XFire is now CXF (per http://xfire.codehaus.org), and given that Spring
does not actually ship with any explicit XFire support, it makes sense
to remove the documentation completely. CXF does provide support for
writing services with Spring, and they provide their own documentation.
See http://cxf.apache.org/docs/writing-a-service-with-spring.html
Chapter 27 covered @Required and RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor but
did not hold together as a chapter unto itself. The IoC chapter already
makes mention of @Required and RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor,
though not in quite as much detail as Chapter 27 did. Links have been
updated throughout to reference these sections and Chatper 27 has been
eliminated entirely.
Prior to change, there were 175 instances of <methodname/> elements
including parentheses (e.g.: <methodname>foo()</methodname>, and
36 instances without.
Now all 211 instances include parentheses for consistency.
Documentation now:
- Reflects generic use of ApplicationListener interface
- Demonstrates use of ApplicationEventPublisher(Aware) instead of
ApplicationContext(Aware) for publishing custom events
- Provides a more complete narrative as to how each of the publisher,
listener, and event objects interact with one another
<programlisting/> elements must contain no newlines at beginning or end.
The following is an example of what not to do:
package com.foo.bar;
class XFoo implements Foo<X> {
This leaves newlines at the beginning and end of the programlisting
panel within the PDF. Instead, do it like this:
<programlisting><![CDATA[package com.foo.bar;
class XFoo implements Foo<X> {
- The sentence at the end of section 5.5.5 now refers to the
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="..."/> example at the end
of section 5.6.
- The sentence at the end of section 5.5.5 refers to the
FormatterConversionServiceFactoryBean section that follows.