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* Apply the JVM Toolchain conventions
* See https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/toolchains.html
* One can choose the toolchain to use for compiling and running the TEST sources.
* These options apply to Java, Kotlin and Groovy test sources when available.
* {@code "./gradlew check -PtestToolchain=22"} will use a JDK22
* toolchain for compiling and running the test SourceSet.
* By default, the main build will fall back to using the a JDK 17
* toolchain (and 17 language level) for all main sourceSets.
* See {@link org.springframework.build.JavaConventions}.
* Gradle will automatically detect JDK distributions in well-known locations.
* The following command will list the detected JDKs on the host.
* {@code
* $ ./gradlew -q javaToolchains
* }
* We can also configure ENV variables and let Gradle know about them:
* {@code
* $ echo JDK17
* /opt/openjdk/java17
* $ echo JDK22
* /opt/openjdk/java22
* $ ./gradlew -Porg.gradle.java.installations.fromEnv=JDK17,JDK22 check
* }
* @author Brian Clozel
* @author Sam Brannen
def testToolchainConfigured() {
return project.hasProperty('testToolchain') && project.testToolchain
def testToolchainLanguageVersion() {
if (testToolchainConfigured()) {
return JavaLanguageVersion.of(project.testToolchain.toString())
return JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin).configureEach {
// Configure a specific Java Toolchain for compiling and running tests if the 'testToolchain' property is defined
if (testToolchainConfigured()) {
def testLanguageVersion = testToolchainLanguageVersion()
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).matching { it.name.contains("Test") }.configureEach {
javaCompiler = javaToolchains.compilerFor {
languageVersion = testLanguageVersion
javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor {
languageVersion = testLanguageVersion
// Enable Java experimental support in Bytebuddy
// Remove when JDK 22 is supported by Mockito
if (testLanguageVersion == JavaLanguageVersion.of(22)) {
// Configure the JMH plugin to use the toolchain for generating and running JMH bytecode
pluginManager.withPlugin("me.champeau.jmh") {
if (testToolchainConfigured()) {
tasks.matching { it.name.contains('jmh') && it.hasProperty('javaLauncher') }.configureEach {
javaLauncher.set(javaToolchains.launcherFor {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).matching { it.name.contains("Jmh") }.configureEach {
javaCompiler = javaToolchains.compilerFor {
languageVersion = testToolchainLanguageVersion()
// Store resolved Toolchain JVM information as custom values in the build scan.
rootProject.ext {
resolvedMainToolchain = false
resolvedTestToolchain = false
gradle.taskGraph.afterTask { Task task, TaskState state ->
if (!resolvedMainToolchain && task instanceof JavaCompile && task.javaCompiler.isPresent()) {
def metadata = task.javaCompiler.get().metadata
task.project.buildScan.value('Main toolchain', "$metadata.vendor $metadata.languageVersion ($metadata.installationPath)")
resolvedMainToolchain = true
if (testToolchainConfigured() && !resolvedTestToolchain && task instanceof Test && task.javaLauncher.isPresent()) {
def metadata = task.javaLauncher.get().metadata
task.project.buildScan.value('Test toolchain', "$metadata.vendor $metadata.languageVersion ($metadata.installationPath)")
resolvedTestToolchain = true