This commit adds an extra test implementation that runs the cache
abstraction tests using a JSR-107 cache manager. This further covers
The actual JSR-107 implementation is ehcache-jcache that requires at
least ehcache 2.8.3. Since the ehcache-core artifact is no longer a
public artifact, this commit switches to the full ehcache library,
that is net.sf.ehcache:ehcache
This change improves the support for auto-registration of FreeMarker,
Velocity, and Tiles configuration.
The configuration is now conditional not only based on the classpath
but also based on whether a FreeMarkerConfigurer for example is already
present in the configuration.
This change also introduces FreeMarker~, Velocity~, and
TilesWebMvcConfigurer interfaces for customizing each view technology.
The WebMvcConfigurer can still be used to configure all view resolvers
centrally (including FreeMarker, Velocity, and Tiles) without some
default conifguration, i.e. without the need to use the new
~WebMvcConfigurer interfaces until customizations are required.
Issue: SPR-7093
Move spring-webmvc-tiles3 content to spring-webmvc, and
create a spring-webmvc-tiles2 module with Tiles 2 support.
Its allows View Resolution to configure Tiles 3 instead of Tiles 2.
Issue: SPR-7093
This change adds a new implementation of WebSocketClient that can
connect to a SockJS server using one of the SockJS transports
"websocket", "xhr_streaming", or "xhr". From a client perspective
there is no implementation difference between "xhr_streaming" and
"xhr". Just keep receiving and when the response is complete,
start over. Other SockJS transports are browser specific
and therefore not relevant in Java ("eventsource", "htmlfile" or
iframe based variations).
The client loosely mimics the behavior of the JavaScript SockJS client.
First it sends an info request to find the server capabilities,
then it tries to connect with each configured transport, falling
back, or forcing a timeout and then falling back, until one of the
configured transports succeeds.
The WebSocketTransport can be configured with any Spring Framework
WebSocketClient implementation (currently JSR-356 or Jetty 9).
The XhrTransport currently has a RestTemplate-based and a Jetty
HttpClient-based implementations. To use those to simulate a large
number of users be sure to configure Jetty's HttpClient executor
and maxConnectionsPerDestination to high numbers. The same is true
for whichever underlying HTTP library is used with the RestTemplate
(e.g. maxConnPerRoute and maxConnTotal in Apache HttpComponents).
Issue: SPR-10797
This commit adds support for Groovy Markup templates.
Spring's support requires Groovy 2.3.1+.
To use it, simply create a GroovyMarkupConfigurer and a
GroovyMarkupViewResolver beans in the web application context.
Issue: SPR-11789
This commit upgrades Hibernate-based integration tests in the
spring-test module to use Hibernate 4 instead of 3 and Hibernate
Validator 5 instead of 4. This streamlines and simplifies our
dependency management at the same time.
Issue: SPR-11834
This commit adds support to read and write JSON using the Google Gson
library. GsonHttpMessageConverter offers default Gson configuration, but
can be customized by using GsonFactoryBean. GsonFactoryBean includes
several convenience properties for configuring the internal GsonBuilder
and the resulting Gson object.
By default Gson converts byte arrays to JSON arrays instead of a Base64
encoded string. GsonBase64ByteArrayJsonTypeAdapter provides support to
read and write Base64 encoded byte arrays, and can be enabled in
RestTemplate will enable GsonHttpMessageConverter only if Jackson 2 is
not found on the class path, because by default GsonHttpMessageConverter
supports the same media types as Jackson.
Issue: SPR-9488
This commit migrates the YAML support available in Spring Boot to
the core framework. YAML documents can be loaded either as a
properties object or as a map.
Issue: SPR-9897
Animal sniffer provides tools to assist verifying that classes
compiled with a newer JDK are compatible with an older JDK.
This integratesthe latest version of the tool (1.11) that
permits the use of custom annotations. Added @UsesJava7,
@UsesJava8 and @UsesSunHttpServer and annotated the few places
where we rely on a specific environment.
The verification process can be invoked by running the 'sniff'
Issue: SPR-11604
This commit adds the support of JMS annotated endpoint. Can be
activated both by @EnableJms or <jms:annotation-driven/> and
detects methods of managed beans annotated with @JmsListener,
either directly or through a meta-annotation.
Containers are created and managed under the cover by a registry
at application startup time. Container creation is delegated to a
JmsListenerContainerFactory that is identified by the containerFactory
attribute of the JmsListener annotation. Containers can be
retrieved from the registry using a custom id that can be specified
directly on the annotation.
