When @ResponseStatus has a reason and servletResponse.sendError() is
called, the response is committed and should no longer be written to.
After this change, the ServletInvocableHandlerMethod will mark the
response fully handled and will ignore any non-null return values.
Issue: SPR-9159
Before this fix the q-value of media types in the Accept header were
ignored when using the new RequestMappingHandlerAdapter in combination
with @ResponseBody and HttpMessageConverters.
Issue: SPR-9160
Previously RequestMappingHandlerMapping detected @RequestMapping
methods through an initApplicationContext() hook. However, the
HandlerMapping may not have been fully set up with all its
dependencies at that point including settings like useSuffixPattern
and others.
This change moves the detection @RequestMapping methods to an
InitializingBean.afterPropertiesSet() hook.
Issue: SPR-9371
This was supported in DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping but not in the
RequestMappingHandlerMapping. The specific scenario where this matters
is a controller decorated with a JDK proxy. In this scenario the
HandlerMapping looks at interfaces only to decide if the bean is a
controller. The @Controller annotation is better left (and required)
on the class.
Issue: SPR-9374
Jackson serialization supports pretty printing. Usually it's enabled
by invoking ObjectMapper.configure(..), which is not convenient for
apps with XML configuration. The Jackson HttpMessageConverter and View
now both have a prettyPrint property.
A second more serious issue is documented here:
The workaround discussed at the above link has been implemented.
Issue: SPR-7201
Jackson 2 uses completely new package names and new maven artifact ids.
This change adds Jackson 2 as an optional dependency and also provides
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter and MappingJackson2JsonView for use
with the new version.
The MVC namespace and the MVC Java config detect and use
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter if Jackson 2 is present.
Otherwise if Jackson 1.x is present,
then MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter is used.
Issue: SPR-9302
This change updates Open-Session-in-View filters and interceptors for
use in async requests mainly ensuring the open Hibernate session is
unbound from the main request processing thread and bound to the to
async thread.
Issue: SPR-8517
Before this change there were numerous javadoc warnings being reported
while building Spring framework API.
This commit resolves most of the javadoc warnings, reducing the total
number from 265 to 103.
Issue: SPR-9113
* Clarify semantics and behavior of AsyncWebRequest methods in most cases
making a best effort and not raising an exception if async processing
has completed for example due to a timeout. The startAsync() method is
still protected with various checks and will raise ISE under a number
of conditions.
* Return 503 (service unavailable) when requests time out.
* Logging improvements.
Issue: SPR-8517
From a programming model perspective, @RequestMapping methods now
support two new return value types:
* java.util.concurrent.Callable - used by Spring MVC to obtain the
return value asynchronously in a separate thread managed transparently
by Spring MVC on behalf of the application.
* org.springframework.web.context.request.async.DeferredResult - used
by the application to produce the return value asynchronously in a
separate thread of its own choosing.
The high-level idea is that whatever value a controller normally
returns, it can now provide it asynchronously, through a Callable or
through a DeferredResult, with all remaining processing --
@ResponseBody, view resolution, etc, working just the same but
completed outside the main request thread.
From an SPI perspective, there are several new types:
* AsyncExecutionChain - the central class for managing async request
processing through a sequence of Callable instances each representing
work required to complete request processing asynchronously.
* AsyncWebRequest - provides methods for starting, completing, and
configuring async request processing.
* StandardServletAsyncWebRequest - Servlet 3 based implementation.
* AsyncExecutionChainRunnable - the Runnable used for async request
All spring-web and spring-webmvc Filter implementations have been
updated to participate in async request execution.
The open-session-in-view Filter and interceptors implementations in
spring-orm will be updated in a separate pull request.
Issue: SPR-8517
The new @MVC support classes select a HandlerMethodArgumentResolver
and a HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler statically, i.e. based on
the signature of the method, which means that a controller method
can't declare a more general return type like Object but actually
return a more specific one, e.g. String vs RedirectView, and
expect the right handler to be used.
The fix ensures that a HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler is selected
based on the actual return value type, which is something that was
supported with the old @MVC support classes. One consequence
of the change is the selected HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler can
no longer be cached but that matches the behavior of the old
@MVC support classes.
Issues: SPR-9218
Invalid Content-Type or Accept header values previously resulted in the
IllegalArgumentException getting propagated. After this change such
errors are detected and generally treated as a "no match", which
may for example result in a 406 in the case of the Accept header.
Issue: SPR-9148
A custom RequestCondition which can be provided by overriding methods
in RequestMappingHandlerMapping worked only for conditions that match
and did not return null (as it should have) for conditions that don't
Issues: SPR-9134
Copy spring-*-3.1.xsd => spring-*-3.2.xsd; this commit introduces no
substantive changes, but rather prepares for them by creating a clean
baseline. All internal references to 3.1 schemas (e.g. spring-tool) have
also been updated.
Before this change if FreeMarker Spring form macro was bound to a path
which contains square brackets, those brackets would also appear in id
of generated tag, making the id invalid.
As of this fix all FreeMarker Spring form macros generate tag with id
that does not contain square brackets.
Issue: SPR-8732
This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
$ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
will show history up until the renaming event, where
$ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories