This change defers determination of whether to invoke a message
converter in case of a null @ResponseBody value (or ResponseEntity with
a null body) until after the invocation of the ResponseBodyAdvice
chain. This allows a ResponseBodyAdvice to handle null values
potentially turning them into non-null value.s
Issue: SPR-12152
Prior to this change, getForRequestUrl implementation would only work
for applications with a non-empty servlet path. So web applications
mapped to "/" would trigger a IllegalStateException while checking the
current request against the request path within the current mapping.
This change relaxes this and only check that the path within mapping is
within the request URL.
Issue: SPR-12158
This change moves the resource-cache configuration to the
<resource-chain/> tag, since enabling/disabling resource cache should
be driven by a property or a SpEL expression.
So now that configuration can be set with XML attributes:
<mvc:resource-chain resource-cache="true"
cache-manager="resourceCache" cache-name="test-resource-cache">
In order to mirror the JavaConfig behavior, the "resource-cache"
attribute is required.
Issue: SPR-12129
Before this change ResourceUrlProvider used getUrlMap to detect
ResourceHttpRequestHandler instances, however the map may contain bean
names as is the case when using <mvc:resources>. Instead it now uses
This change adds a ResourceUrlProvider bean to the
ResourceBeanDefinitionParser to match the same in the Java config.
For consistency the name of the bean in the Java config is renamed.
Also a ResourceUrlProviderExposingInterceptor is declares as a global
Prior to this change, ResourceTransformers that transformed resources by
updating the links to other resources, worked only if links were
relative to the resource being transformed.
For example, when the CssLinkResourceTransformer rewrote links within
a "main.css" resource, only links such as "../css/other.css" were
Using relative links is a recommended approach, because it's totally
independent from the application servlet path, context path, mappings...
This change allows absolute links to be rewritten by those Transformers,
provided those links are accurate and point to existing resources.
Issue: SPR-12137
This commit changes the way a <mvc:resource-cache> can be configured
with a user defined Cache instance.
Now a reference to a CacheManager Bean and a Cache name must be
provided. This is a more flexible configuration for typical XML setups.
Issue: SPR-12129
With the new ResourceResolver abstraction and resource resolver chain
in 4.1, the assumption that resources are found by checking for the URL
path under the configured locations is no longer accurate.
A custom ResourceResolver could find resources in ways that don't
depend on a list of locations.
Issuse: SPR-12133
This change introduces a new <mvc:resource-chain/> tag that mirrors
the ResourceChainRegistration java config counterpart.
Resolvers and Transformers can be registered with bean/ref tags, and
specific tags have been created for <mvc:version-resovlver> and
<mvc:resource-cache> in order to make common configurations easier.
Note that a specific "auto-configuration" attribute on the
resource-chain allows to completely disable default registration of
Resolvers and Transformers (sane defaults considered by the Framework).
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/, classpath:/META-INF/">
<mvc:resource-cache cache="resourceCache"/>
<mvc:fixed-version-strategy version="abc" patterns="/**/*.js"/>
<mvc:content-version-strategy patterns="/**"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.AppCacheManifestTransformer"/>
This also fixes a typo in the class name of
Issue: SPR-12129
This change separates out resource chain related methods previously in
ResourceHandlerRegistration into a new class ResourceChainRegistration
with the goal of improving readability.
Along with that, the registration of caching resolver and transformer
is now explicitly controled with a boolean flag (on the method used
to obtain the ResourceChainRegistration) and an overloaded method
also allows providing a Cache instance.
Issue: SPR-12124
This change moves the VersionStrategy builder-style methods from
ResourceHandlerRegistration to VersionResourceResolver.
This makes the methods more universally usable and also makes use of
ResourceHandlerRegistration more readable, i.e. simply a sequence of
addResource and addTransformer calls.
The ResourceHandlerRegistration now checks if the last resolver is an
instance of PathResourceResolver and if so it skips adding it.
This change also creates and adds the VersionResourceResolver (as well
as CssLinkTransformer) the first time any VersionStrategy is
registered. This ensures that custom resolvers (including an extension
of PathResourceResolver) may be added both before and after the
Lastly this change renames addVersion and addVersionHash to be
consistent with addVersionStrategy.
Issue: SPR-12124
This change enables the ability to configure
ViewNameMethodReturnValueHandler & ModelAndViewMethodReturnValueHandler
with patterns to use to test for a custom redirect view name.
Issue: SPR-12054
This commit adds support for XML serialization/deserialization based on
the jackson-dataformat-xml extension. When using @EnableWebMvc or
<mvc:annotation-driven/>, Jackson will be used by default instead of JAXB2
if jackson-dataformat-xml classes are found in the classpath.
This commit introduces MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter and
MappingJackson2XmlView classes, and common parts between JSON
and XML processing have been moved to AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter
and AbstractJackson2View classes.
MappingJackson2XmlView supports serialization of a single object. If the model
contains multiple entries, MappingJackson2XmlView.setModelKey() should be
used to specify the entry to serialize.
Pretty print works in XML, but tests are not included since a Woodstox dependency
is needed, and it is better to continue testing spring-web and spring-webmvc
against JAXB2.
Issue: SPR-11785
Replace references to the old RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) with references
to the new RFCs 7230 to 7235.
This commit also deprecates:
- HttpStatus.USE_PROXY
- HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG in favor of HttpStatus.URI_TOO_LONG
Issue: SPR-12067
This change adds new methods in the ResourceHandlerRegistration API
for registering ResourceResolvers and ResourceTransformers, allowing
to better handle server-side resources in web applications.i
Here is an example of configuration for an HTML5 web application
that uses JavaScript and HTML5 appcache manifests:
.addTransformer(new AppCacheManifestTransfomer())
.addVersion("v1", "/**/*.js")
Issue: SPR-11982