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= Spring Projects in Kotlin
This section provides some specific hints and recommendations worth for developing Spring projects
in Kotlin.
== Final by Default
By default, https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/classes-final-by-default/166[all classes in Kotlin are `final`].
The `open` modifier on a class is the opposite of Java's `final`: It allows others to inherit from this
class. This also applies to member functions, in that they need to be marked as `open` to be overridden.
While Kotlin's JVM-friendly design is generally frictionless with Spring, this specific Kotlin feature
can prevent the application from starting, if this fact is not taken into consideration. This is because
Spring beans (such as `@Configuration` annotated classes which by default need to be extended at runtime for technical
reasons) are normally proxied by CGLIB. The workaround is to add an `open` keyword on each class and
member function of Spring beans that are proxied by CGLIB, which can
quickly become painful and is against the Kotlin principle of keeping code concise and predictable.
NOTE: It is also possible to avoid CGLIB proxies for configuration classes by using `@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)`.
See {api-spring-framework}/context/annotation/Configuration.html#proxyBeanMethods--[`proxyBeanMethods` Javadoc] for more details.
Fortunately, Kotlin provides a
plugin (a preconfigured version of the `kotlin-allopen` plugin) that automatically opens classes
and their member functions for types that are annotated or meta-annotated with one of the following
* `@Component`
* `@Async`
* `@Transactional`
* `@Cacheable`
Meta-annotation support means that types annotated with `@Configuration`, `@Controller`,
`@RestController`, `@Service`, or `@Repository` are automatically opened since these
annotations are meta-annotated with `@Component`.
https://start.spring.io/#!language=kotlin&type=gradle-project[start.spring.io] enables
the `kotlin-spring` plugin by default. So, in practice, you can write your Kotlin beans
without any additional `open` keyword, as in Java.
NOTE: The Kotlin code samples in Spring Framework documentation do not explicitly specify
`open` on the classes and their member functions. The samples are written for projects
using the `kotlin-allopen` plugin, since this is the most commonly used setup.
== Using Immutable Class Instances for Persistence
In Kotlin, it is convenient and considered to be a best practice to declare read-only properties
within the primary constructor, as in the following example:
class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
You can optionally add https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/data-classes.html[the `data` keyword]
to make the compiler automatically derive the following members from all properties declared
in the primary constructor:
* `equals()` and `hashCode()`
* `toString()` of the form `"User(name=John, age=42)"`
* `componentN()` functions that correspond to the properties in their order of declaration
* `copy()` function
As the following example shows, this allows for easy changes to individual properties, even if `Person` properties are read-only:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
val jack = Person(name = "Jack", age = 1)
val olderJack = jack.copy(age = 2)
Common persistence technologies (such as JPA) require a default constructor, preventing this
kind of design. Fortunately, there is a workaround for this
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32038177/kotlin-with-jpa-default-constructor-hell["`default constructor hell`"],
since Kotlin provides a https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/compiler-plugins.html#kotlin-jpa-compiler-plugin[`kotlin-jpa`]
plugin that generates synthetic no-arg constructor for classes annotated with JPA annotations.
If you need to leverage this kind of mechanism for other persistence technologies, you can configure
the https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/compiler-plugins.html#how-to-use-no-arg-plugin[`kotlin-noarg`]
NOTE: As of the Kay release train, Spring Data supports Kotlin immutable class instances and
does not require the `kotlin-noarg` plugin if the module uses Spring Data object mappings
(such as MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, and others).
== Injecting Dependencies
Our recommendation is to try to favor constructor injection with `val` read-only (and
non-nullable when possible) https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/properties.html[properties],
as the following example shows:
class YourBean(
private val mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate,
private val solrClient: SolrClient
NOTE: Classes with a single constructor have their parameters automatically autowired.
That's why there is no need for an explicit `@Autowired constructor` in the example shown
If you really need to use field injection, you can use the `lateinit var` construct,
as the following example shows:
class YourBean {
lateinit var mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate
lateinit var solrClient: SolrClient
== Injecting Configuration Properties
In Java, you can inject configuration properties by using annotations (such as pass:q[`@Value("${property}")`)].
However, in Kotlin, `$` is a reserved character that is used for
https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/idioms.html#string-interpolation[string interpolation].
Therefore, if you wish to use the `@Value` annotation in Kotlin, you need to escape the `$`
character by writing pass:q[`@Value("\${property}")`].
NOTE: If you use Spring Boot, you should probably use
instead of `@Value` annotations.
