[[transaction]] = Transaction Management Comprehensive transaction support is among the most compelling reasons to use the Spring Framework. The Spring Framework provides a consistent abstraction for transaction management that delivers the following benefits: * A consistent programming model across different transaction APIs, such as Java Transaction API (JTA), JDBC, Hibernate, and the Java Persistence API (JPA). * Support for xref:data-access/transaction/declarative.adoc[declarative transaction management]. * A simpler API for xref:data-access/transaction/programmatic.adoc[programmatic] transaction management than complex transaction APIs, such as JTA. * Excellent integration with Spring's data access abstractions. The following sections describe the Spring Framework's transaction features and technologies: * xref:data-access/transaction/motivation.adoc[Advantages of the Spring Framework's transaction support model] describes why you would use the Spring Framework's transaction abstraction instead of EJB Container-Managed Transactions (CMT) or choosing to drive transactions through a proprietary API. * xref:data-access/transaction/strategies.adoc[Understanding the Spring Framework transaction abstraction] outlines the core classes and describes how to configure and obtain `DataSource` instances from a variety of sources. * xref:data-access/transaction/tx-resource-synchronization.adoc[Synchronizing resources with transactions] describes how the application code ensures that resources are created, reused, and cleaned up properly. * xref:data-access/transaction/declarative.adoc[Declarative transaction management] describes support for declarative transaction management. * xref:data-access/transaction/programmatic.adoc[Programmatic transaction management] covers support for programmatic (that is, explicitly coded) transaction management. * xref:data-access/transaction/event.adoc[Transaction bound event] describes how you could use application events within a transaction. The chapter also includes discussions of best practices, xref:data-access/transaction/application-server-integration.adoc[application server integration], and xref:data-access/transaction/solutions-to-common-problems.adoc[solutions to common problems].