This is where the master build that creates releases of Spring Framework resides. The build system is based on spring-build, which is linked in using an SVN external to Build Pre-requisites: - javac 1.6 or > must be in your system path - ant 1.7 or > must be in your system path - set ANT_OPTS as follows (to avoid out of memory errors): ANT_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xmx1024m -Dtest.vm.args='-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx1024m'" USERS - To build all Spring Framework projects, including samples: 1. From this directory, run: ant - To install the built artifacts into your local Maven cache: 1. From this directory, run: ant install-maven - For a complete tutorial, see: DEVELOPERS - To build a new Spring Framework distribution for release: 1. Update the files containing the version number to reflect the new release version, if necessary. build-spring-framework/resources/readme.txt spring-framework/src/spring-framework-reference.xml 2. From this directory, run: ant jar package The release archive will be created and placed in: target/artifacts