUnit 4 based tests within IDEA.
This commit introduces an explicit dependency on the latest JUnit
Platform Launcher API so that it overrides whatever is bundled by
default in IntelliJ IDEA.
This allows a more seamless upgrade to newer versions of JUnit 5 and
the JUnit Platform before IDEA has been officially updated to support
those versions.
This commit adds support for reactive library types to be returned
directly from controller methods adapting them either to a
ResponseBodyEmitter (streaming) or DeferredResult (non-streaming).
The reactive libraries supported are the ones that can adapted to a
Reactive Streams Publisher through the ReactiveAdapterRegistry.
Issue: SPR-15365
This commit removes docbook from the documentation toolchain and
instead makes use of asciidoctor to render the reference documentation
in HTML and PDF formats.
The main Gradle build has been refactored with the documentation tasks
and sniffer tasks extracted to their own gradle file in the "gradle"
A new asciidoctor Spring theme is also used to render the HTML5 backend.
Issue: SPR-14997
Currently the BOM versions are:
* reactor-core 3.0.6.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
* reactor-netty 0.6.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
This commit fixes as well a few deprecations in reactor-core.