As an alternative, you can customize the property placeholder prefix by declaring the
following configuration beans:
fun propertyConfigurer() = PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer().apply {
You can customize existing code (such as Spring Boot actuators or `@LocalServerPort`)
that uses the `${...}` syntax, with configuration beans, as the following example shows:
fun kotlinPropertyConfigurer() = PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer().apply {
fun defaultPropertyConfigurer() = PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer()
== Checked Exceptions
Java and https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/exceptions.html[Kotlin exception handling]
are pretty close, with the main difference being that Kotlin treats all exceptions as
unchecked exceptions. However, when using proxied objects (for example classes or methods
annotated with `@Transactional`), checked exceptions thrown will be wrapped by default in
an `UndeclaredThrowableException`.
To get the original exception thrown like in Java, methods should be annotated with
to specify explicitly the checked exceptions thrown (for example `@Throws(IOException::class)`).
== Annotation Array Attributes
Kotlin annotations are mostly similar to Java annotations, but array attributes (which are
extensively used in Spring) behave differently. As explained in the
https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/annotations.html[Kotlin documentation] you can omit
the `value` attribute name, unlike other attributes, and specify it as a `vararg` parameter.
To understand what that means, consider `@RequestMapping` (which is one of the most widely
used Spring annotations) as an example. This Java annotation is declared as follows:
public @interface RequestMapping {
String[] value() default {};
String[] path() default {};
RequestMethod[] method() default {};
// ...
The typical use case for `@RequestMapping` is to map a handler method to a specific path
and method. In Java, you can specify a single value for the annotation array attribute,
and it is automatically converted to an array.
That is why one can write
`@RequestMapping(value = "/toys", method = RequestMethod.GET)` or
`@RequestMapping(path = "/toys", method = RequestMethod.GET)`.
However, in Kotlin, you must write `@RequestMapping("/toys", method = [RequestMethod.GET])`
or `@RequestMapping(path = ["/toys"], method = [RequestMethod.GET])` (square brackets need
to be specified with named array attributes).
An alternative for this specific `method` attribute (the most common one) is to
use a shortcut annotation, such as `@GetMapping`, `@PostMapping`, and others.
NOTE: If the `@RequestMapping` `method` attribute is not specified, all HTTP methods will
be matched, not only the `GET` method.
== Testing
This section addresses testing with the combination of Kotlin and Spring Framework.
The recommended testing framework is https://junit.org/junit5/[JUnit 5] along with
https://mockk.io/[Mockk] for mocking.
NOTE: If you are using Spring Boot, see
https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-features-kotlin-testing[this related documentation].
=== Constructor injection
As described in the xref:testing/testcontext-framework/support-classes.adoc#testcontext-junit-jupiter-di[dedicated section],
JUnit 5 allows constructor injection of beans which is pretty useful with Kotlin
in order to use `val` instead of `lateinit var`. You can use
{api-spring-framework}/test/context/TestConstructor.html[`@TestConstructor(autowireMode = AutowireMode.ALL)`]
to enable autowiring for all parameters.
@TestConstructor(autowireMode = AutowireMode.ALL)
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests(val orderService: OrderService,
val customerService: CustomerService) {
// tests that use the injected OrderService and CustomerService
=== `PER_CLASS` Lifecycle
Kotlin lets you specify meaningful test function names between backticks (```).
As of JUnit 5, Kotlin test classes can use the `@TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)`
annotation to enable single instantiation of test classes, which allows the use of `@BeforeAll`
and `@AfterAll` annotations on non-static methods, which is a good fit for Kotlin.
You can also change the default behavior to `PER_CLASS` thanks to a `junit-platform.properties`
file with a `junit.jupiter.testinstance.lifecycle.default = per_class` property.
The following example demonstrates `@BeforeAll` and `@AfterAll` annotations on non-static methods:
class IntegrationTests {
val application = Application(8181)
val client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8181")
fun beforeAll() {
fun `Find all users on HTML page`() {
.expectNextMatches { it.contains("Foo") }
fun afterAll() {
=== Specification-like Tests
You can create specification-like tests with JUnit 5 and Kotlin.
The following example shows how to do so:
class SpecificationLikeTests {
@DisplayName("a calculator")
inner class Calculator {
val calculator = SampleCalculator()
fun `should return the result of adding the first number to the second number`() {
val sum = calculator.sum(2, 4)
assertEquals(6, sum)
fun `should return the result of subtracting the second number from the first number`() {
val subtract = calculator.subtract(4, 2)
assertEquals(2, subtract)
=== `WebTestClient` Type Inference Issue in Kotlin
Due to a https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-5464[type inference issue], you must
use the Kotlin `expectBody` extension (such as `.expectBody<String>().isEqualTo("toys")`),
since it provides a workaround for the Kotlin issue with the Java API.
See also the related https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-16057[SPR-16057] issue.