Improved the SAX to StAX (and vice-versa) bridge exposed via StaxUtils.
The old integration had some issues with namespace declaration
attributes, brought to light in a XMLUnit upgrade.
Issue: SPR-11549
Prior to this commit, the codebase was using a mix of log4j.xml
and for test-related logging configuration. This
can be an issue as log4j takes the xml variant first when looking
for a default bootstrap configuration.
In practice, some modules declaring the properties variant were
taking the xml variant configuration from another module.
The general structure of the configuration has also been
harmonized to provide a standard console output as well as an
easy way to enable trace logs for the current module.
- Consistent importing of org.junit.Assert.*;
- Proper declaration of expected exceptions via @Test(expected).
- Renamed SpEL ExpressionTestCase to AbstractExpressionTests.
- Formatting and test method naming conventions.
XStream 1.4.5 doesn't check a given ConverterLookup for a ConverterRegistry implementation anymore, so we have to manually perform that check and assignment.
Issue: SPR-11147
Fix a variety of typos throughout the project, primarily in
comments (javadoc or otherwise) but also in a handful of log messages
and a couple exception messages.
ISSUE: SPR-11123
Fix remaining Java compiler warnings, mainly around missing
generics or deprecated code.
Also add the `-Werror` compiler option to ensure that any future
warnings will fail the build.
Issue: SPR-11064
Added "target-package" to the jibx-marshaller element. Also fixed "context-path" and "binding-name" to follow Spring's usual attribute naming convention.
Issue: SPR-10882
Also fixing an old XmlBeanFactory test that relies on "ref local" which is gone in the 4.0 xsd now, redeclaring the affected file to an older xsd version.
Added XStream CatchAllConverter that supports all classes, but throws
exceptions for (un)marshalling.
Main purpose of this class is to register this converter as a catchall
last converter with a normal or higher priority in addition to
converters that explicitly support the domain classes that should be
supported. As a result, default XStream converters with lower
priorities and possible security vulnerabilities do not get invoked.
Update ClassPathJaxb2TypeScanner to scan for @XmlRegistry classes.
Prior to this commit explicitly configured @XmlRegistry annotated classes
were not registered with the JAXBContext when using the 'packagesToScan'
property of the Jaxb2Unmarshaller.
Issue: SPR-10714
Previously the Jibx binding was commented out which caused failures when
using the TestGroup.CUSTOM_COMPILATION
Now the Jibx bindings are enabled when the CUSTOM_COMPILATION is enabled.
Issue: SPR-10558
Previously building with JDK > 1.8 b88 caused test failures due to errors
with custom compilers like Jibx and Jasper reports.
This commit adds a new TestGroup named CUSTOM_COMPILATION that allows the
CI server to continue to run these tests but allow committers to ignore
these tests.
Added 'processExternalEntities' property to the JAXB2Marshaller, which
indicates whether external XML entities are processed when
Default is false, meaning that external entities are not resolved.
Processing of external entities will only be enabled/disabled when the
Source} passed to #unmarshal(Source) is a SAXSource or StreamSource. It
has no effect for DOMSource or StAXSource instances.
Removed spring-beans.dtd (the 1.x variant) and spring-oxm-1.5.xsd (pre-Spring-Framework variant), in order to raise the backwards compatibility limit a little bit at least. We'll keep supporting the 2.0 and 2.5 xsd versions for the time being, as well as spring-beans-2.0.dtd.
Removed the ref 'local' attribute in spring-beans-4.0.xsd since 'local' lost its differentiating role to a regular bean ref back in the 3.1 days when we started allowing for the same bean id to reappear in a different beans section of the same configuration file (with a different profile).
Issue: SPR-10437