- Fixed AnnotationUtils.getValue() operation to ensure it re-throws AnnotationConfigurationException instead of swallowing it (as it is done in few other operations in AnnotationUtils)
- Added test
- Removed unnecessary '@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")'
Includes revised Log methods in log level order, with consistent delegation of fatal->error for log level checks in SLF4J and JUL, a JavaUtilDelegate for defensive access to java.logging on JDK 9, support for LogRecord message objects, as well as revised log setup recommendations.
Issue: SPR-15453
Issue: SPR-14512
This commit adds support for reactive library types to be returned
directly from controller methods adapting them either to a
ResponseBodyEmitter (streaming) or DeferredResult (non-streaming).
The reactive libraries supported are the ones that can adapted to a
Reactive Streams Publisher through the ReactiveAdapterRegistry.
Issue: SPR-15365
Follow-up to:
StringDecoder can be created in text-only vs "*/*" mode which in turn
allows a more intuitive order of client side decoders, e.g. SSE does
not have to be ahead of StringDecoder.
The commit also explicitly disables String from the supported types in
Jackson2Decoder leaving it to the StringDecoder in "*/*" mode which
comes after. This does not change the current arrangement since the
the StringDecoder ahead having "*/*" picks up JSON content just the
From a broader perspective this change allows any decoder to deal with
String if it wants to after examining the content type be it the SSE
or another, custom decoder. For Jackson there is very little value in
decoding to String which works only if the output contains a single
JSON string but will fail to parse anything else (JSON object/array)
while StringDecoder in "*/*" mode will not fail.
Issue: SPR-15374
CharSequenceEncoder now supports all MIME types, however since encoding
Flux<String> can overlap with other encoders (e.g. SSE) there are now
two ways to create a CharSequenceEncoder -- with support for text/plain
only or with support for any MIME type.
In WebFlux configuration we insert one CharSequenceEncoder for
text/plain (as we have so far) and a second instance with support for
any MIME type at the very end.
Issue: SPR-15374