This commit introduces two new `WebClient` methods: `retrieveMono` and
`retrieveFlux`, both of which offer direct access to the response body.
More importantly, these methods publish a WebClientException if the
response status code is in the 4xx or 5xx series.
Issue: SPR-14852
Prior to this commit, when using @EnabledIf or @DisabledIf in Spring's
JUnit Jupiter support, the test's ApplicationContext was always eagerly
loaded, even if the ApplicationContext would never be used (i.e., the
test was disabled). This behavior can lead to undesirable side effects
-- for example, attempting to load an application context that requires
services only available on the CI server when the test is not actually
running on the CI server.
This commit addresses this issue by introducing new boolean
`loadContext` flags in @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf. By default these
flags are set to false which means that the user's test application
context will not be loaded to evaluate the expression. On the contrary,
a dummy application context will be loaded instead, and expressions
will be evaluated against that dummy context. Consequently, if the user
wishes to interact with properties from the Spring Environment or with
beans from the test application context, the `loadContext` must be
explicitly set to true.
In addition, expressions which evaluate to a String must now evaluate
to exactly "true" or "false" (ignoring case and surrounding whitespace).
Issue: SPR-14649
This commit further refines 240f254 to also support java.util.Optional
for synchronized cache access (i.e. when the `sync` attribute on
`@Cacheable` is set to `true`).
Issue: SPR-14853
This commit makes sure that the `unregister` order of registered
application contexts has no incidence on the removal of the LiveBeansView
Rather than using the last application context's name to compute the
identity of the MBean to remove, the identity is stored when the MBean is
This commit also adds missing tests.
Issue: SPR-14848
This commit introduces a couple of changes to BodyInserters:
- Refactored writeWithMessageWriters into BiFunction
- BodyInserters.fromResource now uses ResourceMessagewriter from context
- BodyInserters.fromServerSentEvents now uses SseHttpMessageWriter from context
Reactor recently added the `ScriptedSubscriber` in its new
`reactor-addons` module. This `Subscriber` revissits the previous
`TestSubscriber` with many improvements, including:
* scripting each expectation
* builder API that guides you until the final verification step
* virtual time support
This commit refactor all existing tests to use this new
infrastructure and removed the `TestSubscriber` implementation.
Issue: SPR-14800
This commit improves NoSuchBeanDefinitionException to expose a full
ResolvableType rather than a raw class if a lookup by type failed. This
allows to know more about the underlying type and is typically useful
when a collection or map is required as the relevant generic type is the
actual bean that wasn't found.
Issue: SPR-14831
At present Tomcat expects a WriteListener to be registered immediately
on the initial thread so for the time being this commit ensures the
WriteListener is registered unconditionally for every request.
Issue: SPR-14772, SPR-14803
This commit removes factory methods for `RequestMappingHandlerMapping`
and `RequestMappingHandlerAdapter` from `WebReactiveConfigurer`.
`WebReactiveConfigurer` should promote only common customizations;
those factory methods should be overridden when extending
`WebReactiveConfigurationSupport`, in advanced configuration scenarios.
This commit replaces the lazy URI and headers initialization in the
reactive ServerHttpRequest in favor of eager initialization at
construction time. Both the URI and headers are nearly guaranteed to
be accessed for every request (URI for application path, headers for
"Origin" header).
Query params are still lazily parsed but parsing is idemptotent and
in the unlikely case of concurrent access (it's the framework that
typically accesses query params) it maybe parsed twice but should
be side effect free still.
Cookies are also parsed lazily and since we delegate to the "native"
request, it depends on the underlying runtime whether synchronization
is needed. This commit adds synchronization for the HttpServletRequest.
At present RxNetty, Reactor, and Undertow implementations provide
thread-safe access to cookies.
This commit introduces support for running multiple HttpHandler's under
distinct context paths which effectively allows running multiple
applications on the same server. ContextPathIntegrationTests contains
an example of two applications with different context paths.
In order to support this the HttpHandler adapters for all supported
runtimes now have a common base class HttpHandlerAdapterSupport
which has two constructor choices -- one with a single HttpHandler and
another with a Map<String, HttpHandler>.
Note that in addition to the contextPath under which an HttpHandler is
configured there may also be a "native" contextPath under which the
native runtime adapter is configured (e.g. Servlet containers). In such
cases the contextPath is a combination of the native contextPath and
the contextPath assigned to the HttpHandler. See for example
Issue: SPR-14726
This commit adds a bodyToMono and bodyToFlux convenience method to
ClientResponse/ServerRequest, similar to the body(Publisher) method that
is on ClientRequest/ServerResponse.
This commit introduces the following changes to web.reactive.function:
- Added RouterFunction.andRoute(), a combination of RouterFunction.and()
with RouterFunctions.route()
- ServerRequest.pathVariable() returns String instead of
Optional<String>. An exception is thrown if the variable is not present.
- Added HandlerFilterFunction.andThen and HandlerFilterFunction.apply()
This commit removes the usage of Reactor adapters (about to
be moved from Reactor Core to a new Reactor Adapter module).
Instead, RxReactiveStreams is now used for adapting RxJava
1 and Flowable methods are used for RxJava 2.
Issue: SPR-14824
This commit changes web.reactive.function to reflect the introduction of
the new WebClient. Changes include:
- Request -> ServerRequest
- Response -> ServerResponse
- FilterFunction -> HandlerFilterFunction
- StrategiesSupplier -> HandlerStrategies