This patch fixes several compiler warnings that do not point to code
problems. Two kinds of warnings are fixed. First in a lot of cases
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") is used although there are no unchecked
casts happening. This seems to be a leftover from when the code base
was on Java 1.4, now that the code base was moved to Java 1.5 these are
no longer necessary. Secondly there some places where the raw types of
List and Class are used where there wildcard types (List<?> and
Class<?>) would work just as well without causing any raw type warnings.
These changes are beneficial particularly when working in Eclipse or
other IDEs because it reduces 'noise', helping to isolate actual
potential problems in the code.
The following changes have been made:
- remove @SuppressWarnings where no longer needed
- use wildcard types instead of raw types where possible
Updated the class-level JavaDoc for @Bean to better explain the
semantics of 'lite' mode.
Renamed "Configuration Class Lite Mode" to "@Bean Lite Mode".
Added discussion of @DependsOn to the class-level JavaDoc.
Issue: SPR-9401
Overhauled the class-level JavaDoc in @Bean:
- added h3 headers for greater clarity and readability
- mentioned 'prototype' semantics for lite mode
Issue: SPR-9401
Prior to this change, request-scoped components having
@Resource-injected dependencies caused a memory leak in
Consider the following example:
@Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class MyComponent {
private HttpServletRequest request;
// ...
The bean name for "MyComponent" will end up being
'scopedTarget.myComponent', which will become a key in
the #dependenciesForBeanMap structure.
On the first request, the injected HttpServletRequest bean will be a
proxy and will internally have a bean name of the form
"$Proxy10@1a3a2a52". This name will be added to the Set value associated
with the 'scopedTarget.myComponent' entry in #dependenciesForBeanMap.
On the second request, the process will repeat, but the injected
HttpServletRequest will be a different proxy instance, thus having a
different identity hex string, e.g. "$Proxy10@5eba06ff". This name will
also be added to the Set value associated with the
'scopedTarget.myComponent' entry in #dependenciesForBeanMap, and this
is the source of the leak: a new entry is added to the set on each
request but should be added only once.
This commit fixes the leak by introducing caching to
CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor#ResourceElement similar to that already
present in AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor#AutowiredFieldElement
and #AutowiredMethodElement. Essentially, each ResourceElement instance
now tracks whether it has been created, caches the ultimate value to be
injected and returns it eagerly if necessary. Besides solving the memory
leak, this has the side effect of avoiding unnecessary proxy creation.
This fix also explains clearly why injection into request-scoped
components using @Autowired never suffered this memory leak: because the
correct caching was already in place. Because @Resource is considerably
less-frequently used than @Autowired, and given that this particular
injection arrangement is relatively infrequent, it becomes
understandable how this bug has been present without being reported
since the introduction of @Resource support in Spring 2.5: developers
were unlikely to encounter it in the first place; and if they did, the
leak was minor enough (adding strings to a Set), that it could
potentially go unnoticed indefinitely depending on request volumes and
available memory.
Issue: SPR-9176
Before this change there were numerous javadoc warnings being reported
while building Spring framework API.
This commit resolves most of the javadoc warnings, reducing the total
number from 265 to 103.
Issue: SPR-9113
Copy spring-*-3.1.xsd => spring-*-3.2.xsd; this commit introduces no
substantive changes, but rather prepares for them by creating a clean
baseline. All internal references to 3.1 schemas (e.g. spring-tool) have
also been updated.
Prior to this change, before a bean is created by EhCacheFactoryBean,
its #getObjectType would return only an Ehcache interface. This caused
unwanted wiring issues as described in the related JIRA issue.
This fix makes use of EhCacheFactoryBean's configuration to determine
the specific Ehcache object type even before it's created, such that
the container is provided with as much information as possible when
resolving dependencies. Nevertheless, users are advised to code to
the Ehcache interface.
Issue: SPR-7843
Changes in commit 41ade68b50 introduced
a regression causing all but the first location in the
@PropertySource#value array to be ignored during ${...} placeholder
resolution. This change ensures that all locations are processed and
replaced as expected.
Issue: SPR-9133, SPR-9127
This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
$ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/
will show history up until the renaming event, where
$ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/
will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the