A "factory-id" attribute is available on the container element of
the XML namespace. When it is present, the configuration defined at
the namespace level is used to build a JmsListenerContainerFactory
that is exposed with the value of the "factory-id" attribute. This can
be used as a smooth migration path for users having listener containers
defined at the namespace level. It is also possible to migrate all
listeners to annotated endpoints and yet keep the
<jms:listener-container> or <jms:jca-listener-container> element to
share the container configuration.
The configuration can be fine-tuned by implementing the
JmsListenerConfigurer interface which gives access to the registrar
used to register endpoints. This includes a programmatic registration
of endpoints in complement to the declarative approach. A default
JmsListenerContainerFactory can also be specified to be used if no
containerFactory has been set on the annotation.
Annotated methods can have flexible method arguments that are similar
to what @MessageMapping provides. In particular, jms listener endpoint
methods can fully use the messaging abstraction, including convenient
header accessors. It is also possible to inject the raw
javax.jms.Message and the Session for more advanced use cases. The
payload can be injected as long as the conversion service is able to
convert it from the original type of the JMS payload. By
default, a DefaultJmsHandlerMethodFactory is used but it can be
configured further to support additional method arguments or to
customize conversion and validation support.
The return type of an annotated method can also be an instance of
Spring's Message abstraction. Instead of just converting the payload,
such response type allows to communicate standard and custom headers.
The JmsHeaderMapper infrastructure from Spring integration has also
been migrated to the Spring framework. SimpleJmsHeaderMapper is based
on SI's DefaultJmsHeaderMapper. The simple implementation maps all
JMS headers so that the generated Message abstraction has all the
information stored in the protocol specific message.
Issue: SPR-9882
An initial commit with expanded support for static resource handling:
- Add ResourceResolver strategy for resolving a request to a Resource
along with a few implementations.
- Add PublicResourceUrlProvider to get URLs for client-side use.
- Add ResourceUrlEncodingFilter and
PublicResourceUrlProviderExposingInterceptor along with initial
MVC Java config support.
Issue: SPR-10933
This commit adds support for the JSR-107 cache annotations alongside
the Spring's cache annotations, that is @CacheResult, @CachePut,
@CacheRemove and @CacheRemoveAll as well as related annotations
@CacheDefaults, @CacheKey and @CacheValue.
Spring's caching configuration infrastructure detects the presence of
the JSR-107 API and Spring's JCache implementation. Both
@EnableCaching and the cache namespace are able to configure the
required JCache infrastructure when necessary. Both proxy mode
and AspectJ mode are supported.
As JSR-107 permits the customization of the CacheResolver to use for
both regular and exception caches, JCacheConfigurer has been
introduced as an extension of CachingConfigurer and permits to define
If an exception is cached and should be rethrown, it is cloned and
the call stack is rewritten so that it matches the calling thread each
time. If the exception cannot be cloned, the original exception is
Internally, the interceptors uses Spring's caching abstraction by default
with an adapter layer when a JSR-107 component needs to be called.
This is the case for CacheResolver and CacheKeyGenerator.
The implementation uses Spring's CacheManager abstraction behind the
scene. The standard annotations can therefore be used against any
CacheManager implementation.
Issue: SPR-9616
This commit updates a number of dependencies upon Java EE specs to
use the preferred artifacts. Part of this change has been to move
to new API artifacts for both JSTL and JavaMail. In both cases these
new API jars are genuine API jars, i.e. they no longer contain an
implementation. Where needed, implementation dependencies have been
This commit rationalizes the use of @Order so that the standard
@Priority annotation can be used instead. The handling of both
annotations are now defined in OrderUtils.
This also updates the link to the JavaEE API so that we refer to
JavaEE7 instead of JavaEE6.
Issue: SPR-11639
This commit adds support for @Priority to filter multiple candidates
for autowiring. When multiple candidates are available for a given
bean, the bean annotated with @Primary is used. If none exists, the
one with the higher value for the @Priority annotation is used. If
two beans have the same priority a NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException
is thrown, just as if two beans are annotated with @Primary.
The underlying code for #getBean and #resolveDependency has been
merged as this feature is available for both dependency injection
and bean lookup by type.
Issue: SPR-10548
Improved the SAX to StAX (and vice-versa) bridge exposed via StaxUtils.
The old integration had some issues with namespace declaration
attributes, brought to light in a XMLUnit upgrade.
Issue: SPR-11549